





假药偷运盛行 非洲抗疟受阻

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-25 11:00| 查看数: 1369| 评论数: 0|

When customs officials in Luanda, Angola, searched a cargo container from China, they found something hidden inside a shipment of loudspeakers: 1.4 million packets of counterfeit Coartem, a malaria drug made by Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis NOVN.VX +0.56% AG.


The discovery, last June, led to one of the largest seizures of phony medicines ever. The fakes─enough to treat more than half the country's annual malaria cases, had they been genuine─are part of a proliferation of bogus malaria drugs in Africa that threatens to undermine years of progress in tackling the disease.


Massive Western aid programs have financed the purchase of millions of doses of Coartem and other antimalaria efforts such as insecticidal nets and spraying. Combined, they have helped bring about a sharp reduction in malaria fatalities, health experts say. Over the past decade, annual deaths from malaria in Africa fell by a third, to about 600,000, according to the World Health Organization.

大规模的西方援助计划提供了用以购买数百万剂量的复方蒿甲醚以及其他抗疟工具的资金,其他的抗疟工具包括蚊帐和杀虫喷雾。卫生专家表示,在多种抗疟手段的综合作用下,因患疟疾而死亡的人数已经大幅降低。据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)数据,在过去的十年间,非洲每年因患疟疾而死亡的人数降低了三分之一,为大约60万人。

But the blizzard of fakes threatens the progress. 'There could be a reversal' in fighting the disease, Angola's health minister, Jose Van-Dunem, said in an interview, calling fake antimalarials 'a new phenomenon.'

但是,层出不穷的假药事件对抗疟进展构成了危害。安哥拉卫生部长若泽•范杜嫩(Jose Van-Dunem)在一次采访中表示,抗击疟疾的战斗“可能会出现逆转”,他将假冒抗疟药品称作一个“新现象”。

More than one in 10 Angolans is diagnosed with malaria every year, making the drugs a part of everyday life there. The disease can be lethal for pregnant women and children under 5 if unchecked, said Mr. Van-Dunem. While there are no statistics on fatalities possibly linked to fakes, health authorities fear that any deaths related to counterfeits could be mistakenly attributed to other causes.


Coartem treatment for adults showing symptoms consists of 24 pills taken over a three-day period. The counterfeits seized in Luanda contained none of the active ingredient in real Coartem. Instead, they were made of calcium phosphates, fatty acids and yellow pigment, according to a copy of a Novartis analysis of the tablets reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

对于出现疟疾症状的成年人,治疗药物为24片复方蒿甲醚,分三天服用。此前在罗安达查获的假药并不包含任何正品复方蒿甲醚中具有的活性成分。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)见到的一份由诺华公司出具的药品检测的复印件显示,这些假药的成分包括磷酸钙、脂肪酸和黄色素。

The fakes are popular with Luanda street merchants, some of whom are struggling Congolese immigrants who knowingly sell the cheap counterfeits─sometimes for the same price as the genuine drugs.


Large quantities of legitimate Coartem are supplied to Africa through aid programs backed by Western governments, which purchase the drugs from Novartis at or below cost. Some of these tablets are distributed through government health clinics that give them away free, while others are sold by licensed pharmacies for about $5 for a full course of pills. Some of the genuine drugs are stolen from public facilities and wind up for sale at street markets, say local authorities and merchants.


Whether genuine, fake or stolen, antimalarials are highly visible at the markets. They are typically displayed alongside Chinese-manufactured bluejeans, shoes, wheelbarrows and power generators. Customers weave their way around goats, wild dogs and ponds of putrid water, walking atop tracks made of crushed soda cans, cardboard and plastic bags.


Some sellers acknowledge knowing that some of their pills are copies, but many maintain they are still effective at treating malaria. 'It's good quality,' Congolese street seller Pierre Masamba said of the Coartem-labeled pills he was selling.

有些卖家承认,他们清楚自己售卖的药物中有假冒药品,但是很多卖家坚称,自己出售的药品仍然能有效治愈疟疾。来自刚果的街头小贩皮埃尔•马沙姆巴(Pierre Masamba)在谈到他出售的贴有复方蒿甲醚标志的药品时说:“这个药质量很好。”

Mr. Masamba said they were 'Chinese copies' but thought they contained active ingredient. Upon learning they didn't work, he said 'I have no equipment to analyze them so I can't know if they work or not.'


