






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-9 12:00| 查看数: 802| 评论数: 0|

All over the world, ageing populations, falling birth rates and evermore ingenious scientific methods of keeping us alive for longer are playing havoc with national economies. For hard-pressed finance ministries, the search for ways to treat and prevent illness more cheaply without sacrificing quality has ac­quired the status of a mythical quest.


William Haseltine, a former professor at Harvard Medical School, biotech entrepreneur and Aids researcher, believes he has found, if not quite the philosopher’s stone, at least a piece of policy alchemy that deserves a wider audience.

曾在哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School)担任教授的生物科技企业家以及艾滋病研究者威廉•哈兹尔廷(William Haseltine)认为,他找到了一套政策,它即使算不上是解开谜团的魔法石,那么至少也值得让更多人知晓。

Singapore provides universal coverage and world-class results in a range of areas, such as infant mortality and increased life expectancy. It achieves this while spending less than 4 per cent of gross domestic product – about one-fifth of the proportion spent in the US and approximately half of that in the UK. Both countries in some respects can only look enviously at the quality of care Singapore offers.


In Affordable Excellence , Haseltine presents the nation’s medical scheme as an intriguing blend of paternalism and personal responsibility. The state does not hesitate to intervene in the healthcare market through measures such as the provision of subsidies to hospitals and polyclinics. It regulates and limits the type and number of doctors who can practice. This is “a kind of highly-calibrated capitalism”, in Haseltine’s phrase.

在他的《价廉质优》(Affordable Excellence)一书中,哈兹尔廷称,新加坡的医疗体系是家长制与个人责任的奇妙结合。这个国家毫不犹豫地对医疗市场进行干预,比如向医院和综合门诊诊所提供补贴。该国对执业医生的科别和数量进行监管和限制。用哈兹尔廷的话来说,这是“一种高度校准的资本主义”。

However, in a sign that this is no British-style munificent welfare state, every working Singaporean must pay into a mandatory medical savings account. The government believes this financial stake has deterred overuse or abuse of the health system and avoided reliance on state welfare or third party medical insurance.


Much in Haseltine’s analysis is persuasive. He tells a story of a nation which, more than three decades ago, realised health could not be left to the health ministry alone. In Singapore, all aspects of public policy – housing, waste disposal, road traffic, parks, tree planting – are harnessed to the goal of creating a fit and productive population. It has also invested heavily – and profitably – in becoming a regional hub for biomedical research.


But he is less convincing in his argument that this is a prescription ripe for wholesale export. Healthcare systems tend to be rooted in a nation’s culture and political traditions. The degree of central direction is specific to Singapore; so, too, is the stability of the political regime. One party has been in power for about half a century, ensuring extraordinary constancy of purpose. This may be a pity for all who do not live in the city-state since international evidence suggests stability, in itself, predisposes a health system to success.


The idea that everyone must contribute financially towards their healthcare, crucial to controlling costs in Singapore, would prove disablingly contentious in countries with more generous systems. Although a number of recession-hit nations have quietly raised the level of contributions de­manded from citizens, they have done so without risking the public debate necessary to extend the approach that underpins Singapore’s success.


He also concedes that it is hard to change healthcare delivery patterns once they are established, “as such decisions profoundly affect the lives of individuals and economies”.


The one “export” attempt mentioned – an initiative to take some of the basic ideas behind medical savings accounts for use in China – proved unsuccessful. “Without Singapore’s wealth, its relatively younger population, its higher employment rate, its lack of rural areas, and its limited number of immigrants, Shanghai has not been able to emulate [their] effectiveness,” he writes.


As an account of transformational political leadership, this book is nevertheless a substantial contribution to the canon of health reform. Singapore showed prescience in identifying as far back as 1983 the need to refocus the system on treating chronic conditions rather than infectious diseases – a switch other countries are struggling to make even now. It also identified the impact demographic change would have on the demand for services. It now operates a model approach to limiting costs while helping elderly people to live productive lives. A committee on ageing is the institutional embodiment of a cross-government approach guided by principles that include ensuring that all have access to good public transport and can remain in their homes, or at least communities, for as long as possible.


It is here, in offering a humane and economically sensible approach to supporting people in the final section of their lives, that the lessons of this book have widest application – and offer a way forward for all countries as they confront the implications of demographic change.



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