






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-19 10:00| 查看数: 878| 评论数: 0|

A parade of remedies old and new purport to help healing unsightly scars. These range from home cures to surgical procedures. It's hard for patients to navigate the 'huge myths' that surround skin injuries, says Whitney Bowe, medical director for cosmetic and laser services at Advanced Dermatology in New York and Ossining, N.Y. She also teaches at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. To find out how to minimize scars, we tapped her expertise.

从家用偏方到手术治疗,一系列新老疗法都旨在让难看的疤痕愈合。位于纽约市和纽约州奥西宁(Ossining)两地的高级皮肤科(Advanced Dermatology)美容与激光服务部的医疗主管惠特尼•鲍说,患者很难厘清有关皮肤创伤的“诸多迷思”。鲍同时也在纽约州立大学下州医学中心(SUNY Downstate Medical Center)和纽约市西奈山医学院(Mount Sinai School of Medicine)任教。为了弄清如何将疤痕最小化,我们记录下了她的专业见解。

Why does skin scar?


Scars result from abnormal formation of collagen in the skin after an injury, basically a stress response in this protein that is vital to the skin's strength. No matter what type of scar you have, Dr. Bowe says that a few treatments help and the rest aren't usually worth the time and money.


What's the best way to avoid scars?


'My patients sometimes think they should dry out their wounds so they form scabs, but that's the worst thing you can do,' says Dr. Bowe. 'Keep the wound nice and moist, and don't use anything fancy.'


She recommends plain old Vaseline and a Band-Aid. Some patients prefer the texture of Aquaphor, an ointment which Dr. Bowe says also works well. The more ingredients in a moisturizer, she says, the greater the chance it can cause an allergic reaction. It is also very important to keep a healing wound out of the sun to prevent discoloration.


Do drugstore remedies help?


Vitamin E, known for antioxidant properties that can lessen inflammation, is widespread in topical creams and lotions for scar healing, but Dr. Bowe doesn't think it helps much. In fact, in some patients it can cause an allergic reaction or skin irritation, she says. When it works for patients, it is likely because the lotion is simply keeping the skin hydrated.


Onion extract is another ingredient found in over-the-counter creams, and one that Dr. Bowe also finds adds little to simple petroleum jelly.


One product that can have advantages is silicone, she says. The gel often is applied to an adhesive sheet that sticks to the skin. Dr. Bowe says it is thought that the pressure of the bandage is what might make a difference in the scarring process. Nonetheless, she says, 'It is not a 'Wow' effect and can be very expensive.' The process can cost around $40 a month, with up to two years required for full healing.


Are any home cures reliable?


Honey is the one household staple Dr. Bowe would recommend putting on a healing wound, though she doesn't recommend it over Vaseline. It promotes healing while killing off other bacteria and fungi.


Stay away from two other folksy treatments, rubbing onions or lemon juice on the scar, she says. These are 'so irritating they will kill healthy skin cells.'


Are medical procedures worth the expense?


Laser therapy can help with certain types of thick or red scars, says Dr. Bowe, while scars that are thick or raised can be flattened with injections of cortisone. She recommends V-Beam lasers for red scars and Fraxel for certain types of acne scars. Acne damage also can be punched out and stitched back up in a gamble that 'you're replacing one scar with another that looks better,' she says. Fraxel can also be more effective on old scars than other treatments.


These types of procedures don't come cheap. Fraxel, for instance, can run around $300 to $500 a treatment for a small area like the cheeks, and a patient requires at least three procedures.



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