






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-4 10:30| 查看数: 767| 评论数: 1|

Behind the planned takeover of Smithfield Foods Inc. SFD +0.61% by China's biggest meat processor is an intensifying push by the Asian nation to industrialize its archaic food-production system to address rampant health problems and feed an increasingly wealthy population.

中国最大的肉类加工企业计划收购Smithfield Foods Inc.的背后是,中国加大力度推进其过时的食品生产体系的工业化,以便应对中国普遍存在的健康问题,满足日益富裕的民众的食品需求。

In addition to Smithfield's enormous distribution network and market share in the U.S., owning the American company would enable Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd. to borrow from Smithfield's playbook to speed the development of hog farms and processing plants in China that mirror the U.S. system.

除Smithfield在美国的庞大分销网络及市场份额外,若将这家美国企业纳入囊中,双汇国际控股有限公司(Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd.)还可以借鉴Smithfield的做法,在中国加快建设类似于美国体系的养猪场和肉类加工厂。

The meat business in the U.S. has been refined over decades into a system of mass production similar to making cars or televisions. Last year, 62% of the hogs in the U.S. were raised on farms with at least 5,000 head, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They're often housed in vast, climate-controlled buildings, fed specialized diets of corn and soybean meal, and processed into bacon and ham by big companies like Smithfield in highly mechanized factories designed to ensure the meat is free of disease and contamination.


China, the world's largest consumer of pork by far, has made strides in modernizing its system, but much of its meat production remains small-scale and outmoded. As of 2010, some 70% of pork in China still came from farms that produced fewer than 500 hogs a year, and 38% from farms with fewer than 50 hogs, according to the U.S. Meat Export Federation. Conditions on smaller farms can be squalid, with a lot of physical contact between farmers and animals, which can transmit disease. And meat processing is equally fragmented: China had some 14,720 pig slaughterhouses by the end of 2012, compared with about 600 in the U.S.

中国目前是全球第一大猪肉消费国。中国在实现肉制品行业现代化方面一直在大步前进,但其大部分肉类生产仍规模小且过时。据美国肉类出口协会(U.S. Meat Export Federation)的数据显示,截至2010年,中国约有70%的猪肉仍来自年产量不足500头猪的养猪场,有38%来自年产量不足50头猪的养猪场。较小的养猪场条件可能很脏,猪农和猪之间有大量的身体接触,这可能会导致疾病传播。此外,肉类加工也同样分散化:截至2012年底,中国有约14,720个生猪屠宰场,相比之下美国约有600个。

Chinese authorities and experts say the disjointed system is much harder to regulate and makes it more difficult to avoid bad practices. They have blamed the problem in large part for scandals that have gutted Chinese consumers' confidence in the nation's food supply, from tainted milk formula that killed six infants and poisoned some 300,000 others in 2008, to a series of incidents involving meat contaminated with illegal additives and frequent outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease, swine flu, and other illnesses. This year, thousands of dead pigs were found in rivers around Shanghai─a spectacle authorities blamed on irresponsible farmers.


China's government has pushed modernization, in part by offering subsidies for farmers to build their herd sizes. Chinese companies such as China Mengniu Dairy Co. 2319.HK +0.74% and Shuanghui International have increased the scopes of their operations. And big multinational food companies like Yum Brands Inc. YUM -1.24% are also urging consolidation of farming in China. Yum, which runs its KFC and Pizza Hut chains in China, pledged in February to cut all small scale chicken farmers from its supply chain after negative publicity over one of its suppliers caused sales to plummet.Bright Dairy & Food Co.'s 600597.SH -1.85% 2010 purchase of a 51% stake in New Zealand's Synlait Milk Ltd. marked an effort to adopt modern dairy processing techniques following China's infant formula scandal.

中国政府一直在推进现代化,一定程度上是通过向农户提供补贴来建立养殖规模。中国蒙牛乳业有限公司(China Mengniu Dairy Co.)和双汇国际等中国企业一直在扩大运营规模。此外,百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands Inc.)等大型跨国食品公司也在推动中国的养殖业进行整合。百胜在中国运营有肯德基(KFC)和必胜客(Pizza Hut)。由于围绕百胜一个供应商的负面报道引发销售大幅下滑,今年2月,百胜承诺将从供应链中剔除所有的小规模养鸡场。2010年,光明乳业股份有限公司(Bright Dairy & Food Co.)收购新西兰Synlait Milk Ltd. 51%的股权,这是在中国曝出婴幼儿配方奶粉丑闻后,中国企业采用现代化乳制品加工工艺的一项努力。

China's efforts are happening at the same time that the U.S. system of food production faces burgeoning backlash from critics at home who deride it as 'factory farming' that contributes to less-healthful food and environmental problems. A series of documentaries and best-selling books that take issue with the U.S. food industry have helped fuel rising demand for meats and other foods made by organic producers, sometimes on small farms. Some of those critics have complained that the Shuanghui-Smithfield deal will exacerbate such problems as complex supply chains and food-contamination risks.


But despite some problems─Smithfield has had a handful of food recalls in the past decade─the U.S. meat-processing industry is generally seen as a global leader in food safety as well as being highly efficient. 'The U.S. meat industry has done a remarkable job of making our meat supply safer,' said Bill Marler, a Seattle lawyer who has represented victims of food-borne illnesses from meat and other food products for two decades.