A study published last year by the Lancet medical journal and conducted by a unit of the National Institutes of Health found that 35% of 2,300 malaria drug samples tested in sub-Saharan Africa were of 'poor quality'─either fake, expired or badly made. Such pills 'are very likely to jeopardize the unprecedented progress and investments in control and elimination of malaria,' the paper's authors concluded.

去年在医学期刊《柳叶刀》(Lancet)上发表的一篇研究报告指出,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区抽取的2,300份抗疟药物的样本中,有35%的药物都“质量不佳”──它们或是假药、过期药,或是劣质药。这项调查是由美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)旗下的一家分支机构进行的。这篇研究报告的作者们总结道,这样的药品“极有可能会危害到在控制和消灭疟疾上所取得的前所未有的成果及相关投资”。

A spot-check of pills by The Wall Street Journal found mixed results. At a market in Northern Luanda, the paper purchased samples from different vendors, with the knowledge of local authorities, and sent them for testing to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, an independent facility. Three samples, described by sellers as copies that were effective, turned out to be fake and lacking Coartem's active ingredients. Three others, described as Coartem, were the genuine drug.

由《华尔街日报》进行的复方蒿甲醚抽样检测发现药品质量参差不齐。在通知当地政府部门后,《华尔街日报》工作人员在罗安达北部的一个市场上从不同的药品卖主手中采购了样品,并将药品送到了独立机构伦敦卫生与热带医学院(London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)进行检测。据卖主称具有疗效的三款仿制药样品经检测被证实是假药,并不具备复方蒿甲醚应有的活性成分。另外三款据卖主称是复方蒿甲醚的样品则被证实是正品。

Julia Francisco, 29, who was shopping for medicine at a market where cheap counterfeit malaria drugs have been found, said Coartem costs too much in pharmacies─and isn't always available through other legitimate outlets. 'We can't find it at hospitals,' she said.

29岁的茱莉亚•弗朗西斯科(Julia Francisco)表示,药房中出售的复方蒿甲醚价格太高,并且通过其他正规渠道并不总是能找到这种药物。弗朗西斯科曾经在一个发现过廉价假冒抗疟药品的市场上购买过复方蒿甲醚。她说:“我们在医院里买不到这种药。”

Nongovernmental organizations and the health minister deny there is a shortage. 'Antimalaria [treatments] are in sufficient quantity in hospitals,' said Mr. Van-Dunem in an interview. If people buy the drugs in markets, he said, it is for reasons of convenience.


At hospitals, 'they have to go for a prescription. They have to wait. So it's easier' to procure at markets, said Mr. Van-Dunem.


Though the sale of fakes is illegal, counterfeit manufacturers, intermediaries and street traders are subject to little local enforcement, according to Angolan officials, who say they are working to strengthen anticounterfeit laws, but haven't provided any details.


Coartem isn't the only malaria drug available in Angola. But it is the most widely used because it is a relatively new form of treatment that global health authorities consider more effective than previous generations of medicine.


Novartis, which doesn't break out profits for individual products, says it is concerned about the damage the Coartem fakes could do to patients. 'Counterfeiting medicines is a serious crime against patients who rely on safe and quality-assured medicines to prevent and cure disease, alleviate pain and save lives,' the company said in an emailed statement.


Novartis said it is 'collaborating with partners in government, industry and law enforcement' to fight counterfeits. It has also added new security features on its packaging to make copies more difficult to produce.


The company is also concerned about how fakes might impact its credibility. 'Reports of adverse reactions…could materially affect patient confidence in the authentic product, and harm the business of companies such as ours,' the company says in its latest annual report to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

诺华公司还担心,假冒药品可能影响公司的信誉。该公司在递交给美国证券交易委员会(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)的上一财年的年度报告中称:“有关药品不良反应的报告……可能会严重影响患者对诺华正品的信心,并对包含诺华在内的诸家公司的业务构成危害。”

An examination of the path traveled by the bogus Coartem seized in Luanda traces it through a smuggling route that ships counterfeits from China's bustling trading hub of Guangzhou to the street markets of Africa.


Customs records show the fake Coartem was shipped from China by a Guangzhou freight company called Starway International Ltd., whose listed address is a drab building also occupied by a record company.

