






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-13 11:00| 查看数: 680| 评论数: 0|

Leak investigators are scouring National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden's personal and professional life to try to determine whether anyone helped him gather secret documents about sensitive intelligence programs before he gave them to reporters, according to people familiar with the probe.

据熟悉调查的人士说,泄密案的调查人员正在仔细审阅美国国家安全局(National Security Agency,简称NSA)承包商员工斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的个人经历和职业履历,以确定在他向记者泄密之前,是否有人协助他收集了这些与敏感情报项目有关的机密文件。

Officials said they haven't found evidence suggesting he had an accomplice, but they need to investigate further to be sure that no other leaker or potential leaker is associated with him.


Authorities have also begun weighing what possible criminal charges they could file against Mr. Snowden. That work is complicated by the fact that his last known location was Hong Kong. Any charge would have to conform with the U.S. extradition treaty with Hong Kong, which only applies to offenses that are serious crimes in both jurisdictions.


People familiar with the discussions said federal prosecutors are weighing charges ranging from theft of government property to espionage. In order for Mr. Snowden to be extradited from Hong Kong, the latter charge would have to come with a pledge he wouldn't face the death penalty, because Hong Kong's extradition treaty forbids turning over someone who faces possible execution.


Separately, probers are also tracing Mr. Snowden's electronic footprints inside the NSA, these people said. Mr. Snowden had been an employee of government contractor Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp. working at an NSA facility in Hawaii in recent months.

这些人士说,另一方面,调查者还在追踪斯诺登在NSA内部的电子足迹。斯诺登是政府承包商博思艾伦(Booz Allen Hamilton)的雇员,最近几个月在NSA位于夏威夷的一个机构工作。

Mr. Snowden, who outed himself Sunday as the source of recent stories about secret government operations to gather large amounts of phone and Internet user data, was a relatively small player in the U.S. intelligence apparatus, according to people familiar with his case. His job, however, allowed him access to computer systems that contained highly sensitive information, according to these people.


One person said his position was not much different from that of Bradley Manning, the Army private who, despite his low rank, was able to take a trove of U.S. documents and share them with the website WikiLeaks.

一名人士说,他的层级与曼宁(Bradley Manning)没有太大区别。曼宁是美国陆军一等兵,尽管军衔不高,但是他却得以获得了美国的大量文档,并把这些文档提供给了维基解密(WikiLeaks)。

Mr. Snowden, 29 years old, checked out of his Hong Kong hotel Monday, and his whereabouts couldn't be determined. His public admissions on the website of the Guardian newspaper make it more likely the U.S. government will prosecute him, but he told the newspaper he hoped Hong Kong or another host country would resist any attempts to extradite him to face charges.


In the Guardian interview, Mr. Snowden said he worried about the consequences his actions might have for his family. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents spoke Monday with his father, who lives in Pennsylvania. His father didn't speak to reporters outside his home.


By his mother's home in Ellicott City, Md., neighbor Joyce Kinsey said she sympathized with the family, but didn't support what he had done.

他母亲的家在马里兰州埃利科特城(Ellicott City),在她家附近的邻居金西(Joyce Kinsey)说,自己同情这家人,但不支持斯诺登的做法。

'I'm saddened by what's taken place,'' said Ms. Kinsey, 63. 'I don't like what the government is doing, but I don't believe someone should come forth and give away secrets.…If he didn't like it, he should have quit his job and started a special-interest group. This was not the right way.''


She said Mr. Snowden had lived at the suburban home about 12 years ago, for a period of about two years. Ms. Kinsey described him as nice but not outgoing, saying he would say hello if spoken to but usually didn't make eye contact.


Military records show that Mr. Snowden joined the Army Reserve in May 2004 as a Special Forces recruit, but was discharged four months later. Mr. Snowden told the Guardian he left the military after breaking his legs during training.


He told the paper he ended up getting a security job for the NSA in Maryland and later worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. After leaving that job, he became a contractor for the NSA. He had worked for Booz Allen Hamilton for about three months, he said, when he flew to Hong Kong.


Mr. Snowden told the Guardian that he also had worked for Dell Inc. as a U.S. contractor, but it refused to confirm that.

斯诺登告诉《卫报》,他还曾以美国承包商员工的身份为戴尔公司(Dell Inc.)工作。但戴尔拒绝证实这一信息。

His disclosures to the Guardian and the Washington Post have provided new details of large-scale data-gathering and storage programs that the government says are important tools in detecting and preventing terror plots. Under one program, the NSA collects phone-call records of millions of Americans, including the numbers called and the time and duration of the calls. Another program, called Prism, targets foreign Internet traffic, though questions remain about how often it collects information on the online activity of U.S. citizens or residents.

斯诺登向《卫报》和《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)披露的信息为美国政府推行的大规模数据搜集和存储项目提供了新的信息。美国政府说,这些项目是检测和预防恐怖阴谋的重要工具。在其中一个项目中,NSA搜集了数百万美国人的通话记录,其中包括被叫号码、拨出时间和通话时长。另一个名为Prism的项目则专门针对外国互联网流量。但NSA搜集与美国公民或居民网上活动有关信息的频率仍然不得而知。

Some lawmakers have called for Mr. Snowden's swift extradition and prosecution from Hong Kong. Among some prominent figures on the far left and far right, though, his actions engendered sympathy.


Conservative radio host Glenn Beck and liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore have both praised Mr. Snowden. More than 100 Snowden supporters gathered for a rainy rally on his behalf Monday in New York.

保守派的电台主持人贝克(Glenn Beck)和自由派的纪录片导演摩尔(Michael Moore)都称赞斯诺登。周一,100多名斯诺登的支持者在纽约冒雨参加集会表达对他的支持。

Some are raising funds online for Mr. Snowden. Dwight Crow, an employee at Facebook launched an online campaign that had raised more than $8,000 by Monday afternoon.

一些人则在网上为斯诺登筹款。Facebook的一名员工克劳(Dwight Crow)在网上发起一项活动,截至周一下午已经筹集了8,000多美元的资金。


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