






发布者: sskrqw123 | 发布时间: 2013-5-10 17:26| 查看数: 1548| 评论数: 0|


A:I hope we win the tournament this year. 我希望今年锦标赛我们会赢。

B:I hope so too. We’ve been practicing hard. 我也希望如此,我们一直都在努力训练。

A:Yes ,we have. And there are only 3 games left in the season. 是的,的确如此。况且这个赛季只剩下三场比赛了。

B:That means 3 games left until the tournament. 那意味着在锦标赛到来之前只剩下三场比赛了。

A:Who do you think we will play against? 你认为我们会跟谁比赛?

B:In the tournament? 你指在锦标赛中?

A:Yes. 是的

B:I don’t know. Probably the badgers. They are also doing well this year. 我不知道,大概会是巴德格思队。他们今年也打得很好。

A:Maybe, but they’re not as good as us. 可能是吧,但他们没有我们打得好。


A:What do you want for Christmas this year, Danny? 丹尼,今年圣诞你想要什么礼物?

B:A puppy! 我要一只小狗!

A:Why do you want a puppy? 为什么你要一只小狗?

B:Because, Mommy, they are nice to play with. 因为,妈妈,它们很好玩。

A:Well, I hope you know that it’s a big responsibility. 喔,我希望你知道这是个很大的责任。

B:Yes, I do. 是的,我知道。

A:You would have to help take care of it. 那你要帮忙照看它了。

B:I know, Mommy. I would help. 妈妈,我知道,我会帮忙的。

A:Well, we’ll see what happens. 好的,我们看看会是怎么样的吧。


A:I wish it would stop raining. 我希望雨会停。

B:Why is that? 为什么?

A:So we could go out and play some ball. 那样我们就可以出去玩球了。

B:Yeah, I don’t want to stay inside all day, either. 是啊,我也不想整天呆在屋里。

A:It doesn’t look good, though. 可是看起来情况不是很好。

B:You’re right. I don’t think this rain will let up. 你说得对,我觉得雨不会停。

A:Maybe we can rent a movie. 或许我们可以租盒录像。

B:Okay. If the rain doesn’t stop soon, we should get a movie. 好的。如果还下雨话,我们就去租盒录像。


A:I could really use some pickles right now! 我现在真想吃一些泡菜。

B:It’s 3 in the morning. 现在可是凌晨三点钟。

A:I’m not saying you have to get them. 我又不是一定要你去拿(买)。

B:What are you saying? 那你在说什么?

A:I’m just saying I crave them, that’s all. I’m pregnant, you know. 我只是说我很想,仅此而已。你知道,我怀孕了。

B:So, you mean the baby wants pickles. Not you. 所以,你是指婴儿想要泡菜,而不是你想要。

A:Me, the baby, same thing. 我和婴儿都是一样的。

B:Yeah, I suppose it is. 是的,我希望是这样。


A:Anyone up for a drink? 有没有人要喝点什么的?

B:Sure, I could use a drink. 当然有,我想要瓶饮料。

A:Me too, I really want a beer. 我也是,我真的想要点啤酒。

B:Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里?

A:I was thinking about going to that new place. 我想去那个新地方。

B:The one next to the post office? 在邮局隔壁的那个吗?

A:Yeah, I hear it’s pretty cheap. 是的,我听说那很便宜。

B:Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go. 好吧,那你还在等什么?我们一起走吧。

A:Sounds good. After you. 听起来不错。你先走,我随你后。


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