






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-10 11:00| 查看数: 1393| 评论数: 0|

Two 16-year-old Chinese girls were identified as the passengers killed in Saturday's airliner crash in San Francisco.

周六,韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines Inc.)一架波音客机在旧金山国际机场降落时失事,经确认,有两名16岁中国少女在事件中遇难。

China's Ministry of Education said in a statement that 70 of those aboard were Chinese students and their teachers. They were headed for U.S. precollege exchange programs.


Among them, according to a public statement from Asiana 020560.SE -0.58% that was also carried on leading Chinese state media, were Wang Linjia and Ye Mengyuan. They were on their way to a 15-day summer camp in the San Francisco area organized by Jiangshan Middle School in Zhejiang province, according to a government spokesman in the Chinese town where the school is located.


On Saturday, a Boeing BA +1.27% 777 arriving from Seoul crashed and erupted into flames while landing at San Francisco International Airport, killing Ms. Wang and Ms. Ye and critically injuring dozens.


Officials said Asiana Airlines Flight 214 with 307 people on board, including 16 crew members, crashed just before noon local time. Witnesses said they saw puffs of smoke, apparently from the main wheels or tail hitting the ground, before the plane was engulfed in flames; some parts of the jet were later found in the San Francisco Bay, which circles the beginning of the runway. Passengers were seen jumping down emergency inflatable slides to the tarmac.


San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White at a news briefing Saturday evening said 182 of the passengers were sent to Bay Area hospitals. The remaining passengers who weren't injured were being reunited with friends and family, officials said.

旧金山市消防队长海耶斯-怀特(Joanne Hayes-White)在周六晚间召开的新闻发布会上说,182名乘客被送往海滩附近的医院救治。官员们称,没有受伤的乘客正在与亲友团聚。

Passenger Eugene Anthony Rah said he was still reliving the day's harrowing experience, 'like a slide show that keeps playing.'

失事飞机上的乘客拉亚(Eugene Anthony Rah)说,他一直不能摆脱当天坠机的恐怖景象,那一幕像幻灯片一样一遍遍在脑中重现。

Mr. Rah, a hip-hop concert producer who was on his 173rd flight from Seoul to San Francisco on Asiana Airlines, said he knew as he looked out the window on the approach to the runway that something was wrong.


'The altitude was too low' over San Francisco Bay, he said, and then he heard an unusual engine noise, like revving. 'I thought (the pilot) was trying to get more power,' to gain elevation.


After the plane slammed into the ground, Mr. Rah said it seemed to careen out of control, as it skidded sideways. 'I thought that was it. I was going to die. To be honest, I'm still surprised I'm alive. When the plane hit so hard, I thought it would flip over or blow up.…There was smoke but no fire yet,' he said.


The plane skidded on its belly and then stopped. At that point, 'the screaming stopped and there was silence in the plane. Total silence,' he said.


Minutes later, he said the captain was screaming on the loudspeaker for everyone to get off the plane, but before exiting he saw several acts of heroism. Mr. Rah saw a flight attendant carrying injured passengers down the aisle.


'She was a hero,' he said. 'This tiny, little girl was carrying people piggyback, running everywhere, with tears running down her face. She was crying, but she was still so calm and helping people.'


Mr. Rah said the flight attendants got everyone off the plane as the smoke billowed inside. He slid down the slide and, maybe 10 to 15 minutes after the crash, flames spread through the passenger compartment.


'It is incredible and very lucky that we have so many survivors,' San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee said at a Saturday evening news briefing.

旧金山市市长李孟贤(Edwin Lee)上周六晚间在新闻发布会上说,有那么多人幸存下来,真是令人难以置信,非常幸运。

The passengers included 141 Chinese nationals, 77 Korean nationals and 61 U.S. citizens, among others, Mr. Lee said. Asiana said the flight originated from Kansai International Airport in Osaka, Japan, stopped in Seoul and then carried on to San Francisco.

