






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-16 12:00| 查看数: 1207| 评论数: 0|

A doctor who performed abortions was convicted Monday of first-degree murder in the deaths of three babies who were killed with scissors after they were born alive.


In a case where the grisly details only compounded the emotional debate over abortion, Kermit Gosnell also was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the 2009 sedation-overdose death of a 41-year-old woman during an abortion procedure. Dr. Gosnell was found not guilty on a third-degree-murder charge in the woman's death, and he was acquitted of first-degree murder of a fourth baby.

在2009年一名41岁妇女在堕胎过程中因镇静剂过量致死的案件中,戈斯内尔(Kermit Gosnell)还被判犯有过失杀人罪。这起案件的悲剧细节加剧了人们对堕胎问题的激烈辩论。医生戈斯内尔因这名女性死亡而被指控的三级谋杀罪名不成立,在另一名婴儿的死亡案件中也摆脱了一级谋杀罪的指控。

Dr. Gosnell, 72 years old, faces a possible death sentence when the jury reconvenes next week to consider sentencing.


Foes and supporters of abortion rights have seized on Dr. Gosnell's case. Antiabortion activists said charges that the doctor and members of his staff severed babies' spinal cords showed the violence inherent in terminating pregnancies. Such groups have sought to draw attention to abortions later in pregnancy, an issue they believe could sway Americans who generally support abortion rights but also believe there are at least some instances in which abortion should be illegal.


'The few inches that separate a child in the womb from a child outside the womb should never determine whether its intentional 'demise' is permitted by law or whether a 'right' to kill it no longer exists,' said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that focuses on electing antiabortion women lawmakers.

专注于推选反堕胎女性议员的组织Susan B. Anthony List的总裁丹嫩费尔泽(Marjorie Dannenfelser)说,子宫里的孩子和已出生的孩子不过是隔了几英寸,有意让子宫里的孩子“消亡”是否合法,或是杀死这个孩子的“权利”是否已不复存在,这不应当由那几英寸的距离来决定。

Some supporters of abortion rights have blamed curbs on abortion funding and abortions later in pregnancy for driving vulnerable women to Dr. Gosnell, whose small west Philadelphia clinic was shut down in 2010. His clinic had a reputation for performing late-term abortions that other Philadelphia-area clinics wouldn't, according to a 2011 grand-jury report recommending charges against Dr. Gosnell.


'In Pennsylvania and many other states with restrictive laws, women face incredible barriers that affect their ability to obtain quality care,' said Nancy Stanwood, board chairwoman-elect of Physicians for Reproductive Health. 'Gosnell preyed on low-income women who had few options to obtain the care they needed. His practice was illegal, unethical and unsafe.'

生育健康医生组织(Physicians for Reproductive Health)当选董事长斯坦伍德(Nancy Stanwood)说,在宾夕法尼亚和其他许多拥有严格法律的州,妇女们面临着不可思议的障碍,这些障碍使她们无法获得高质量的照料。戈斯内尔的目标是无法获得所需照料的低收入妇女。他的做法是非法的、不道德的,也是不安全的。

Dr. Gosnell also was convicted of several counts of performing abortions beyond the 24-week gestation limit under Pennsylvania law, and other charges. He had initially been charged in the deaths of seven babies but was acquitted of three of the murder counts, after his lawyer argued there was insufficient evidence the babies were born alive.


Antiabortion activists following the case have focused particularly on questions about babies born alive in the course of induced abortions, renewing a campaign around the issue more than a decade after they secured a 2002 federal law that set out legal rights for infants delivered with signs of life during or immediately after an abortion.


The legislation had bipartisan support at the time, including from lawmakers who favor abortion rights but who gained assurances that the law wouldn't be used to undermine abortion laws or to interfere with physicians' judgments about how to treat premature babies.


Some states also have renewed a push to pass legislation echoing the federal requirement. Florida lawmakers passed a measure in April to give infants delivered with signs of life during or immediately after an attempted abortion 'the same rights, powers, and privileges as any other child born alive in course of natural birth.'



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