






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-5 08:30| 查看数: 750| 评论数: 0|

They have been jailed and tortured, hunted in the streets and blacklisted from public life. But a year after winning the presidency and reaching the pinnacle of their 80-year quest for power, Egypt’s Islamists again face an existential threat.


President Mohamed Morsi was yesterday fighting back against what his supporters have dubbed a military coup d’état against his democratically elected government. This time, the president’s Muslim Brotherhood and his millions of supporters made clear, they were not about to give up.

昨日,总统穆罕默德•穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)反击被其支持者称为针对他的民选政府发动的军事政变。这一次,总统的穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)以及他的数百万支持者明确表示,他们不会放弃。

“If the military takes any street action we will stand in front of the tanks,” vowed Gehad Haddad, an official in Mr Morsi’s Freedom and Justice party.

穆尔西的自由与正义党(Freedom and Justice party)的官员Gehad Haddad誓言:“如果军队开到街上,我们将挡在坦克面前。”

Following massive street protests on Sunday against what critics see as the president’s increasingly autocratic and erratic rule, Egypt’s military on Monday leapt back into politics and demanded that the president and opposition negotiate a compromise by today or submit to the army’s own political road map. Under a draft of that road map, leaked to Reuters, the constitution would be suspended and the current Islamist-dominated legislature dissolved if a power-sharing agreement is not reached.


But rather than bow to the pressure, Mr Morsi and his Islamist allies have begun gathering their forces in preparation for a stand-off. His supporters, many dressed in traditional galabiyas (robes) and holding copies of the Koran, gathered in squares and streets across the country. “Here are the real people of Egypt,” declared Mostafa Marzouk, an aircraft technician who attended a pro-Morsi rally with his two sons.

但穆尔西及其伊斯兰主义盟友不仅没有向压力妥协,还开始召集自己的力量,准备对抗。他的支持者很多穿着传统的穆斯林斗篷,手持可兰经,在全国各地的广场和街道上聚会。一位飞机技师穆斯塔法•马尔祖克(Mostafa Marzouk)宣称:“这里是真正的埃及人民。”他带着自己的两个儿子参加支持穆尔西的聚会。

Many of those protesting in support of Mr Morsi sported thick beards and wore skullcaps associated with the puritanical Salafist movement. Others wore jeans and T-shirts, or colourful headscarves and claimed no affiliation to any group. “We will never leave the squares,” said Nelly Alieldin, a professor of epidemiology.

很多参加示威、支持穆尔西的人士蓄着大胡子,带着与清教徒式的沙拉菲(Salafist)运动相关的无沿便帽。其他人穿着牛仔裤和T恤,或者戴着鲜艳的围巾,宣称不隶属任何组织。流行病学教授Nelly Alieldin表示:“我们绝不会离开广场。”

The Brotherhood’s political machine swiftly activated after the army announcement. The president and his advisers huddled for hours before issuing a terse 2am statement that played down the army’s ultimatum.


Shadi Hamid, an expert on the Brotherhood at the Brookings Doha Centre, said the defiance was intended to raise the stakes. “The military wants to stage a coup? They’re going to have to really stage a coup.”

布鲁金斯多哈中心(Brookings Doha Centre)的穆斯林兄弟会专家沙迪•哈米德(Shadi Hamid)表示,抗拒姿态是为了增加筹码。“军队想上演一场政变?他们将必须花功夫搞一场真正的政变。”


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