





新英语900句之生活篇 lesson7 NET SURFING 网上冲浪

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:41| 查看数: 1495| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.400]--- lesson7 NET SURFING 网上冲浪

[00:05.800]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:09.600]I need to download some lessons for class.^我需要给班上下载一些课程。

[00:14.160]My connection is too slow.^我的连接速度太慢了。

[00:17.960]I’ll get off in a couple of minutes.^我马上就断线。

[00:21.840]This internet bar is too expensive.^这个网吧太贵了。

[00:26.360]I need to go to a news website .^我需要上一个新闻网站。

[00:30.600]One of my friends has its own website.^我的一个朋友有自己的网站。

[00:34.920]What is your e-mail address?^你的电子邮箱地址是什么?

[00:38.000]Do you have e-mail?^你有电子邮箱吗?

[00:41.080]My server is having problems this morning.^我的服务器今天早上出了问题。

[00:45.440]It is difficult to get some foreign websites in China.^在中国很难找到一些国外网站。

[00:50.560]You can find a lot of information on the internet that is free.^你可以在网上找到很多免费的信息。

[00:56.200]What are you doing on the internet that takes so long?^你上网这么久,都干些什么呢?

[01:00.640]Sometimes I just like surfing the net.^有时,我就是喜欢在网上冲浪。

[01:05.000]There are many things on the internet that are inappropriate for a boy your age.^在网上有许多东西是不适合你这种年龄的男孩的。

[01:11.480]Well, the internet is becoming available all over the world.People are using it for business, education and just for fun.^嗯,全世界都可以用因特网了。人们用它来做生意,获得教育,还有娱乐。



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