李孟贤说,乘客中有141名中国公民、77名韩国公民和61名美国公民,还有其他国家的人。韩亚航空说,失事航班是从日本大阪的关西国际机场(Kansai International Airport)起飞的,经停首尔,然后飞往旧金山。

More than 50 patients were taken to San Francisco General Hospital. Chris Barton, chief of the hospital's emergency department, said at a news conference that several of the crash patients suffered spinal and head injuries, including possible concussions and bleeding that resulted from blunt force to the head. He said the equivalent of a downward fall that the passengers faced during the crash might have caused spinal fractures.

有50多名伤者被送到旧金山综合医院(San Francisco General Hospital)。该院急诊部负责人巴顿(Chris Barton)在新闻发布会上说,多名伤者为脊柱和头部受伤,包括头部受到钝器伤可能造成的脑震荡和出血。他说,乘客在飞机失事过程中等同于摔了下来,这可能造成脊柱裂伤。

Six passengers remained in critical condition on Saturday evening, said hospital spokeswoman Rachael Kagan, but she added that 11 other Bay Area hospitals received crash victims.

该院发言人卡根(Rachael Kagan)说,截至上周六晚间,仍有六名乘客伤势危重,但她也说,另有11家湾区医院接治了伤者。

Safety experts said it was premature to speculate whether pilot error or a flight-control problem was at fault. The weather was excellent, with light winds and good visibility. The 777's pilots were following a routine visual approach and didn't radio any problems or declare an emergency before impact, according to preliminary reports.


Officials from the National Transportation Safety Board and South Korea's transport ministry were sending teams to the site for a full investigation.

美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)的官员和韩国交通部的官员正在派小组前往飞机失事地点进行全面调查。

According to people familiar with the sequence of events, barely seconds before impact some controllers in the tower worried the crew's visual approach appeared to be too low; they saw what they interpreted as a last-minute bid by the pilots to raise the nose and gain altitude, though investigators haven't confirmed that.


Early reports by eyewitnesses, government officials and industry safety experts, however, indicated the plane touched down several hundred feet before the beginning of the runway.


Commercial pilots who saw the crash from the airport or nearby hotels said the plane appeared to land unusually hard and short, then spun around the strip and erupted in flames. One of the major issues investigators are likely to examine relates to an instrument-landing system that wasn't operational at the time, and had been out of commission on that strip for weeks due to runway improvement work.


The crew of the Asiana jet didn't need the system to make such a visual approach and according to safety experts, a separate set of lights was functioning to warn pilots about approaches that were too high or too low to touch down safely.


Government and industry safety experts increasingly believed parts of the plane initially hit the protective sea wall in front of the strip. In any case, investigators will focus on flight commands by the pilots and the operation of automated flight-control systems.


Benjamin Levy, a partner at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Bootstrap Labs, walked away from the crash with only cuts and bruises.

硅谷风投公司Bootstrap Labs合伙人莱维(Benjamin Levy)逃过此劫,只受了一些皮外伤。

Mr. Levy, who sat next to the window in an exit row, saw no flames as the plane landed, he said. 'There was some smoke, not too much. The fire started afterward,' said the San Francisco resident.


Mr. Levy said 'there was no indication' of any problems before the plane started falling. 'We just hit the runway and went into a crash,' Mr. Levy said. However, before he realized the plane was crashing, he wondered why it was flying so close to the water.


'We almost landed in the water just before hitting really hard,' he said. 'And then we are going back up. I thought maybe we are going to start taking off again. But we didn't.'


San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr said Saturday evening that the rescue operation involved shooting foam and water into the holes in the plane and tossing tools inside from below, like knives that crew members used to cut passengers out of their seats.

旧金山警察局局长苏尔(Greg Suhr)周六晚间说,救援行动包括将泡沫和水注入到飞机的破洞中,并将刀子等工具从下面扔到里面,机组成员可用刀切断座位上的安全带,救出乘客。

David Eun, a Samsung Electronics 005930.SE -3.80% executive who was on the plane and able to walk away from the scene, tweeted some of the first information about the crash.

乘坐这架飞机的三星电子(Samsung Electronics)高管David Eun也逃过此劫。他在推特上发布了一些关于此次空难的一手信息。

'I just crash landed at SFO. Tail ripped off. Most everyone seems fine. I'm OK. Surreal…' read the first tweet from Mr. Eun, who also posted pictures of the smoking wreckage.


