






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-9 09:00| 查看数: 723| 评论数: 0|

The Obama administration has set itself up for a fight with Wall Street after resisting European demands to include financial services regulation in transatlantic trade talks as the list of sticking points build before negotiations begin this week.


Washington is concerned that including a framework for financial regulatory convergence in the talks could be used by banks to circumvent tough rules stemming from the 2010 Dodd-Frank law, and as a way for Europeans to delay their own reforms.

华盛顿方面担心,在会谈中纳入一个有关金融监管一体化的框架,或被银行用于规避源自2010年《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank Act)的严厉监管法规,并被欧洲用作拖延自身改革的一种方式。

But the EU sees a financial chapter as an important component of any deal – a view shared by many US banks that believe the Obama administration’s objections are misplaced.


The tensions come ahead of the first round of formal discussions this week in Washington, aimed at sealing the world’s largest trade agreement by the end of next year to boost sluggish economies on both sides of the Atlantic.


The dispute follows regulatory concerns over the US’s attempts to enforce rules on financial activity such as derivatives trading in other jurisdictions. EU finance ministers fear such moves would renationalise markets and force the industry to navigate conflicting rules.


It also adds to other hurdles expected in the trade talks, which include issues in the farming and cultural sectors as well as data privacy regulation. The launch of the negotiations has already been overshadowed by the US National Security Agency’s eavesdropping programme, concerning allegations that US surveillance was aimed at EU offices.

此次贸易会谈在农业、文化以及数据隐私监管等领域可能也将遇到障碍。美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)的监视项目已为此次会谈的启动投下了阴影,已有爆料称欧盟的办公室是美国监视项目的主要目标。

But the financial services spat is unusual as it pits Washington against Wall Street, which is traditionally aligned with the goals of US trade agreements.


“We don’t agree with the concerns that [the Obama administration] has raised and we don’t think it’s consistent with what they are trying to do in other sectors,” said Ken Bentsen, president of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, a big lobby group for Wall Street. “It will be a missed opportunity if they didn’t include a financial plank and we’ll certainly continue to talk to them about that and we know the Europeans would like to do it so we’re hoping it will be on the table.”

华尔街主要游说组织证券行业与金融市场联盟(Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association)的主席肯•本特森(Ken Bentsen)表示:“我们不同意奥巴马政府所持担忧,我们不认为其与奥巴马政府在其他领域所试图采取的行动一致。如果他们不把金融领域纳入谈判,将错失一个大好机会。我们肯定将继续就此问题对政府展开沟通,我们相信欧洲方面也持相同的态度,因此我们希望金融领域能被纳入谈判议程。”

The US Treasury and the Office of the US trade representative declined to comment. At his Senate confirmation hearing last month, Mike Froman, US trade representative, said financial “market access” issues should be part of the talks but regulation should be excluded.

美国财政部(US Treasury)和美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the US Trade Representative)拒绝置评。美国贸易代表迈克•弗洛曼(Mike Froman)上月在参议院听证会上作证时表示,谈判应涉及“市场准入”问题,但不应涉及监管问题。

EU officials have bristled over accusations that they are aiming to water down US rules. “Having told us to get our act together – which we are now clearly doing – are the US suggesting that they cannot trust our systems and that only their rules can apply?” said Nadia Calviño, a top official handling financial services, recently.

面对试图弱化美国规则的指责,欧盟官员表示恼怒。“美国先是表示希望我们双方联合行动,而显然这正是我们目前正在做的,现在美国又来暗示他们不能信任我们的系统,只有他们的规则才是可行的?”负责金融服务事务的一位高级官员纳迪亚•卡尔维尼奥(Nadia Calviño)最近表示。


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