






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-18 09:30| 查看数: 917| 评论数: 0|

Rationing in Europe. Trafficking probes in the Netherlands and New Zealand. Two-year prison terms for smugglers in Hong Kong. Calls for international aid.


China’s voracious demand for foreign-made baby milk has squeezed supplies – and created business opportunities – across the globe, and even inspired an artwork made of milk formula tins from dissident artist Ai Wei Wei.


Demand has soared amid the fallout from China’s scandal over melamine-contaminated milk in 2008, which killed six babies and left hundreds of thousands sick. Since, a series of food safety scandals has left the Chinese mistrustful of domestic produce – especially when it comes to the $12.5bn of formula they feed their offspring.


In a country with 82m children below the age of five, and where only 28 per cent of children under the age of six months are breast-fed, according to the UN, any problems in the supply chain were always going to have far-reaching effects.


Euromonitor projects that Chinese demand for formula will double over the next four years to $25bn on the back of reduced breastfeeding and a growing female workforce. By 2017, the data agency forecasts that China, the one-child policy notwithstanding, will account for half of all global sales.


Chinese dairy producers have failed to grab as much of this growth as their international peers. While the Chinese milk formula market grew 25 per cent from 2011 to 2012, sales at Mengniu, China’s biggest dairy company, fell 3.5 per cent. Mengniu, caught up in the initial milk scare, has been restructuring in an attempt to improve its image. Last month it agreed a joint venture with Danone of France, which is already a big operator in China’s market.


Some analysts forecast further restructuring, with consolidation of midsized operators such as infant formula specialist Synutra – which has itself been ramping up capacity, most recently with plans for a $118m milk-drying plant in France.


Bright Food, a state-owned food group, is offering visits to its plant to boost confidence among customers. A spokesman says: “We arranged nearly eight such plant visiting events and we found the result very positive. When the consumers walked in the factory, actually we did not need to talk too much.

中国国有食品集团光明食品(Bright Food)则邀请消费者参观自己的工厂,以期提升消费者对其产品的信心。该公司一位发言人表示:“我们大约安排了8个此类参观工厂的活动,并发现取得了非常积极的效果。当消费者真正走进工厂参观时,我们其实无需多言。”

“They themselves would observe how we collected the milk, did the inspections, packed the milk etc. The trust was rebuilt naturally afterwards.”


Some milk formula producers have tried to get around the tarnished image of domestically produced milk powder by marketing their products as “European-style” formula.


Investment companies are also banking on baby milk. Shanghai Pengxin investment group recently bought 16 dairy farms in New Zealand for about NZ$200m (US$160.7m). Milk from the farms will be sold to Fonterra, the New Zealand dairy co-operative which is a big supplier to China.

投资公司也对婴儿奶粉市场寄予了很高期望。上海鹏欣集团(Shanghai Pengxin)近期斥资约2亿新西兰元(合1.607亿美元)在该国收购了16家奶牛场。这些奶牛场生产的牛奶将被出售给新西兰合作农场企业恒天然(Fonterra)。恒天然目前已是中国一大奶制品供应商。

Not all foreign companies have been benefiting from the scramble for supplies. Mead Johnson of the US in its recently released first-quarter results reported no noticeable change in consumption in China and no sign of accelerated underlying growth.

不过并非所有外国企业都从中国的奶粉抢购中获益。美国美赞臣(Mead Johnson)近期发布的一季度业绩显示,其在中国的销售额并未出现显著变化,也没有迹象显示潜在需求正在加速增长。

In contrast, Danone has reported a year-on-year rise of 16.1 per cent in its global baby nutrition division.


Sancor, Argentina’s biggest dairy exporter, has started selling its infant milk formula in China via local distributors. “China has a marked deficit in these products and represents a huge opportunity . . . Argentine consumption of infant formula is only 1 per cent of that recorded in China. Hence the importance of this market,” Sancor said.


Danone in France and Milupa in Germany have both increased European production in an effort to avoid European shortages, as well as to serve the Chinese market. Danone has also been selling its Dutch-made formula online in China through a partnership with Tmall, an online retailer owned by Alibaba.


While the Chinese government has tried to calm fears about domestic milk formula, it has also lowered its import tariffs on it from 20 per cent in 2012 to 5 per cent this year.


However, Chinese consumers’ efforts to source milk from elsewhere have already created a headache for regulators overseas.


Formula imports from New Zealand are tariff-free. However, in order to maintain its regulatory system, there are strong fines for smugglers. Under New Zealand law, any infant formula, even a single tin bought at a supermarket, requires an export certificate if it is to be sent out of the country. An individual caught exporting infant formula without a certificate faces a penalty of up to NZ$50,000.


An investigation by the Ministry for Primary Industries, which deals with food safety, and the New Zealand Customs Service estimated in September 2012 that the illegal trade of infant milk formula was worth “in excess of NZ$150m and growing”.

据新西兰第一产业部(Ministry for Primary Industries,简称MPI)以及新西兰海关局(New Zealand Customs Service)于2012年9月联合进行的一项调查估算,“婴儿配方奶粉的非法贸易规模超过1.5亿新西兰元,并且还在增长当中”。MPI负责与食品安全有关的事务。

“MPI discovered that the majority of exporters were complying with the legal requirements and that a number were unintentionally in breach  . . . One exporter is currently being investigated,” said Bill Jolly, chief assurance strategy officer at the MPI.

MPI的首席保障战略官比尔•乔利(Bill Jolly)表示:“MPI发现,绝大多数出口商都遵守了法律规定,也有数家出口商在并非故意的情况下违反了法律……目前有一家出口商正在接受调查。”


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