






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-21 10:30| 查看数: 1095| 评论数: 0|



Congratulations! You're one of the privileged few who've scored a pair of Google GOOG +1.94% Glass, the futuristic eyewear that puts a tiny, voice-controlled, Wi-Fi-enabled computer on your face. It's the most anticipated gadget since the iPad, iPhone or iAnything, really. And the best part? You members of Google's 'Explorer Program'─mostly app developers and supernerds─will be testing Glass in the wild months before the general public will get to wear it, fingers crossed, at the end of the year.

恭喜!您已成为少数能够优先体验谷歌眼镜的幸运者。这款未来感十足的眼镜相当于在面部安装了一款可声控、并具无线网络连接的微型电脑。这是继iPad、iPhone和其他苹果产品之后最令人期待的科技新品。而最棒的是什么呢?就是您也同时成为了谷歌“探索者项目”(Explorer Program)的一员,该项目大部分成员都是应用开发者和超级技术宅。你们将在谷歌眼镜正式上市前的几个月中对其进行实际测试,而我们普通人──但愿可以实现吧──到年底才能用上谷歌眼镜。

Soon you'll be able to view emails, text messages and maps on a translucent screen hovering in the upper-right corner of your peripheral vision. Breaking news alerts will appear right before your eyes. You'll snap photos just by saying, 'OK Glass, take a picture.' In other words, you'll be able to perform tasks everyone else has to do with their grubby hands and filthy smartphones─what Neanderthals!

很快你便可以用余光在右眼上方的半透明屏幕上浏览邮件,处理文字信息和使用地图。重大新闻提醒将准确地出现在你眼前。你可以通过发号施令“好了,眼镜,拍照”(OK Glass, take picture)进行拍照。换句话说,当你在通过语音进行所有操作时,其他人还得用“污浊”的双手掏出他们那“肮脏”的手机──多过时啊!

Google says there will be thousands of you Explorers wearing Glass around town over the next few months. I'm jealous, even though it looks dorky. (Just go to the 'White Men Wearing Google Glass' Tumblr for proof.) I've spent some time with Glass here and there, mostly asking Explorer pals if I can try theirs, and every time, I almost cried when I had to give it back.


I'm looking forward to the day when Glass is so ubiquitous that wearing one doesn't make you look like a cyborg. But, at the moment, I'm a little concerned. New technology has a way of bringing out our rude and annoying side─just think of the guy who walked into you while composing a text or the woman in line at the dry cleaner who was shouting into her cellphone. And because Glass is a wearable device that calls attention to itself, you early ambassadors have to be on extremely good behavior. I'd hate for you to squander any goodwill toward Glass before the rest of us have a go at it. Here are some basic rules of etiquette for you─and future Glass wearers─to keep in mind:


Always remember: You have a camera on your head.


And there's no way for others to tell whether that camera is on or off. Sure, people might notice the tiny screen near your eye sparkling when they look closely. But that could be anything from a text message to an episode of 'Parks and Recreation.' Naturally, people are going to be spooked out about whether or not you're recording them.

旁人无法辨别谷歌眼镜上的照相机是否开启。当然,当他们凑近看时,可能会注意到你眼睛旁边的小屏幕在闪光。但这也可能源于其它操作,例如收到了一条短信或者正在看美剧《公园与休憩》(Parks and Recreation)。人们自然地会担心你是否是在给他们拍照。

How do you assuage their fears? Don't say, 'Well, there are probably cameras recording you right now that you don't know about,' or 'It'd be easier for me to secretly snap a picture of you with my phone.' That all may be true, but still─you have a camera on your head. It's practically a third eye. People have every right to feel uncomfortable. Acknowledge that.


Tell them that it was a mistake for Google not to put a red light indicating that a photo or video is being taken, and that you hope there will be one in future iterations (even though evil folk may find a way to somehow disable the light).


Be courteous and take the device off in locker rooms, public bathrooms, business meetings, movie theaters and anywhere else where wielding a camera would be improper or offensive.


But, you ask, won't that be difficult when Glass is outfitted with prescription lenses one day? Good question. Let's hope Google or a third-party company invents some sort of artful lens cap for the camera.


Use voice commands only when you need to.


One day, Glass might become as ubiquitous as mobile phones and it won't be that weird to hear the phrase 'OK Glass'─which lets the eyewear know to listen for a command─before a request for a weather update or the Mandarin translation of 'Two beers, please.' But ask yourself: Can I do whatever I'm about to do with Glass more politely by using my smartphone? It's OK to ask Glass for directions or to quickly respond to a text while walking alone down the street. But if you find yourself dictating long emails or using Glass to tweet whenever you think of something funny, that's just overkill.

有一天,谷歌眼镜可能会和手机一样普遍,旁人在听到“好了,眼镜”(“OK Glass”)这个命令时也不会再感到奇怪。这个命令能够让眼镜候命于你,比如你需要最新天气信息或者想知道“Two beers, please”这句话的中文意思。但请扪心自问:相比智能手机,我能更合理地使用谷歌眼镜做我要做的事情吗?利用谷歌眼镜询问方向,或者在行走时迅速回复短信当然没有问题;但用它口述超长邮件,或者只要你想到什么有趣的东西就发条微博,就太过张扬了。

Don't use Google Glass to make phone calls in public.


Yes, it's basically the equivalent of a Bluetooth headset. Yes, people talk on Bluetooth headsets all the time. But it's still annoying.


Give it a rest sometimes.


You know how that guy with the Bluetooth headset became Bluetooth Headset Guy, the most grating tech villain in existence today? It's because he never took his headset off. (And, yeah, talking loudly to thin air didn't help either.) I know, this slightly defeats the purpose of having a heads-up display and camera that's always at the ready. But for most of your day, try to go for the normal-human look.


Also, it's annoying to talk to someone who keeps glancing up and to the right every 10 seconds. Turn Glass off when there's someone in front of you.


Don't be creepy.


All it's going to take is for one Glass wearer to record or photograph someone or something that shouldn't have been filmed to ruin Glass for everyone. Let's not incite lawmakers or angry mobs. Stick to photographing kittens, consenting friends and those totally amazing pancakes from your favorite brunch spot, OK?


Let people try it on.


You'll probably get sick of people asking you if they can have a go with it, but be gracious. Once people see how Glass is essentially a glorified hands-free headset/wearable camera, they'll get on board. If enough of us embrace your new headgear, that will chip away at Glass's social stigma─which is the only way something this crazy-seeming will be accepted en masse.


Happy, uh, Glass-ing? Let's hope you don't ruin modern society and the tenuous rules of tech etiquette as we know them!


Your pal,





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