






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-9 12:30| 查看数: 690| 评论数: 0|

This week, in a sequence reminiscent of the first revolutionary wave of January 2011, Egypt’s military took the side of the people and deposed an elected president. Is this an end to Egyptian democracy? Not at all. This is the second wave of our revolution.


Egypt’s new generation, which forms a majority in this country, has shed the garb of authoritarianism and its anachronisms. It is determined to transform Egypt into a modern democracy. It is disorganised and chaotic, but strong. Two and a half years ago, this generation claimed its rights.


The dignity, peacefulness, creativity and tolerance of the uprising created a moment of greatness that surprised everyone. We were fully aware of the risks. We were fighting two better-organised forces: the Muslim Brotherhood and the entrenched authoritarianism of state institutions. Still, we chose to build a democratic alliance with the Brotherhood. They pledged to set up a modern and democratic regime.

那场起义所展现出的尊严、平和、创造力和宽容,造就了一个令世人感到惊讶的伟大瞬间。我们当时完全明白相关的风险。我们是在与两支更有组织的力量作斗争,那就是穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)以及国家机构根深蒂固的威权主义。不过,我们选择与穆兄会建立民主同盟。他们承诺会建立一个现代而民主的政权。

However, our coalition went adrift. As Hosni Mubarak was evicted from the presidency, the Brotherhood forced on us a transitional process putting elections ahead of drafting a constitution or a basic bill of rights. We objected. Democracy is built on a set of rules that protect rights and freedoms, not on ballot boxes that would hand unqualified power to a majority. But our attempts to negotiate such rules were vetoed by the Brotherhood.

然而,我们与穆兄会的联盟出现了问题。就在胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)被赶下总统宝座的同时,穆兄会把一个过渡程序强加给我们,这个过渡程序把选举置于起草宪法或基本权利法案之前。我们对此予以了反对。民主是建立在一套保护权利和自由的规则之上,而不是建立在会将不受约束的权力赋予多数派的票箱之上。但我们就这些规则展开协商的努力被穆兄会否决了。

Mohamed Morsi, who could not win presidential elections without our support, stepped into the shoes of his predecessor. He addressed the people as his “sons and daughters” and told us that the government knew our interests best. He and his supporters told us he was chosen by God; that our revolution was a divine intervention to implement an Islamist interpretation of sharia. Soon Christians were persecuted, and thousands left the country.

原本离开我们的支持就无法赢得总统选举的穆罕默德•穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)却步其前任后尘。穆尔西把埃及人民称为他的“儿女”,还说政府最了解我们的利益所在。他和他的支持者告诉我们:他是真主选中的人;我们的革命是上天的眷顾,其目的是贯彻对伊斯兰教法的伊斯兰主义解读。很快,基督教徒就受到迫害,成千上万的基督教徒离开了埃及。

When we objected, we were accused of being “infidels and crusaders”, part of a “rotten elite”, disconnected from the “true character of Egyptians” and “working against the will of people”. The Brotherhood’s jihadi allies, who returned from abroad, threatened us: if Mr Morsi was voted out, they would return to violence.


Mr Morsi maintained reconciliatory rhetoric. But state repression continued unabated – directed only against those who struggled for democracy. Torture and abuse worsened. Trials of previous violations came to nothing, while new laws were drafted to curtail freedom of expression and assembly. The media and opposition were harassed and demonised.


Then came Mr Morsi’s coup. On November 21 he issued a “constitutional declaration” elevating himself and his decisions above legal review. In a nutshell, Egypt was not moving to democracy, but towards Islamist authoritarianism. There was no legal recourse against the neo-authoritarian president. So, we had to take our fight for democracy back to the streets.


The Brotherhood and its associates did not take us seriously. Instead of heeding calls to negotiate a “pact on transition”, they focused on extending their control over state institutions. This antagonised the judiciary, police, military and civil service. They also lost public support. Women felt threatened. Islamist television channels showered the public with fatwas that made the majority of Egyptians shiver. The Brotherhood did little to alleviate sectarianism. Brotherhood businessmen expanded, piling pressure on older businesspeople. All in all, Mr Morsi and his Brothers antagonised almost all of Egypt.


This is how, gradually, our street politics gained greater momentum. By April most Egyptians, in towns as well as the countryside, shared our determination to push out Mr Morsi and his neo-authoritarian regime, and reset the transition towards a true democracy. We set June 30 as his deadline.


Most of us question the intentions of both the military and the police. Most of us agonised over the idea of a de facto alliance with those who opposed the first revolutionary wave. Yet the harshness of Islamists’ neo-authoritarianism helped us decide. We participated in this second revolutionary wave knowing that overthrowing Mr Morsi would be the beginning of another round of struggle for democracy.


We know it will be a struggle to steer this second transition process towards democracy and we are still disorganised. But we have a clear goal and are determined to get there. And because we are younger, more creative, pragmatic, and because we are the majority, we know that we shall prevail. Democracy is coming.



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