






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-21 15:55| 查看数: 998| 评论数: 0|

China’s cash crunch deepened on Wednesday after the central bank withheld funding from the financial system, putting pressure on overextended lenders.


Short-term interbank rates jumped more than 200 basis points, setting a record high at nearly 8 per cent for loans of one month or less, the latest indication of how credit has suddenly become very tight in China.


The main reason for the tightness has been the central bank’s reluctance to pump liquidity in to the money market, wrongfooting banks that had expected Beijing would support them with large cash injections, as it had regularly done before.


Signalling that the cash crunch could persist for a while, the China Securities Journal, a major state-run newspaper, ran a front-page commentary saying China was at a turning point in monetary policy.

官方重要报纸《中国证券报》(China Securities Journal)在头版发表评论文章称,中国处于货币政策的转折点,暗示现金短缺可能持续一段时间。

“We cannot use as fast money supply growth as in the past, or even faster, to promote economic growth,” the newspaper said. “This means that authorities must control the pace of money supply growth.”


Interbank rates began to rise earlier in June before a public holiday last week, a normal pattern before festivals in China when demand for cash increases. Bankers and analysts had expected rates to fall when the country got back to work.


Instead, over the past five working days, the central bank has remained on the sidelines of the market, refusing to provide the short-term cash injections that banks had been hoping to see. On Tuesday, the People’s Bank of China added to the pressure by draining Rmb2bn ($325m) from the market.


“The only explanation is that the central bank wants to send a warning signal to commercial banks and other credit issuers that unchecked credit expansion, particularly through the shadow banking system, will not be accommodated,” said Na Liu with CNC Asset Management.

“唯一的解释是,央行希望向商业银行和其他信贷发放机构发出警告:无节制的信贷扩张,特别是通过影子银行体系实现的信贷扩张,是不被容忍的,”加拿大CNC资产管理公司(CNC Asset Management)的刘纳表示。


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