






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-28 09:30| 查看数: 686| 评论数: 0|

A key suspect in last week's brutal killing of a soldier here was detained in Kenya in 2010 and deported to the U.K., people familiar with the case said on Sunday, a revelation that came as government officials faced more questions about whether British security services could have stopped the attack.


Michael Adebolajo, one of two primary suspects in custody in the gruesome stabbing death of 25-year-old soldier Lee Rigby, traveled to Kenya in 2010 but was detained and sent back to the U.K. A former United Nations monitoring official familiar with the case said on Sunday that, while in Kenya, Mr. Adebolajo met with family and associates of a firebrand cleric who had connections with a Somali militant group.

这名犯罪嫌疑人名叫阿德波拉杰(Michael Adebolajo),是目前被羁押的两名主要犯罪嫌疑人之一。他涉嫌用刀残忍地捅死了25岁的英国士兵里格比(Lee Rigby)。阿德波拉杰曾在2010年到肯尼亚旅游,此后被拘留,后被送回英国。熟悉此案的一位联合国前观察员周日说,在肯尼亚时,阿德波拉杰同家人以及一名善于鼓动他人的教士的朋友见了面。这名教士同索马里一个武装组织存在联系。

'We can confirm a British national was arrested in Kenya in 2010. [the U.K. Foreign Office] provided consular assistance as normal for British nationals,' said a Foreign Office spokeswoman on Sunday.


Details about Mr. Adebolajo's trip to Kenya emerged as London's Metropolitan Police said they arrested two men, ages 24 and 28, at a residential address in southeast London late Saturday, while a 21-year-old man was arrested on the street. Two of the men were taken into custody with the use of a Taser but weren't hospitalized. Police didn't identify any of the three, who were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder.


The arrests are the latest in the wake of Mr. Rigby's killing in London's Woolwich district on Wednesday. Witnesses said the victim was attacked by two men with knives and a cleaver on a city street early that afternoon. Two men─now identified by people familiar with the matter as 28-year-old Mr. Adebolajo and 22-year-old Michael Adebowale─were shot and arrested by police that day and remain hospitalized and in custody.

上周三里格比在伦敦伍尔维奇区遭杀害之后,上述三名嫌犯遭逮捕是此案的最新进展。目击者说,当天下午早些时候受害者遭到两名持匕首和菜刀的男子袭击。现经知情人士确认,这两名男子分别是28岁的阿德波拉杰和22岁的阿德波瓦勒(Michael Adebowale)。这两人当天遭到警方枪击和逮捕,目前仍在住院治疗并遭到拘留。

British officials face growing questions over their past interactions with Messrs. Adebolajo and Adebowale, who officials familiar with the matter say were previously known to the country's security services. The U.K. government declined to comment on reports that Mr. Adebolajo had tried to enter Somalia to join militants.


In a television appearance on Sunday, Home Secretary Theresa May declined to discuss the specifics of the case or media reports that intelligence officers had previously approached one of the suspects potentially to recruit him as an informant. But she said the security services gather intelligence in a variety of ways and 'they will approach individuals from time to time.'

周日在电视上露面时,英国内政大臣特蕾莎•梅(Theresa May)拒绝讨论此案的具体情况,也拒绝讨论情报官员此前曾接触其中一名嫌疑人并试图招募他作为线人的新闻报道。但她说,英国安全机构会以多种方式搜集情报,且会不时接近个人。

Ms. May praised the work of the intelligence officials and the police in countering terrorism but said 'we will look to see if there are any lessons to be learned.' The U.K. parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee has said it would scrutinize what intelligence officials knew about the suspects behind the Woolwich killing.

梅称赞了情报官员和反恐警员的工作,但她也说我们将看看其中是否有可以吸取的教训。英国议会情报和安全委员会(Intelligence and Security Committee)表示,情报官员对伍尔维奇谋杀案嫌犯到底了解什么信息,他们将展开调查。

She added that there now are about 500 officers and others working on the investigation, which is being led by London's Metropolitan Police.


British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a new task force late Saturday on 'tackling' extremism and radicalization. The group will examine topics such as disrupting extremist activity and ways to challenge extremist ideology. The group will include government officials representing the legal system, education and religious communities.

英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)上周六晚上宣布成立一个专门“攻坚”极端主义和激进组织的特别工作组。该工作组研究的主题包括,如何扰乱极端主义活动,以及挑战极端主义意识形态的种种方法等。该工作组将包括代表司法体系、教育和宗教社区的政府官员。


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