





新英语900句之生活篇 lesson13 Newspaper and Magazines 报纸和杂志

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:45| 查看数: 1497| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.040]--- lesson13Newspaper and Magazines 报纸和杂志

[00:06.240]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:10.000]This newspaper is very liberal in its opinions.^这份报纸的观点很开放。

[00:15.360]I read the paper online every morning.^我每天早上在网上看报纸。

[00:19.440]He just got a subscription to that magazine.^他刚订了那份杂志。

[00:24.120]The pictures are good, but the magazine articles aren’t very interesting.^这些图片都很好,但是杂志文章并不有趣。

[00:30.560]The newspaper has a lot of unpleasant stories.^这报纸上有很多令人不愉快的故事。

[00:35.760]My father is a journalist for the New York Times.^我父亲是《纽约时报》的记者。

[00:40.920]I only read the headlines, not the entire paper.^我只是读标题,不是整张报纸。

[00:46.200]This magazine focuses on politics.^这份报纸主要是关于政治的。

[00:50.880]International news is hard to understand sometimes.^有时候国际新闻很难懂。

[00:56.560]This week’s issue has a good interview with the governor.^这个星期的一期上有采访州长的文章。

[01:01.640]I can’t afford to have the paper every day, so I only have the Sunday paper delivered.^日报我订不起,所以我只订了报纸的周日版。

[01:08.680]Because the Sunday paper has a summary of the week’s news stories as well as extra sections about style, health, books, and culture.^因为周日版除了有一周新闻概要,还有其它的关于时尚、健康、书籍和文化的版面。

[01:18.040]I can’t live without my morning paper. I read it while having breakfast and drinking my coffee.^我离不开早报。我一边看报,一边吃早餐,喝咖啡。

[01:25.160]It’s a fashion magazine. It has lots of articles about clothes and make-up.^它是时尚杂志。里面有很多关于服装和化妆的文章。

[01:31.680]I suppose that’s why they print so many different kinds of magazines, because people have such different preferences.^我想这就是为什么要发行这么多种杂志的原因,因为不同的人有不同的偏好。



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