






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-27 13:10| 查看数: 805| 评论数: 0|

KATMANDU, Nepal─An 80-year-old Japanese man who began the year with his fourth heart operation became the oldest conqueror of Mount Everest on Thursday, a feat he called 'the world's best feeling' even with an 81-year-old Nepalese climber not far behind him.

年初做过第四次心脏手术的一位80岁日本男子周四成为登顶珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Everest)的最年长的人。这位老人称这一壮举是“全世界最好的感觉”。与此同时,一位81岁的尼泊尔登山者正打算打破这名日本老人的纪录。

Yuichiro Miura, a former extreme skier who also climbed the 29,035-foot (8,850-meter) peak when he was 70 and 75, reached the summit at 9:05 a.m. local time, according to a Nepalese mountaineering official and Mr. Miura's Tokyo-based support team.

这位老人名叫三浦雄一郎(Yuichiro Miura)。据尼泊尔登山事务主管官员和三浦雄一郎位于东京的支持团队透露,他在当地时间上午9点5分登顶珠峰。三浦雄一郎曾是一名极限滑雪者,他在70岁和75岁时曾两次登顶海拔8,850米的珠峰。

It was a moment Japanese news agency Kyodo captured on video from 6 miles away, using a camera crew at 18,000 feet elevation on another mountain.


'We have arrived at the summit,' Mr. Miura said in a radio transmission to Kyodo from the world's highest point. 'Eighty years and seven months.…The world's most incredible mountaineering team had helped me all the way up here.'


Mr. Miura and his son Gota made a phone call from the summit, prompting his daughter Emili to smile broadly and clap her hands in footage shown by Japanese public broadcaster NHK.


'I made it!' Mr. Miura said over the phone. 'I never imagined I could make it to the top of Mount Everest at age 80. This is the world's best feeling, although I'm totally exhausted. Even at 80, I can still do quite well.'


Nepalese mountaineering official Gyanendra Shrestha, at the Everest base camp, confirmed that Mr. Miura had reached the summit and was the oldest person to do so.

位于珠峰大本营的尼泊尔登山事务官员什雷斯塔(Gyanendra Shrestha)证实,三浦雄一郎已经登顶,且是已经登顶珠峰的人中年龄最大的。

The previous oldest was Nepal's Min Bahadur Sherchan, the 81-year-old on Mr. Miura's heels.

此前这一纪录是由现年81岁的尼泊尔人谢尔钱(Min Bahadur Sherchan)创造的。谢尔钱目前正紧跟三浦雄一郎的脚步。

Mr. Sherchan is preparing to scale the peak next week despite digestive problems he suffered several days ago. On Wednesday, he said by telephone from the base camp that he was in good health and 'ready to take up the challenge.'


The two elderly mountaineers have crossed paths before.


Mr. Miura, who had become the oldest Everest climber with his ascent at age 70, would have reclaimed the title in 2008 as a 75-year-old, but Mr. Sherchan, then 76, reached the summit just a day before he did.


Emili Miura said Wednesday that his father 'doesn't really care' about the rivalry. 'He's doing it for his own challenge.'

Emili Miura说,他的父亲“真的不在乎”竞争,他这样做是为了挑战自我。

Mr. Sherchan's team leader, Temba, who uses one name, said Mr. Sherchan will congratulate the new record holder when he returns to the base camp, and that he won't turn back until he completes his mission.

谢尔钱的领队坦巴(Temba, 他只有单名)说,谢尔钱返回大本营时会祝贺新纪录的保持者,但是他只有完成了使命才会回来。

Mr. Sherchan got good news Thursday when Nepal's government approved financial aid for his climb. The cabinet approved 1 million rupees ($11,200) for his expedition and waived $70,000 in permit fees, said Bimal Gautam, the press adviser to the chairman of the Council of Ministers.

谢尔钱周四得到好消息,尼泊尔政府批准了对其此次登山的资金援助。尼泊尔内阁会议主席的媒体顾问高塔姆(Bimal Gautam)说,尼泊尔内阁批准了向其此次登山提供的100万卢比(约合11,200美元)的资助,并豁免了办理许可证所需的7万美元费用。

Mr. Miura conquered the mountain despite undergoing heart surgery in January for an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, his fourth heart operation since 2007, according to his daughter. He also broke his pelvis and left thigh bone in a 2009 skiing accident.


On his expedition's website, he explained his attempt to scale Everest at an advanced age: 'It is to challenge (my) own ultimate limit. It is to honor the great Mother Nature.'


He said a successful climb would raise the bar for what is possible, a point echoed after his success by Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga.

他说,此次成功登顶将提高“何谓可能”的标准。在三浦雄一郎成功登顶后日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)也谈到了这一点。

'This will be deeply touching to all the people of Japan. And, especially, in an aging society, it will also give much courage and hope to all elderly people,' Mr. Suga said at a news conference.


Mr. Miura became famous when he was a young man as a daredevil speed skier.


He skied down Everest's South Col in 1970, using a parachute to brake his descent. The feat was captured in the Oscar-winning 1975 documentary, 'The Man Who Skied Down Everest.' He has also skied down Mount Fuji.

1970年他曾从珠峰南坡滑雪下山。当时他曾用一顶降落伞控制自己的下降速度。这一壮举曾被记录在1975年奥斯卡获奖纪录片《滑下珠峰的人》(The Man Who Skied Down Everest)中。他还曾从富士山(Mount Fuji)滑雪下来。

It wasn't until Mr. Miura was 70, however, that he first climbed to the top of Everest. When he reached the summit again at 75, he claimed to be the only man to accomplish the feat twice in his 70s. After that, he said he was determined to climb again at age 80.



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