






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-7-9 10:48| 查看数: 771| 评论数: 0|

Today" is CRI's first news magazine show. With in-depth panel discussions on domestic and global news and current affairs, Today gives you the story behind the headlines. Our expert guests share their views and debate the issues - a locally produced program with a distinctly international flavor.

主题新闻 (主题新闻后的嘉宾讨论为泛听,不提供文本)

You're listening to Today, I'm Xu Qinduo debating my way through the news with Ben Leung in the Global Talk.

Bringing us the news in China is Zhou Jingnan.

S. Korea, China Narrow Differences in 6th FTA Talks


The South Korean trade ministry says South Korea and China have narrowed differences in many areas at the just concluded sixth round of talks for the free trade agreement.

A statement by the Korean ministry says in the goods area, both sides have come closer to agreement in most modalities, including the level of liberalization.

The two sides have also narrowed differing views over services, investment, customs clearance, and intellectual property rights.

This round of FTA talks has been held at South Korea's port city of Busan. The 7th round will be held in China.


China and Canada to form pact


Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird says Canada and China will take a tougher approach to crack down on transnational crimes.

During Baird's two-day visit to Beijing, the two countries concluded negotiations on a deal called the Agreement of Sharing of Forfeited Assets and the Return of Property.

Once signed and approved, the landmark agreement may enable one country to get money back if a fugitive transfers illegal assets to the other country.


Ministry: KMT Veterans will be Cared for


The Ministry of Civil Affairs is reiterating social welfare for former Kuomintang soldiers who fought in the Anti-Japanese Aggression will be guaranteed.

The ministry has released a statement saying KMT soldiers who were injured or disabled in the war, as well as those who joined the People's Liberation Army led by the Communist Party of China, should enjoy the same treatment as other former servicemen.

The government is also providing social assistance to those who retired from the military after the Anti-Japanese War and did not join the PLA.


Nestle and Danone to lower baby milk prices in China


Food giants Nestle and Danone are saying they will cut prices of some of their infant milk formula products in China.

The move comes a day after China launched a probe into alleged price fixing by foreign infant milk suppliers.

Nestle's unit, Wyeth Nutrition, will slash prices by as much as 20%.

Danone also says it is co-operating with the probe and is preparing a price-cut proposal.


That's China Report - thank you, Jingnan.

Don't forget you can find us on weibo: today_NEWS Plus.

Coming up, Jonathan will be back with Online Unleashed and a landmark bill that will be great news for all those transgendered kindergarten kids in California.


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