






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-5 12:00| 查看数: 873| 评论数: 0|

China has made some progress in its efforts to improve diplomatic ties at high-level Asian meetings here, but it didn't appear to succeed much in swaying its petulant protege North Korea from backing off its nuclear ambitions.


Pyongyang bucked China's moves to encourage it back toward resuming stalled negotiations among six countries aimed at ultimately denuclearizing the Korean peninsula. Instead it lashed out at Washington, accusing the U.S. of forcing the reclusive nation to accelerate efforts to develop its own nuclear deterrent.


'Pyongyang appears to be pushing China away and shirking Beijing's reins,' said Heather Williams, a research fellow on nuclear weapons policy at London's Chatham House. She pointed out that North Korea went ahead with missile and nuclear tests recently, 'both of which Beijing urged it not to conduct.'

伦敦智库Chatham House核武器政策研究员威廉斯(Heather Williams)说,平壤似乎是在推开中国,躲避北京的缰绳。她指出,朝鲜近来继续进行导弹试射和核试验,而这两件事均是北京敦促它不要做的。

Still, China's apparent diplomatic success with nations at this week's meetings on issues other than North Korea came as the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reiterated his country's pivot toward strategically key Asia, after a decade focused on its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

不过除朝鲜问题外,中国在本周会议上与别国就其它很多问题似乎取得了外交上的成功。与此同时,美国国务卿克里(John Kerry)重申,美国将把重心转向具有重要战略意义的亚洲。此前10年,美国把主要精力放在了阿富汗和伊拉克战争上。

Beijing has dominated many of the negotiations during several days of talks in this tiny, oil-rich sultanate. While Mr. Kerry delayed his arrival here to help encourage peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi nudged forward discussions with Southeast Asian nations on how to best resolve a series of territorial claims in the volatile waters of the South China Sea and pledged to upgrade China's robust trade relationships with the region.

连续几天的会谈在文莱这个富产石油的伊斯兰小国举行,北京主导了其中很多谈判。克里为了帮忙劝说以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人进行和谈而推迟了抵达文莱的时间。而中国外长王毅则就如何以最佳方式解决南中国海(South China Sea,中国称南海)一系列领土争端问题推动了与东南亚国家的讨论,并承诺升级中国与该地区强劲的贸易关系。

At the Asian meetings, Mr. Kerry acknowledged China's diplomatic role in pressing North Korea to take concrete steps to roll back its nuclear weapons before the so-called six-party talks with China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S. on ending the country's international isolation can resume. 'China made it clear to me they have made very firm statements and taken very firm steps with respect to the implementation of that policy,' Mr. Kerry said.


But North Korea insisted it was keeping its nuclear-weapons program. Choi Myung Nam, a North Korean Foreign Ministry official, told reporters the U.S. was at fault for creating a series of security crises in East Asia and that North Korea has to develop nuclear weapons for its own protection.

但朝鲜坚决表示将保留核武器计划。朝鲜外交部官员Choi Myung Nam对记者说,美国对在东亚制造一系列安全危机负有责任,朝鲜不得不为保卫自己而研制核武器。

The North Korean official said the launch of a satellite in December was a peaceful exercise and that Washington had worsened the security environment across the whole region by encouraging the United Nations to step up sanctions on Pyongyang. That move led Pyongyang to conduct its latest--and largest--nuclear test in February, Mr. Choi said. 'We hadn't originally planned to do it,' Mr. Choi said. 'The United States's actions forced us.'


Previously, Beijing had tended to raise its objections to North Korea's actions behind closed doors. But more recently it has started publicly, albeit cautiously, to air its frustrations about its small, though bellicose neighbor.


China's Mr. Wang told reporters here Monday denuclearization of the Korean peninsula was his country's ultimate objective, bringing Beijing's views into accord with those of Washington, even if the two countries sometimes disagree on how to reach that target. 'As the chair of the six-party talks, the Chinese side will continue to encourage all the parties concerned to work together toward that common goal and create the conditions to resume talks on the Korean nuclear issue,' Mr. Wang said.


Outmaneuvering Pyongyang, though, will likely prove challenging, even for China. The only time North Korea signed a multilateral deal limiting the development of its nuclear program was in 2005, and that quickly fell apart.


'The North Koreans are trying to square the circle between offering the Chinese something, gestures to the U.S. and [South Korea], while at the same time trying to structure those initiatives in a way that guarantees they will fail,' said Stephan Haggard, visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. 'I have not seen anything to indicate that the North Koreans are serious.'

彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的访问学者哈格德(Stephan Haggard)说:朝鲜正在妄图向中国做出一些保证,向美国和韩国有所表示,而同时试图将这些计划设计得保证无法成功。我没有看到任何东西说明朝鲜是认真的。


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