海关记录显示,假冒复方蒿甲醚由一家名为Starway国际有限公司(Starway International Ltd.)的广州货运公司从中国发出,这家公司的注册地址是一栋外立面为米黄色的建筑物,一家唱片公司也注册在那里。

Aben Iduku Hubert, the owner of the company, is a Congolese businessman who divides his time between Guangzhou and Congo. He confirmed in a phone interview that he is the owner of Starway International Ltd. Both he and Starway's day-to-day manager, Robert Ngapa, who is based in Guangzhou, said they didn't know the loudspeakers contained medicine, and were unaware that the cargo had been seized. 'You are the first to tell me [about the seizure],' Mr. Aben said. 'We don't export medicine.'

Starway的老板阿贝•伊度库•休伯特(Aben Iduku Hubert)是一位往返于广州和刚果之间的刚果商人。他在电话采访中证实,他的确是Starway的老板。但是他本人以及该公司驻广州管理日常事务的经理罗伯特•恩格帕(Robert Ngapa)都表示,他们并不知道扬声器中藏有药品,也不清楚这批货物已被扣押。阿贝对记者表示:“你是第一个告诉我(货物被扣押)的人。我们公司并不出口药品。”

Messrs. Aben and Ngapa are part of a growing diaspora of African traders involved in the export of goods from Guangzhou. Mr. Aben says he arrived in China in 1988 as a student, before setting up a freight company that ships Chinese products to Africa. He says his company ships everything from loudspeakers to shoes to television sets and wigs.


Angolan police are now investigating Mr. Aben and his company Starway─along with several men based in Luanda─over any potential role in shipping the fakes, according to an Angolan police official. Mr. Aben, who the official said hasn't been charged with a crime, said he was unaware of the investigation, had not been contacted by any enforcement authorities and had committed no crime.


Angolan police have not contacted Chinese authorities, according to the Angolan police official. An Angolan police spokesman couldn't be reached for comment.


Such counterfeits are collateral damage from the fast-expanding ties that have turned China into Africa's largest trading partner. In recent years, Beijing has clinched massive deals to import African oil in exchange for building roads and housing on the continent. The value of trades is estimated to have doubled to more than $200 billion last year, according to China's commerce ministry.

上述假冒药品事件是中非关系迅猛发展所带来的附带损害,现在,中国已经成为了非洲最大的贸易伙伴。近几年来,中国政府已经与非洲国家签署了大量进口非洲石油的协议,作为交换条件,中国帮助非洲修建了很多公路和房屋。中国商务部(China's Commerce Ministry)公布的数据显示,去年中非双边贸易额增加了约一倍,达到了2,000亿美元以上。

The trade relationship between China and the continent has also strengthened on less formal levels. A variety of vendors peddle cheap goods to African street markets from Guangzhou, population 13 million. The traders live there in an area known for its large concentration of Africans, where they can access wholesale leather, clothes, bags, sneakers and jeans─and anything else their clients in Luanda or Lagos crave.


The neighborhood is like a microcosm of Congolese daily life. Local cafes serve goat, beans and fufu, a starchy staple made from vegetables. Diners speak loudly in French and Lingala─the lingua franca of the Democratic Republic of Congo─to the sound of Soukous, a popular music in the African country.


It isn't known where the fake Coartem was manufactured. But on April 24 of last year, it set out on a two-month sea voyage from Guangzhou to Luanda, according to customs records. The container carrying the counterfeits was unloaded in Luanda along with pornographic DVDs─also hidden in the loudspeakers─and a grab bag of other, legitimate goods: bras, sofas, tricycles, hair extensions and keyboards destined for a local church, according to a customs inventory of the cargo. Messrs. Aben and Ngapa said they didn't know the loudspeakers contained illegal pornographic DVDs or fake drugs.


According to customs documents, the container was consigned to a small-time trader, Felipe Pembele, who says his firm makes a brisk business of importing cheap Chinese goods to the streets of Luanda, population five million. Angolan police and customs officials also confirmed the details about the goods shipped and their recipient.

