






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-11 09:35| 查看数: 677| 评论数: 0|

The crash landing of an Asiana Airlines jet at San Francisco on Saturday has raised concerns about the South Korean carrier’s safety record at a time when it was already struggling financially.

韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)一架客机上周六在旧金山降落时失事,令人对这家已经在财务上挣扎的韩国航空公司的安全记录感到担忧。

The accident, which killed two Chinese teenagers, could undermine the carrier’s expansion to serve the growing trans-Pacific demand from passengers in China and southeast Asia. It comes as the lossmaking airline is already suffering from weak cargo demand and high oil prices.


Asiana said the crash landing had not yet had a big effect on bookings, but industry watchers say the company’s reputation is likely to take a hit because the initial focus has been on the pilots’ handling of the landing in the final moments before the crash.


Lee Gang-guk, who is believed to have been at the controls at the time of landing, was still in training on the Boeing 777 and only had 43 hours flying time on the aircraft.

据信在降落时担任机长的李强国(音,Lee Gang-guk)仍在接受驾驶波音(Boeing) 777的训练,在该型飞机上只有43小时的驾驶经验。

“The investigation will certainly increase concerns over the airline’s safety,” said Song Jae-hak, head of research at Woori Investment & Securities. “There are a lot of trans-Pacific passengers at the Incheon Airport but the recent accident could make Chinese customers become reluctant to take Asiana flights.”

“调查肯定会加剧人们对该航空公司安全的担忧,”韩国友利投资证券(Woori Investment & Securities)研究主管Song Jae-hak表示。“仁川机场(Incheon Airport)有很多跨太平洋乘客,但最近发生的事故可能使中国顾客变得不愿搭乘韩亚的航班。”

Asiana’s president, Yoon Young-doo, said on Monday that media reports blaming the pilot for the fatal crash were “intolerable”.

韩亚航空总裁尹永斗(Yoon Young-doo)周一表示,将这起致命事故归咎于飞行员的媒体报道是“不能忍受的”。

“It’s a training that is common in the global aviation industry. All responsibilities lie with the instructor captain,” Mr Yoon said, adding that Mr Lee had been accompanied by a trainer with more than 3,000 hours on Boeing 777s.


However, travel agents in Seoul say they are receiving inquiries from customers concerned about the airline’s safety. “We have not seen any cancellations yet but customers are checking the type of aeroplane they will ride,” says Shin Sang-chul at Onnuri Tour. “Some customers seem to want to avoid travelling with Asiana.”

不过,首尔的旅行社表示,他们接到了担忧该航空公司安全的顾客的询问。“我们尚未看到任何取消订座的情况,但顾客想知道他们将乘坐哪一种型号的飞机,”Onnuri Tour的Shin Sang-chul说。“一些顾客似乎想要避免搭乘韩亚的航班。”

Saturday’s crash was the airline’s third fatal accident and the second involving passengers since the company began operations in 1988. Two crew members were killed in July 2011 when a Boeing 747 cargo aircraft crashed into the East China Sea after a fire on the main cargo deck.


In July 1993, an Asiana Boeing 737 on route from Seoul in bad weather flew into a hillside on its approach to Mokpo, the southern South Korean city, killing 64 passengers and four crew members.


Following the latest incident, Korea’s transport ministry said it would conduct a special inspection into operations of local airlines until August 25, urging carriers to conduct intensive training for pilots who fly to airports with difficult take-off or landing conditions. It will also inspect the engines and landing systems of Korean Air’s 37 Boeing 777s and Asiana’s remaining 11 Boeing 777s.

最新事故发生后,韩国国土交通部表示,在8月25日之前将对本国航空公司的运营展开专项检查,同时敦促各航空公司对飞往起降难度大的机场的飞行员进行强化训练。该部还将检查大韩航空(Korean Air)的37架波音777和韩亚航空剩下的11架波音777的发动机和着陆系统。

According to ministry data, 115 flight accidents have occurred involving local carriers in the past 10 years, resulting in 23 deaths. There was also an increase in safety failures, which surged from 791 in 2011 to 948 last year.


Asiana serves 71 cities in 23 countries with a fleet of 80 aircraft, but it has struggled to compete against bigger rival Korean Air. It reported a net loss of Won48.2bn ($42m) in the first quarter, compared with a Won1.9bn loss a year earlier.


Analysts said the crash landing could weigh on Asiana’s lucrative business in China, the carrier’s third-largest market, which accounts for about 15 per cent of its overall sales.


“Half the passengers on board the crashed plane were Chinese . . . So it is hard to say the negative impact will be shortlived as Chinese transit passengers have other alternative ways to fly to the US,” said Shin Ji-yoon, analyst at KTB Securities.

“失事客机上一半乘客是中国公民……因此很难说负面影响将是短暂的,因为中国旅客有其它赴美选择,”KTB Securities分析师Shin Ji-yoon表示。


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