






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-24 10:30| 查看数: 885| 评论数: 1|

Japan’s trade deficit widened in April as the boost to exporters from a weaker yen was outweighed by rising prices for imports.


Preliminary figures from the finance ministry on Wednesday showed that Japan posted a deficit of Y879bn in its trade balance last month, almost 70 per cent wider than a year earlier, as rising shipments of cars and iron and steel products were offset by much higher bills for fuel, food, clothing and semiconductors.


The total value of exports rose 3.8 per cent from a year earlier to Y5.78tn, while imports were up 9.4 per cent to Y6.66tn.


The growth in imports beat expectations, and is an indication of “solid domestic demand,” said Shuji Tonouchi, a strategist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley in Tokyo.

三菱日联摩根士丹利(Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley)驻东京策略师殿内修司(Shuji Tonouchi)表示,进口增幅超出了市场预期,显示出“日本国内的需求稳健”。

A weaker yen has been a key element of the economic revitalisation programme of Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, who is pushing a multi-pronged strategy to overcome more than 15 years of deflation.

日元贬值是日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)所推经济振兴计划的关键要素。安倍晋三正在推行一项涉及多个方面的战略,以期战胜日本超过15年的通货紧缩。

But so far, while the steep fall in the country’s currency since November last year has boosted exporters’ profits, causing stocks to rally sharply while improving the mood of consumers, it has yet to feed through to materially higher orders.


Real export volumes dropped 5.3 per cent in April, the government figures showed, which was only a modest improvement on a 9.8 per cent year-on-year fall in March.


Economists say Japan’s figures are consistent with what they call the “J-curve effect”. Generally, a weaker currency improves a country’s trade balance over time, but in the short term it may actually boost a deficit because it can take several months for customers overseas to switch suppliers.


“The currency factor will likely help improve the [trade] balance starting in the second quarter,” said Naoki Iizuka, economist at Citi in Tokyo, before the release of Wednesday’s figures.

花旗(Citi)驻东京经济学家饭冢直树(Naoki Iizuka)在周三数据公布前表示:“汇率因素对贸易差额的改善作用很可能将自今年第二季度起开始反映出来。”

The data also confirmed that China has slipped behind the US as Japan’s number one export destination. Last month, trade figures for the full fiscal year showed that the world’s largest economy had reclaimed the top spot, amid slowing demand in China and a pick-up in demand in the US for Japanese cars and other manufactured goods.


Japan’s exports to China in April came to Y998bn, little changed on a year earlier, while shipments to the US rose almost 15 per cent to Y1.1tn.



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