






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-2 11:30| 查看数: 785| 评论数: 0|

Norway’s likely winner of its looming elections is floating the idea of splitting the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund in two, as the $720bn oil fund grapples with the challenges of growing ever bigger.


Such a move would be the most radical change to the oil fund since it was set up more than two decades ago to manage Norway’s oil and gas revenues. At the start, few expected the fund to receive much money but it has grown rapidly in recent years on the back of rising oil revenues and is expected to reach $1tn by the end of the decade, making it by far the largest sovereign wealth fund.


Jan Tore Sanner, deputy leader of the Norwegian Conservative party, told the Financial Times that if the party retakes power in September, he would like to establish an expert group to see if the fund – which is so large it owns an average 1.25 per cent of every listed company in the world – should be broken up. “We want to have a discussion on how we organise the fund and its structure in the future. Should we have one fund or maybe two funds?” he said.

挪威保守党第二把手扬•托雷•桑纳(Jan Tore Sanner)告诉英国《金融时报》,如果该党9月份重新掌权,他将组建一个专家小组,研究是否应该分拆这只基金。该基金规模之庞大,相当于在全球每一家上市企业拥有平均1.25%的股份。他表示:“我们想要讨论如何组织这支基金以及未来的结构。我们应该拥有一支基金还是两支?”

The Conservatives are on course to retake power after eight years of centre-left rule by the Labour party, with the latest polls giving a centre-right coalition including the Progress party a clear majority of seats.

中左翼的挪威工党(Labour party)执政8年以后,保守党有望重掌权力。最新的民调显示,包括挪威进步党(Progress party)在内的中右翼联盟将获得绝对多数席位。

Mr Sanner, the finance spokesman for the Conservatives, said he was keen to maintain a broad political consensus around the oil fund and how to spend its money, a contentious issue in Norway. “It is the right moment to raise these issues. It has functioned very well up until now. But is the structure the right one for the future?”



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