






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-6-9 23:57| 查看数: 867| 评论数: 0|

China's exponential growth over the last decade is admired globally, but could eventually come with a price: social unrest.


According to the head of Europe's largest aluminum producer Norsk Hydro, China's new and still growing middle class is likely to get increasingly frustrated at the restrictions its ruling class impose.

Agence France-Presse/Getty Images欧洲最大的铝业生产商挪威海德鲁公司(Norsk Hydro)首席执行长说,对于规模还在壮大的中国新兴中产阶级来说,统治阶层施加的限制很可能会让他们越来越感觉到失望。

"My concern is the long-term situation in China, when hundreds of millions of people are middle class ─can they accept that the freedom they experience is not of the same degree as in democratic nations in the West?" says Svein Richard Brandtzaeg.

布兰采格(Svein Richard Brandtzaeg)说,我担心的是中国的长期形势;当数亿人迈入中产阶级的行列,他们是否能接受这样的事实,即自己所获得的自由在程度上同西方民主国家有所不同?

"This could increase the temperature of Chinese society, although I'm not saying there will be a revolution. But if the government continues to handle its population in the same way, it'll find that it is faced with a nation demanding democracy."


China is already struggling with inflation, Mr. Brandtzaeg says, with Norsk Hydro facing salary increases of 20% a year at its operations there, with the concept of these generous wage hikes backed by the government.


While keeping its huge population happy is clearly critical for the country, Mr. Brandtzaeg says that at least one other negative consequence of Chinese growth is already being seen.


"Rising costs will influence the appetite for foreign direct investment into China and this investment could start to reverse the other way as a result," he adds.



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