






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-9 11:00| 查看数: 826| 评论数: 0|

Egypt’s central bank governor flew to Abu Dhabi yesterday to drum up badly needed financial support as cracks appeared within the political coalition that backed last week’s military overthrow of the country’s first elected leader.


The Gulf trip by Hisham Ramez to solicit funds from the oil-rich United Arab Emirates came as the central bank issued an unusual public appeal for Egyptians to deposit donations to a newly opened “Support Egypt” account.

希沙姆•拉米兹(Hisham Ramez,见图)启动海湾之行、前往石油资源丰富的阿联酋(United Arab Emirates)筹集资金的同时,埃及央行不寻常地公开呼吁国民向一个新开设的“支持埃及”账户捐款。

There were also signs that weeks of political unrest had done further damage to the country’s already beleaguered economy and that the instability was far from over.


The central bank said yesterday that the country’s foreign currency and gold reserves had dropped to $14.9bn at the end of June, down from $16bn a month earlier and $36bn at the start of the January 2011 uprising against Hosni Mubarak.

埃及央行昨日表示,今年6月底国家外汇与黄金储备已降至149亿美元,而一个月之前为160亿美元,2011年1月初开始爆发反对胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)的起义时为360亿美元。

Meanwhile, supporters and opponents of ousted president Mohamed Morsi were again mobilising their forces for another potentially violent duel for popular legitimacy. Street clashes between the rival groups left at least 36 dead and more than 1,400 injured across Egypt over the weekend.

同时,被赶下台的前总统穆罕默德•穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)的支持者与反对者正再次动员各自的力量,打算发起另一场抢夺大众合法性的可能带有暴力性质的对决。在刚刚过去的周末,对立派别之间的街头冲突已导致埃及全国各地至少36人死亡,1400多人受伤。

“It’s a critical juncture,” said Angus Blair of the Signet Institute, an research think-tank in Cairo. “Given that Egypt is now in a new transitional phase and given that the economy won’t improve until a new cabinet is formed, I am not surprised that the central bank is looking for support.”

埃及智库Signet Institute的安格斯•布莱尔(Angus Blair)表示:“现在正处于一个非常关键的节点。由于埃及进入新的转型阶段,并且新内阁成立之前经济不会有起色,我对央行向外界寻求支持并不感到惊讶。”


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