






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-29 11:00| 查看数: 829| 评论数: 0|

China’s plans for faster urbanization have attracted a lot of attention. With the economy showing slower growth, some observers have been hoping this will eventually take up some of the slack.


What the markets are really keen to know is how fast a pace is in the government’s blueprint and how much money will be thrown at urbanization.


So far, Beijing isn’t saying. But that hasn’t stopped investors from pouring money into cement and construction stocks on the assumption that more urbanization means more homes and infrastructure for all those new residents of the nation’s cities. Currently, about 53% of China’s population, or more than 711 million people, live in cities.


While there has been no official estimate of how much urbanization is needed, Premier Li Keqiang, a big supporter of this objective, has said that urbanization could produce dividends in the next round of reform and become a driver of development for the world’s second-largest economy.


Chi Fulin, who heads the China Institute for Reform and Development, a private think tank based in Hainan province, has tried to put a figure on all this.


If 400 million people are added to the nation’s urban population in the next 10 years and each new urban resident requires 100,000 yuan ($16,130) in fixed-asset investments, total investment demand from urbanization would be at least 40 trillion yuan, according to Mr. Chi’s calculations. That figure excludes additional consumption demand from these new and usually wealthier ─ urban residents, he said.


But the market’s initial euphoria is starting to fade. Corporate profits have not been particularly strong this year, and urbanization may not help soon enough. At least for now, it remains a notion rather than a reality.


“We were hoping that urbanization could boost investment and lift steel demand this year, but so far nothing has happened,” a steel trader said. “It looks like we were overoptimistic earlier.”


A report by Reuters last week said Mr. Li had rejected an urbanization proposal drafted by the state planning agency. It went on to say that the rejection could result in delays in rolling out the program.


The planning agency the National Development and Reform Commission ─ tried to play down market speculation of problems along the way. The agency, which has been leading the way in the drafting effort, said a medium- to long-term urbanization development plan will emerge this year as planned but provided no further information.


A lengthy statement on key reform objectives for 2013 was posted on the official government website Friday, and urbanization is indeed among them. But that statement was also short of any helpful details on timing or scope of the plan.


The reports have led to heated discussions on the topic on China’s Twitter-like microblog Sina Weibo.


“Urbanization is good,” said a Weibo user. “Take our village for instance, there is no need for so many people to stay in rural area as agricultural mechanization is much higher now.”


Others who looked warily at already-high urban housing prices were less enthusiastic. One Weibo user said urbanization is like intentionally blowing bubbles that will lead to higher property prices. Another said housing demand is rigid and home prices will naturally climb along with the urbanization process.


Bank of America economist Lu Ting said in a note to clients Friday that in addition to being a private think tank’s estimate and not a hard number from the government, the calculation of 40 trillion yuan over 10 years is not as eye-popping as one might assume.

美国银行(Bank of America)中国经济学家陆挺上周五在一份客户报告中说,10年总投资需求40万亿元不但只是一个民间智库的估计,不是政府的硬数据,而且看起来也没有人们想象的那样惊人。

He said that China’s spending on infrastructure in 2012 was about 7 trillion yuan, and that total investment in infrastructure could reach 115 trillion yuan (in current yuan terms) over the next 10 years. He also said it’s misleading to think of the 40 trillion yuan estimate as incremental government spending, as much of it will be carried out with or without the government’s urbanization plan.


For now, market participants will have to wait and hope that the broad outline of an ambitious plan will at some point include a few numbers to crunch.



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