Another tweet from him described the scene: 'Fire and rescue people all over the place. They're evacuating the injured. Haven't felt this way since 9/11. Trying to help people stay calm. Deep breaths…'


020560.SE -0.58% At a hastily arranged news conference in Seoul midafternoon Sunday, Asiana President Yoon Young-doo and a group of executives bowed in apology. Mr. Yoon called the accident 'regretful.'


The airline doesn't believe the accident was caused by an engine or mechanical problem, Mr. Yoon said, but added that all facts related to the investigation would be announced by the NTSB.


Mr. Yoon also said the pilots on the flight were veterans with around 10,000 hours of flying time each.


Boeing Co. said in a statement that it 'extends its deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who perished' in the accident, and 'wishes for the recovery of those injured.' The company said it would provide technical assistance to the NTSB's investigation.

波音公司(Boeing Co.)在一份声明中说,该公司向此次事故罹难者的亲友表示最深切的慰问,并祝愿事故中的伤者尽快恢复健康。该公司说,其将向美国国家运输安全委员会的调查提供技术协助。

Law-enforcement and counterterrorism agencies so far have found no sign that terrorism was involved, officials said. The White House said President Barack Obama was being kept informed about developments.

官员们表示,迄今为止,执法人员和反恐部门尚未发现此次事故有牵涉恐怖主义的迹象。白宫说,总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)一直在关注此次事故情况的发展。

China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website that President Xi Jinping asked authorities to cooperate with U.S. and South Korean officials to care for the victims. It said it confirmed two Chinese deaths and said 78 Chinese citizens were confirmed safe, citing information from the U.S.


It is the first time one of Boeing's widely used 777 jets has been involved in a fatal crash. The only other major accident involving the Boeing model occurred in January 2008. Ice accumulation blocked fuel flow to both engines of a British Airways IAG.MC -1.16% 777 that crash landed on approach to London's Heathrow International Airport. No one was injured in that accident, but it prompted major changes in operating procedures and a redesign of fuel systems aboard the 777.

波音777飞机使用广泛,这是该机型首次发生造成人员死亡的坠机事故。唯一涉及该机型的另一起重大事故发生在2008年1月。当时英国航空公司一架波音777飞机机身上累积的冰阻断了两个引擎的燃料供应,导致飞机在伦敦希思罗国际机场(Heathrow International Airport)降落时发生坠机事故。那次事故没有造成人员受伤,但促使波音777的操作程序进行了重大修改,波音也对燃料系统进行了重新设计。

Nearly 1,100 Boeing 777s have been delivered since May 1995 and have served as the backbone of the plane maker's long-range products.


Asiana Airlines Inc., South Korea's second-largest airline by revenue and passengers after Korean Air Lines Co., 003490.SE -0.67% has had two prior fatal accidents since its founding in 1988. The most recent was the crash of a Boeing 747 cargo plane crashed near Jeju Island, south of the South Korean mainland, in 2011. A pilot and co-pilot were killed.

自1988年成立以来,韩亚航空此前已发生过两次造成人员伤亡的事故。最近一次是在2011年,当时该公司的一架波音747货机在韩国济州岛附近发生坠机事故,导致一名飞行员和一名副驾驶丧生。以营业收入和客运量排名,韩亚航空是位居大韩航空(Korean Air Lines)之后的韩国第二大航空公司。

Asiana's earlier fatal accident happened in 1993, when one of its Boeing 737 aircraft crashed into a mountain as it approached an airport in Haenam, South Korea. Sixty-six people died and 44 were injured.


California Gov. Jerry Brown and his wife issued a statement Saturday evening expressing sympathy for the crash victims.

加州州长布朗(Jerry Brown)及其夫人安娜(Anne)上周六晚间发表声明对此次坠机事故的受害者表示慰问。

'Anne and I extend our deepest concerns and sympathy to the passengers who were aboard Asiana Flight 214 and to their families,' he said. 'We are grateful for the courage and swift response of the first responders whose actions surely prevented an even greater tragedy.'


020560.SE -0.58% San Francisco-Seoul is the third busiest international route out of the SFO airport, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation statistics released in October last year. That route carried 646,891 passengers in 2011. That is behind the SFO-London Heathrow and SFO-Hong Kong routes.



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