






发布者: elaine891031 | 发布时间: 2013-5-31 00:17| 查看数: 1302| 评论数: 0|


Integrated Speaking Task

Question 4 Lecture

Narrator: You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Narrator: Begin reading now.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds

Mental Set

A mental set is a habit to try to solve problems in a certain way, whether that approach is the most suitable or not. Typically, someone with a mental set has found that a given approach has worked in the past and she or he tends to employ it without reflection in all future cases; however, the approach may not be the most effective way to deal with the current situation. Some researchers describe the problem as an exaggerated type of habit formation.

Narrator: Now hear a talk on the same subject.

Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain how the professor’s example of the mental set relates to the reading passage.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds


1. 45 秒阅读短文


Mental Set(标题)

a habit to try to solve problems in a certain way, whether that approach is the most suitable or not(定义,在第一句找)


The reading is about an academic concept called mental set which refers to people’s habit to solve problems in a certain way regardless whether or not the approach is suitable.


And the professor explains this concept by giving an example /examples in the lecture.

如果在45 秒内无法找到标题的定义或者没来得及摘抄下来,口述的时候可以这样说:

The reading is about an academic concept called mental set, and the professor explains this concept by giving an example / examples in the lecture.

2. 听讲座,记录例子的主要内容



This week then, we’ll be talking about mental sets. Let me emphasize something: a mental set does not necessarily mean you’re mentally ill. But it usually does mean you’re not nearly as efficient as you might want to be. Let me give you an example.(这句话之前的内容都不用理会)

A few years ago when I was still in grad school I had a roommate named Peter. He insisted he could only write his papers on a typewriter. Maybe he was afraid of technology. But, as you may have heard, a typewriter is slow and inconvenient. Once you make a mistake, you have to pause, use correction fluid and wait for it to dry. Or, if it’s late at night and you run out of fluid, you have to type the whole page again.

Both myself and his professors told Peter: use a computer! It’s faster, and it’s easier. It’ll save his time and it’s easy to operate. But until the day he finished school, he never gave up that typewriter. Maybe he still uses it. And why? Because of some fixed idea, a mental set, that there’s only the one way he can do the task.


prf’s rmt (roommate) Peter →tp wtr →assign~

×cvnt (convenient) & slw

if msk (mistake), again

prf →Peter →cmpt, but still tp wtr ∵mental set

3. 听问题,准备回答


4. 30秒准备


5. 60秒答题




lmental set

The reading passage is about mental sets.



lprf’s rmt (roommate) Peter →tp wtr (typewriter) →assign~

The professor’s roommate Peter used a typewriter to do his assignments.

l× cvnt (convenient) & slw

The typewriter is not very convenient and is slow.

lif msk (mistake), again

Once you make a mistake, you have to type everything again.

lprf →Peter →cmp, but still tp wtr ∵mental set

The professor suggested Peter use a computer, but Peter still used a typewriter due to a mental set.

注意,在引出具体例子时,可说The professor says that…,有时也可用According to the lecture, … 或Suppose…作开头语。


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