






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2013-6-8 19:07| 查看数: 1153| 评论数: 1|

Alice: I'm really glad I let you talk me into going for a bike ride. It's been years since I've been on a bicycle.

爱丽丝: 我很高兴你竟然说服我骑自行车一游。我已经很长时间没有骑过自行车了。

Sam: This is the only way to travel. You get to really see the scenery and enjoy the fresh air.

山姆: 这是最佳的旅行方式。你能好好地欣赏风景,呼吸新鲜空气。

Alice: Hey, watch out! You almost dropped into that huge pothole. This asphalt is cracked and the road is all bumpy.

爱丽丝: 嘿,小心!你差点掉进那个大洞。这块沥青断了,路上到处都是崎岖不平的。

Sam: Thanks for the warning. Yeah, this asphalt really needs to be repaired. I'd ride on the gravel path instead, but it's full of ruts. Oh, slow down! There's a big dip ahead.

山姆: 感谢你的提醒。是呀,这块沥青路确实需要修缮。我宁愿走碎石路,不过那里也是到处是车辙印。啊,慢点!前面有个很大的斜坡。

Alice: Whoa! I didn't see that coming. I almost lost control on that slippery section of road. Sorry, I nearly swerved into you. Are you okay?

爱丽丝: 哇!真出乎我的意料。那段路又湿又滑,我差点就失控了。抱歉,我差点就撞到你了。你还好吧?

Sam: Yeah, I'm fine. When I suggested this route, I was sure it would be an easy ride since it's paved all the way. I didn't bargain for these lousy road conditions.

山姆: 是呀,我很好。因为这路一直铺的很平,所以当初我建议走这条路时觉得应该会很轻松。我没想到路况这么糟糕。

Alice: We'll just have to keep our eyes open and be thankful for these crash helmets!

爱丽丝: 我们要保持警惕,感谢带有头盔!

Sam: You won't blame me if you go flying, will you?

山姆: 如果你飞起来,你不会怪我吧?

Alice: Not if you break my fall.

爱丽丝: 除非你从半空中接住我。


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