海关文件显示,该集装箱的收货人是生意规模较小的贸易商菲利普•潘贝拉(Felipe Pembele)。潘贝拉表示,他的公司从中国进口廉价商品并在人口500万的罗安达街头贩卖,公司生意非常红火。安哥拉警方和海关官员也证实了有关集装箱内所运货品和收货人的细节信息。

Mr. Pembele's firm, General Trade Organizations Filemos Ltd., is based in a room in his home in Luanda, just behind a line of freshly hung laundry. Visited there, Mr. Pembele acknowledged importing goods from China, but said he didn't know the container concealed the DVDs or drugs, let alone fake ones. 'I don't deal in medicine,' he said.

这家由潘贝拉所有的公司名为General Trade Organizations Filemos Ltd.,该公司的办公地点就位于潘贝拉在罗安达家中的一个房间内,房间外挂满了刚洗好的衣物。在家中接受记者采访的时候,潘贝拉承认自己的公司从中国进口商品,但表示他并不知道集装箱中藏匿了DVD和药品,更不要说假药了。他说:“我并不买卖药品。”

The intended recipient of the loudspeakers containing the fake Coartem, according to Mr. Pembele and a top Angolan police official, was a Luanda pharmaceutical distributor named Antonio Kinavuidi.

据潘贝拉和安哥拉的一位高级警官称,藏有假冒复方蒿甲醚的扬声器的收货人是罗安达的一位药品分销商,他的名字是安东尼奥•齐纳沃迪(Antonio Kinavuidi)。

Mr. Pembele and Mr. Kinavuidi were briefly arrested and questioned over the counterfeit shipments but were subsequently released, according to an official at the economic police and Mr. Pembele. The two men haven't been charged, according to an Angolan economic police official and Mr. Pembele.


A visit to Mr. Kinavuidi's pharmacy showed it continued to operate as normal. He couldn't be reached to comment by phone or email. Angolan police said Mr. Kinavuidi doesn't have a lawyer because he hasn't been charged.


China's foreign ministry said the country 'has always attached great importance to drug safety and resolutely combats the…manufacture and sale of counterfeit medicines.' The ministry added that it is 'not aware' of evidence that any fake Coartem found in Africa came from China.

中国外交部(China's Foreign Ministry)表示,中国“一直高度重视药品安全问题,并且坚决打击……假药的制售行为”。中国外交部还称,并“没有察觉到”任何有关在非洲发现的假冒复方蒿甲醚从中国流出的证据。

Exports of counterfeits from China to Africa are difficult to investigate because they involve large, opaque networks. Mr. Pembele said he acted as intermediary for a group of Luanda businessmen who had joined forces to buy various goods from China. 'Clients don't always say what they buy so I have had bad surprises. You can never trust people,' he said.


In another seizure last year, Nigeria's pharmaceutical enforcement agency, working with Novartis, confiscated 40 cartons of fake Coartem packets stored at a consumer-electronics shop in Lagos, the country's economic capital. Shipping documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show the counterfeits came from a Nigerian trader based in Guangzhou.


Counterfeit Coartem has also been found and seized in Guangzhou itself. In February 2012, the Chinese police and the Chinese Food and Drug Administration seized 600 boxes of fake packets of the drug─enough to treat 18,000 patients─in two lorries in Guangzhou, according to a private investigator familiar with the haul.

假冒复方蒿甲醚也曾在广州被发现和查处过。据一位知情私人调查人员称,2012年2月,中国警方和中国食品药品监督管理局(Chinese Food and Drug Administration)在广州的两辆货车内查获了600箱假冒药品,这批药品足以用于18,000名患者的治疗。

The fake Coartem found in Luanda, Lagos and Guangzhou appeared to be manufactured specifically for the African market. The counterfeits all carried the logo of Nigeria's medicines regulator, the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control─which is used as a stamp of approval for authentic Coartem throughout the continent.

在罗安达、拉各斯和广州发现的假冒复方蒿甲醚似乎都是为非洲市场特别定制的。这些假冒药品的包装上都印有尼日利亚药监部门尼日利亚食品药品监督管理局(National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control)的标志,这一标志的使用代表着包装内的复方蒿甲醚是获准在非洲大陆流通的正品。

The fakes in all three countries also used expiration dates that ended 24 months after the alleged date of manufacture instead of the usual 23 months for genuine Coartem.


In Luanda, the health ministry is setting up laboratories to spot-check medicine in an effort to find counterfeits. But many Angolan health and police officials complain their hands are tied.



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