






发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:00| 查看数: 866| 评论数: 0|


A Joyful Day In Boston Ends In Shock

A marathon is human joy on a grand scale. The training can be solitary, especially on those bleak winter mornings, running in the darkness when all you can hear is your breath and the mad neighborhood dogs, barking at themselves. But the race itself is a jubilant parade, loud and visible for spectators and participants: all those legs of different ages and inspirations, motoring fast and slow over familiar streets.


The energy from the crowd will lift you off your feet. Marathoners will complain about the chafed legs and the blisters but they know the truth: this sport is addictive and affirming, whether you finish in two and-a-half hours or six. This is why marathoning has blossomed in this country, especially in the grass roots, where few people are competing against anything other than themselves. The finish is the thing -- that's where the real joy is. For many men and women who cross that line, completing a marathon becomes one of the happiest days of their lives.


What happened in Boston Monday is a terrible tragedy in any context.


It would be awful anywhere, in any setting. But there is something utterly wicked about it happening at such a public location, near the marathon finish line on the storied concrete of Boylston Street. Just steps from what is traditionally the scene of so much personal triumph -- people pushing themselves to limits they never thought they had -- there is only madness and horror.

在任何一种情境下发生这样的事都让人难以接受,但在这样一个公共地点,在人们津津乐道的博伊尔斯顿街(Boylston Street)马拉松赛终点线附近发生这样的事,其间尤其有着一种极其邪恶的意味。传统上,这里是个人享受胜利喜悦的地方,因为他们不断挑战了自己极限,做到了自己此前从未想过能做到的事,但就在离这里只有几步远的地方,疯狂和恐惧成了人们感受到的唯一的东西。

Information from Boston continues to pour in, much of it incomplete, most of it terrifying. The reported tolls are devastating: two dead and at least 100 injured. Victims are said to include both spectators and runners; video from the scene is frantic and terrifying. As first responders rushed to attend to victims, there was mayhem and fear and bursts of news that have proven both true and erroneous. Relatives and friends began the nauseating process of trying to connect with loved ones who'd intended to run. Police urged residents to stay home. Officials halted trains and air traffic. On a day of civic celebration, Boston met the evening on a nervous lockdown.


An afternoon unraveled in blunt shock. Patriots' Day in Boston is a brilliantly choreographed sports day -- the marathon sets off in the morning, followed by a Red Sox game that begins before lunch and it is possible to finish up at Fenway Park, wander over the Mass Pike and catch a bunch of the race. The marathon has produced some local legends -- Bill Rodgers, Joan Benoit Samuelson, Dick and Rick Hoyt -- but mostly it's about the crowd. The Boston Marathon may be an elite race in which participants are asked to qualify but what makes it memorable are the little things that make any race special: the visible personal battles, played out on public stage, from Hopkinton to Boston.

这个下午发生的一切令人震惊。波士顿的爱国者节一般会安排精彩的体育比赛,马拉松比赛上午开始,随后是在午饭之前开始的红袜队(Red Sox)的比赛。在波士顿芬威公园球场(Fenway Park)看完红袜队的比赛后,你可以闲逛着穿过Mass Pike公路,看一会马拉松比赛。波士顿的马拉松赛事诞生了一些当地的传奇人物:罗杰斯(Bill Rodgers)、萨缪尔森(Joan Benoit Samuelson)、迪克•霍伊特(Dick Hoyt)和瑞克•霍伊特(Rick Hoyt),但它主要还是属于大多数人的比赛。波士顿马拉松赛可能是一项精英赛事,参与者需要满足一定资格,但是这项比赛最令人难忘的还是一些细节,是从霍普金顿(Hopkinton)到波士顿的众人瞩目的道路上,选手与自身的较量。所有的比赛都会因为这样的细节而不同。

This is a city that has won its share of championships and seen its share of championship parades over the past decade, but Patriots' Day is Boston at its best. Though it's a holiday for many, there's a sense of a whole city playing hooky. It's the best Monday in the history of Mondays.


Now it is not. The athletic aspect of the Boston Marathon feels hopelessly unimportant now, as it should. There are dead, there are injured, there are lives permanently changed and trauma that will never completely fade.


There's also abundant outrage, and justifiably so. The act is unconscionable and the vulnerability is universal. What appears to have happened in Boston could happen anywhere.


In the coming days, it is almost certain that more will be learned about the explosions and the motives behind it. A clearer picture will emerge. There will be eyewitness accounts and mourning and a stillness that comes with heartache. What there won't be -- at least for a long time, is a finish line.


The end of Boston Marathon was an exhilarating experience for runners, a sharp right off Commonwealth Avenue onto Hereford Street and then a quick left onto Boylston before all that noise and the thrilling final strides.

波士顿马拉松赛终点前的那段路对于参赛者来说本是一次令人愉快的体验,从波士顿联邦大道(Commonwealth Avenue)向右转到赫里福德街(Hereford Street),然后左转到波伊尔斯顿街(Boylston Street),随后是人群的欢呼声,以及令人兴奋的最后几步。

That scene, once joyous, is full of pain. Boston is at the beginning of a long, brutal process and the finish now looks, devastatingly, a million miles away.



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