





珍珠奶茶含毒淀粉 台湾又曝食品丑闻

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-3 08:00| 查看数: 2027| 评论数: 0|

In the late 1990's, Taiwan made its biggest impact on the world through the production of computers and electronic components, but as competition from South Korean and China’s PC makers intensifies, the island is finding another way to cement its place in the world one tapioca ball at a time.


Known as bubble or pearl tea, this Taiwanese culinary invention of putting chewy tapioca balls in milk tea, has come a long way since it was first concocted at a small tea shop in central Taiwan 30 years ago. Not only it is the most popular drink on the island, the beverage has taken the world by its palate. Bubble tea shops can be found in Berlin, Istanbul, Paris, London, Sidney, Japan, Singapore and across China.


But all this may come to a screeching halt, thanks to a toxic food starch scandal.


Since mid-May, Taiwanese health authorities have confiscated over 312 tons of food starch a key ingredient in bubble tea that was found to have been tainted with maleic acid, an unapproved food additive that can cause kidney failure when consumed in large doses.


The toxic starch has also poisoned Taiwan’s food exports. On Wednesday, Malaysia announced an immediate ban on 11 food items imported from Taiwan after Singapore imposed similar ban over the weekend.


This is the second island-wide food scare in two years after the discovery of the pervasive use of plasticizer a chemical additive to use to make food more pliable in May 2011.


Food starch is a common ingredient in many Taiwanese traditional dishes. Apart from bubble tea, it is also used to make gluttonous dumplings, Hakka rice noodles and sweet taro balls.


“In Taiwan, deep-fried chicken nuggets and icy bubble tea are as popular and common as pepperoni pizza and cold beer in the U.S.,” said Xiao Lin, a beverage hawker at Danshui night market in New Taipei City.


The self-described “food entreprenuer” told China Real Time that sales of bubble tea can go up to 500 cups a day during the peak summer season, but now most customers are opting for cheaper drinks, such as lemonade or plum juice.


Frank Chen, a sophomore at the nearby Tamkang University said although he is a “bubble tea addict,” he and his friends will stop buying the milk tea drinks until it has been proven safe.

附近淡江大学(Tamkang University)的大二学生Frank Chen说,尽管他特别喜欢喝珍珠奶茶,除非奶茶的安全性得到证实,否则他和他的朋友们不会再买奶茶喝了。

“The government needs to mete out new food safety measures soon or else get ready for a strong protest. We, the food vendors of the night markets, helped put Taiwan’s food on the map and shouldn’t be punished for government’s oversight. Foreign tourists may not always buy souvenirs but they are always happy to try Taiwan’s food,” Mr. Lin said.


According to the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, over 70% of tourists to Taiwan visit night markets.


The Taiwanese government promised after the plasticizer problems in 2011 that it would beef up the island’s food safety standards with an amendment to the Act Governing Food Sanitation. But the amendment remains stuck in the legislative pipeline.


“Have we not learned anything in two years?” asked an editorial in the United Daily, a newspaper typically sympathetic to the ruling Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party.

台湾报纸《联合日报》(United Daily)的一篇社论文章说,两年里我们难道没有吸取任何教训吗?该报通常同情执政的国民党。

The editorial also cited starch distributors as saying the practice of adding maleic acid to food starch has been around for over a decade.


Taiwan’s Cabinet on Wednesday called a last-minute international news conference to address the scandal, but offered little new information. Instead officials repeated calls for harsher punishment for violators to be included as part of the stalled amendment.


“The past law did not impose a strict enough regulation on our food manufacturers,” health minister Chiu Wen-ta said, adding that the current systems of fines “did not deter some illegal food manufacturers.”


In any case, Taiwan can little afford further damage to the reputation of its food industry, particularly as South Korea, not content with burying its Taiwanese competitors in the tech sector, is also making a huge push to showcase its traditional cuisines as a major attraction for foreign tourists.



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