






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-10 12:00| 查看数: 1135| 评论数: 0|

One of the world’s first disruptive technologies was invented just over 5,000 years ago when someone attached circular objects to an axle to create a form of transport.


We cannot know how contemporaries reacted to the invention of the wheel, although its legacy for humanity is clear. And even in the modern age, the true impact of a disruptive technology on the global economy may take many years to be realised.


By any measure, the changes wrought by the internet have been fast. In the less than 20 years since the internet became commercially available, what began as an idea for scientists to share information by connecting their computers has grown to touch almost every aspect of our lives, from business, finance and education to shopping, relationships and entertainment.


James McQuivey, digital disruption expert at Forrester Research, says: “The number one effect [of the internet] from a purely macroeconomic perspective is that we are witnessing the dramatic reduction of the friction that was presumed to be unavoidable in the modern economy.

福里斯特调查公司(Forrester Research)“数字化颠覆”专家詹姆斯•麦奎维(James McQuivey)说:“从纯粹的宏观经济角度来看,互联网带来的第一大影响就是,我们正在见证,现代经济中被认为不可避免的摩擦正在急剧减少。”

“The industrial era helped us master the production of materials, and what some called the information age helped us transfer some information quickly. But none of that created the kind of change we are on the cusp of now, where the friction that slows down the economy is being reduced in every aspect of business – in some cases to zero. Even in parts of the economy that we thought were efficient, we are finding new efficiencies to be gained.”


Initial excitement about the possibilities offered by the internet created the dotcom boom of the late 1990s. Today, more than a decade after that bubble burst, a clearer picture has begun to emerge about the role of internet-based innovation in society.


The internet’s total contribution to global gross domestic product is bigger than the GDP of Spain or Canada and is growing faster than that of Brazil, according to estimates in a 2011 report by McKinsey Global Institute, part of the McKinsey management consultancy.

管理咨询机构麦肯锡(McKinsey)旗下的麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)2011年的一份报告估测,互联网对全球GDP的整体贡献大于西班牙或者加拿大的GDP,并且正在以高于巴西GDP的幅度增长。

The internet is also affecting living standards much faster than was the case with other technological revolutions. “We found that an increase in internet maturity similar to the one experienced in advanced countries over the past 15 years correlates with an increase in real per capita GDP of $500 on average during that period,” the McKinsey report said. “It took 50 years for the industrial revolution of the 19th century to achieve the same results.”


Yet even in the relatively few years that the internet has been with us, the technology and its application have undergone radical transformation, including the introduction of sites based on social networking, accessible almost anywhere via smartphones and tablet computers.


The future is likely to be different again.


“At this stage, we know that the internet has had significant impact on advanced economies, but the impact on aspiring economies has been much smaller,” says James Manyika, director of McKinsey Global Institute.

麦肯锡全球研究院主管詹姆斯•马尼卡(James Manyika)说:“我们都知道,目前互联网已经对发达经济体产生了重要影响,但对新兴经济体的影响就小得多。”

In 2010, half of the world’s internet users – 1bn people – were spread across 30 developing economies, according to McKinsey. Yet those economies’ internet infrastructure was still in its infancy. The internet has contributed an average of 2.3 per cent of GDP growth in developing countries in the past five years, compared with 21 per cent in developed nations.


Nigeria, for example, is rich in natural resources, but the internet accounts for just 0.5 per cent of GDP, says Mr Manyika. “When the internet does expand in the developing world, the upside potential is significant.”


He adds: “Much of what we have seen so far is what you might call the human internet – people buying things from each other and communicating. What it doesn’t include is the ‘industrial internet’. In 20 years’ time, it will connect fully factories, machines, roads, bridges, smart grids . . . The scale of that is trillions of dollars in terms of what we will save in better management of energy and so on.”


Mr McQuivey of Forrester says: “The internet has the ability to change every part of the economy. We are talking about trillions of dollars that can be pulled out of cost, which would then free people to spend their money on making better and cheaper products. There is growth hiding in the economy if we simply take advantage of all the multiple efficiencies.”


In the meantime, what other disruptive technologies are set to make the biggest impact on the global economy? In May, McKinsey Global Institute will publish its assessment of the technologies it thinks will be important in the next two decades.


Mr Manyika highlights innovations that combine biotechnology and digital technology; and autonomous vehicles that, he believes, will bring far more than just driverless cars.


He also points to advances in robotics. “Automation has massive implications, especially for the jobs market,” he says. “It will not only affect manufacturing but also knowledge workers in the service sector.”



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