






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-4 08:00| 查看数: 746| 评论数: 0|

Tensions may be running high between U.S. and Chinese militaries over cyberspying and shows of force by both sides in the Pacific. But at a security conference in Singapore, American and Chinese commanders set the thorniest issues aside for the moment and embraced a new approach to break down the barriers between them: small talk─about their military careers, spouses and grandkids.


The charm offensive on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue conference came ahead of a high-stakes summit later this week between President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping in California.

就在中美两军高层参加“香格里拉对话”间隙发起这场魅力攻势的时候,本周晚些时候美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)和中国国家主席习近平将在美国加州举行一场对两国来说非常重要的峰会。

Before the summit, U.S. officials say they have seen a marked change, at least in tone, in the new Chinese leadership's approach to the U.S.--a change that was on display in private talks between U.S. and Chinese defense officials who met on the sidelines of the conference this weekend.


For veterans of Shangri-La, the Chinese delegation at the conference this year appeared to be more engaged and outgoing than in years past. Their delegates not only spoke fluent English but went out of their way to be cordial and courteous in their public and private comments, while still being strident about China's concerns about stepped-up U.S. military deployments in Asia, which visiting Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the conference would continue.

作为“香格里拉对话”的老面孔,今年参会的中国代表团和往年相比显得更投入,也更为友善。中国代表团成员不仅能说流利的英语,且无论在公开还是私下谈话场合,他们都竭力做到亲切礼貌。但中方仍然对美军加强在亚洲的军事部署感到非常担忧。参会的美国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)在会上说,美军将继续在亚洲的军事部署。

The change in China's approach, at least so far, has renewed U.S. hope that Beijing will at least be willing to engage in more detailed discussions than they have in the past on thorny issues, including setting standards for cyberspace, tamping down tensions over territorial disputes in the South China Sea and finding ways to restrain North Korea, the officials said.


'There is a lot more hope,' a senior Obama administration official said. 'The previous government was more 20th Century. The new team seems to be more 21st Century.'


But the senior Obama administration official said it was unclear based on the limited exchanges that have taken place between top U.S. officials and China's new leadership whether these 'styale differences' will translate into 'a difference in action.'


Renewed U.S. hopes stem, at least so far, from the fact that the new government has indicated to Washington that it 'is willing to talk about the issues,' including sensitive ones like cyberespionage, the official said.


The new tone was on display, officials said, during Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's brief meeting Friday night with Gen. Qi Jianguo, deputy chief of staff for the People's Liberation Army, at the start of the conference.


The two weren't scheduled to meet until Saturday afternoon, but Singapore's defense minister introduced them a day earlier.


U.S. officials say Mr. Hagel told Gen. Qi that the U.S. hopes for more 'constructive engagements' with Beijing and that Mr. Obama looks forward to hosting Mr. Xi in California later this week and to discussing areas of 'mutual concern.' Mr. Hagel briefly mentioned U.S. concerns about China's alleged role in cyberspying in his exchange with Gen. Qi but didn't go into detail during their brief exchange, senior defense officials said.


U.S. defense officials described Gen. Qi as 'engaging' but didn't provide details about what he told the Pentagon chief. It was their first meeting.


Officials described a similarly 'warm' exchange between the head of the U.S. military's Pacific Command, Adm. Samuel Locklear, and Gen. Qi on Sunday.

据美国官员描述,周日美国太平洋司令部司令、海军上将洛克利尔(Samuel Locklear)与戚建国之间的交流也同样“热情”。

During their meeting, Adm. Locklear and Gen. Qi not only discussed the importance of expanding U.S.-Chinese military ties but swapped stories about their personal lives and careers.


Adm. Locklear told the Chinese general about joining the Navy at age 17 and about his family, including his wife and his four grandsons, officials said. Gen. Qi reciprocated, sharing details about his military career and family.


'It was about building a relationship between the two commanders,' one U.S. official said.



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