过去10年,Smithfield有过几次食品召回,但尽管存在一些问题,美国的肉类加工业在食品安全方面基本上一直被视为全球领导者,并且效率很高。西雅图的律师马勒(Bill Marler)说,美国肉类产业在供应安全方面做得十分出色。过去20年,他一直为那些因食用肉类和其它食品感染疾病的受害者打官司。

Smithfield has played a major role in consolidation with acquisitions in the 1990s that turned it into the world's biggest hog farmer. Its plants have capacity to slaughter as many as 110,000 hogs a day. In its last fiscal year, it processed nearly 28 million. Its control of each stage of production helps Smithfield to trace back any problems with pathogens and address them.


'Their traceability is superb,' said John Mabry, an Iowa State University professor who specializes in swine genetics. 'If they can control everything from reproduction of pigs to processing to the grocery store, they can control food safety.'

美国艾奥瓦州立大学(Iowa State University)研究猪遗传学的教授马布里(John Mabry)说,Smithfield的追踪能力是一流的,如果他们能控制从生猪繁殖到加工再到杂货店等一切环节,他们就能控制食品安全。

Smithfield declined to comment.


Shuanghui has grappled with food-safety problems. In 2011, Chinese health inspectors found clenbuterol─a food additive banned in China and the U.S.─in pork products from its subsidiary. The company apologized on its website and said it discontinued partnerships with producers using the additive, which speeds muscle growth in pigs but can cause headaches and an irregular heartbeat when consumed by humans.


While Shuanghui and Smithfield have said a big part of the proposed $4.7 billion deal would be to increase imports of Smithfield's pork into China and expand the distribution of those products, Shuanghui also appears intent on relying on the expertise of Smithfield's management team to enhance its pork-processing facilities in China. Shuanghui Chairman Wan Long said Wednesday the deal would give Shuanghui access to Smithfield's 'best practices and operational expertise' as the company seeks to meet soaring appetite for pork from China's growing population.


Hogs in the U.S. are primarily raised in large, enclosed buildings on farms that tend to be spaced miles apart from each other. This helps control disease because the hogs generally have little to no exposure to other animals─including from neighboring farms─and limited contact with human caretakers.


U.S. hog farms follow strict protocols to prevent and contain disease outbreaks, and many have close working relationships with veterinarians.


'When you put pigs in a barn, it's like sending kids to school: One snotty nose in class and everyone has it,' said Mike Haag, who raises 1,200 hogs on his Emington, Ill., farm, most of which are sold to Cargill Inc., one of the biggest U.S. meatpackers.

在美国伊利诺伊州埃明顿(Emington)的农场饲养了1,200头生猪的哈格(Mike Haag)说,在牲口棚养猪就好比把孩子送到学校:班上只要有一个孩子流鼻涕,全班都会受到感染。哈格饲养的生猪大部分都卖给美国最大的肉类加工厂之一嘉吉公司(Cargill Inc.)。

Smithfield and other pork producers in the U.S. follow a set of guidelines developed by the National Pork Board, an industry group, called the 'Pork Quality Assurance Plus' program that governs the feeding and care of pigs. The system is voluntary, but 84% of the U.S.'s pork producers have gotten certified under the program, representing 75% of the U.S. pig inventory, according to the pork board.

Smithfield和美国其它猪肉生产者遵循一套由行业组织全美猪肉生产商理事会(National Pork Board)制定的指导方针。这套名为Pork Quality Assurance Plus的方针规定了生猪的饲养和照看方法。该理事会说,是否遵循这一方针是自愿的,但84%的美国猪肉生产商都得到了该项目的认证,占美国生猪存栏量的75%。

Most American hog farmers won't allow someone who has visited another hog farm to come inside theirs for at least 48 hours. Visitors have to wash their hands and suit up in boots and coveralls supplied by the farm. Delivery trucks have to be washed and sanitized before entering some farms. In a method known as all-in, all-out production, a barn that houses a group of hogs sent to slaughter is washed before another group of hogs enters.

大多数美国猪农不会允许至少在48小时之内曾经拜访过另一个养猪场的来宾进入自家猪场。来宾必须洗手,并穿上农场提供的靴子和连体工作服。进入某些农场前,运输卡车必须清洗和消毒。在所谓的“全进全出”(all-in, all-out)生产方式中,一群被送到屠宰场的生猪离开牲口棚后,牲口棚必须进行清洗,然后另一群生猪才能进来。

When a pig is sick, most farmers quarantine it in a 'treatment pen,' where antibiotics are given only when necessary.


In China, slaughtering methods vary and it is unclear how often pigs are stunned first so they don't feel pain. In the U.S., partly in response to complaints by animal-rights activists, handlers at slaughterhouses are supposed to keep pigs calm by moving them along in small groups, and the animals are required to be rendered unconscious and unable to feel pain before they are killed.


About half of U.S. slaughterhouses render pigs unconscious by applying electrical prods near the head and heart of the pigs. The other half expose pigs to carbon dioxide─a method pioneered in Europe that has gained favor in America in the past decade because the process prevents meat from bruising and some animal rights advocates feel it is more humane. In the carbon dioxide method, groups of five or six pigs are loaded into an elevator and then lowered into a chamber containing the gas. When they come out they are limp and unconscious. In both cases, the pigs are killed by puncturing their throats.


U.S. pigs sent to slaughterhouses are tattooed so that the meat can be traced back to the farm. U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors are stationed at every U.S. meatpacking plant, where they look for signs of illness upon entry, conduct random samples to detect whether the meat contains antibiotics and where they inspect the organs and skin of the slaughtered pigs for disease.


China, in contrast, doesn't have government inspectors on site for the whole process at each meat-processing facility. Some modernized facilities have regular inspectors on hand, according to the USDA.



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