






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-20 11:30| 查看数: 730| 评论数: 0|

If everything goes according to the five-year plan, then all villagers in parts of rural China will have to do to see a doctor is go to their local bank and walk into a white booth next to the ATM machines.


The health capsule is one of the projects that has come out of China’s drive to develop the internet of things. It has a display screen, a keyboard and an examination platform, that can gather, analyse and store patient data.


Under the current five year plan, which details economic targets and policies, the government has pledged to pour Rmb5bn ($813.6m) into the internet of things by 2015.


The Chengdu internet of things technology institute, a state-owned body that has received Rmb20m since 2009, is one of the bodies at the forefront of this push.

国有独资企业成都物联网技术研究院(Chengdu internet of things technology institute),是中国物联网开发领域的领军企业之一。该研究所自2009年以来已获得2000万元人民币的投入。

Gao Xiaoyong, the institute’s director, says: “We are in talks with some banks, such as Minsheng Bank, as they want to purchase some capsules, hoping that the offer of free health examination will attract more customers.”


The institute has already deployed 11 of the capsules in Shuangliu, a county with a population close to 1m surrounding Chengdu, the capital of the province of Sichuan. They reflect the institute’s focus on trying to use machine-to-machine communications to make up for the vast distances and weak infrastructure in some parts of rural China.


“Patients living in small towns or rural areas can save on their trips to hospitals in big cities, yet still get chances to be treated by good doctors working in these big cities,” says Mr Gao. The government says 80 per cent of all hospital visits made in 2011 were unnecessary as patients’ problems could have been treated easily but many rural patients rush to big cities in search of the best doctors.


There are currently eight such “clinics” in Chengdu, each set up with an investment of about Rmb800,000, and the plan is to set up 30 in the first half of this year. If they are deemed successful, the plan is to build a network of 3,400 in the city and eventually expand the model across China.


“China’s approach is unique as it is very technology-focused and very government-driven,” says Bettina Tratz-Ryan, a vice-president at Gartner, the research firm.

研究公司Gartner副总裁贝蒂娜•特拉齐-里安(Bettina Tratz-Ryan)说:“中国的方法非常独特,因为这种方法非常偏重技术,政府驱动程度也很高。

“Mature technology is becoming available but there is a question mark about business models [and] how to manage a city,” she says. “This is a problem with the internet of things worldwide but in China it’s more pronounced because you’re packaging it in a five-year plan.”


Other applications that are being encouraged across the country include so-called smart applications for agriculture and more than a dozen smart city projects, where local governments hope to control skyrocketing traffic flows that have caused China’s urban areas to be choked by extreme congestion and caused grave air pollution problems.


“China is more focused on how to manage cities of 10m-15m people – very different from Europe, where the emphasis is on environmental sustainability, or the US, where the focus is on operational efficiency as cities face bankruptcy,” says Ms Tratz-Ryan.


In Wuhan, a central Chinese metropolis on hilly terrain on the middle reaches of the Yangtze, one of the country’s two largest rivers, a “car net” came into force just over a year ago. The local government has connected almost all the city’s 1m cars – as well as a system of sensors and cameras – to monitor and control traffic flow on its nine bridges and three

位于长江中游丘陵地带的中国中部大都市武汉,一年多以前刚刚启动一个车辆联网项目。武汉市政府几乎将该市100万辆机动车全部联网,并联入一个传感器和摄像头系统,以监控该市9座大桥和3条隧道(这些地方很容易发生交通堵塞)的交通流量情况。该项目系统集成的主要负责公司——中创软件(CVIC SE)的副总经理陈致平表示:“此外,警方也在利用该系统打击犯罪,因为这个系统可以追踪车辆。”

tunnels, which can easily become gridlocked. “In addition, the system is also being used by police to fight crime as they can track vehicles,” says Steve Chen, a vice-president at CVIC SE, the software company that acted as the main system integrator for the project.


Executives at Huawei, China’s largest telecom infrastructure vendor, which manages networks for operators and supplies chipsets for device circuit boards, says security applications are a main driver of the Chinese machine-to-machine market, which industry experts estimate hit Rmb330bn last year.

中国的国有电信运营商也在开发类似的项目。世界入网用户最多的移动运营商中国移动(China Mobile),已专门成立一个子公司,并正开发一些计划服务于许多不同应用的无线网络。

China’s state-owned telecom operators are pushing similar projects. China Mobile, the world’s largest mobile carrier by subscribers, has set up a dedicated subsidiary and is establishing wireless networks it plans to be used by many different applications.


Some multinationals have jumped on the bandwagon. US group Intel set up an internet of things research centre with the Chinese academy of sciences last year.


But, despite the big targets and headline-grabbing projects, experts say China is behind other big markets in commercial use of such technologies.

麦肯锡(McKinsey)亚洲商业技术业务负责人克里斯•伊普(Chris Ip)表示:“目前很多尝试正在进行中,许多厂商跃跃欲试,但目前仍然缺乏上规模的商业应用。

“There are a lot of experiments going on, and a lot of players pitching, but there’s a dearth of commercial applications at scale,” says Chris Ip, who leads McKinsey’s business technology practice in Asia.


“I do think, though, that China is playing a critical role, just by virtue of the fact that many of the chips and sensors used in machine-to-machine communication are, to some extent, manufactured and assembled in China.”


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