






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-11 12:05| 查看数: 650| 评论数: 0|

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have pledged a total of $8bn to Egypt to help prop up its ailing economy, highlighting the shake-up in regional political power after last week’s military coup in Cairo.


Riyadh has promised to send $5bn and Abu Dhabi $3bn in a mix of cash, central bank deposits and oil products, as the new Egyptian administration grapples to halt the slide in the pound and stave off a foreign exchange reserves crisis.


The funds are a much-needed “lifeline”, said Mohamed Abu Basha, an economist at EFG-Hermes, the regional investment bank. With foreign reserves standing at $14.9bn at the end of June and with $1bn worth of commitments to Paris club debtors in July, Egypt was dangerously close to dropping below three months of import cover, he said.

中东投行EFG-Hermes经济学家穆罕默德•阿布•巴沙(Mohamed Abu Basha)表示,这些资金正是埃及亟需的“生命线”。他说,今年6月底,埃及外汇储备为149亿美元,还有7月向巴黎俱乐部(Paris club)债务人付款10亿美元的承诺,埃及外汇储备危险地接近跌破覆盖3个月进口需要的水平。

The promise of aid came as the interim authorities in Cairo sought to project a return to stability with the appointment of a prime minister, liberal economist Hazem al-Biblawi, and the issuance of a fast track plan that would return Egypt to civilian rule within months, a period that observers said was too optimistic.

上述两国承诺提供资金援助之际,埃及临时政府正寻求展示恢复稳定的形象。为此,临时政府已任命自由派经济学家哈齐姆•贝卜拉维(Hazem al-Biblawi)担任总理,并出台了一项快速通道计划,希望在数月内使埃及恢复文官统治。观察人士表示,这个期限过于乐观。

US President Barack Obama’s spokesman, Jay Carney, said on Tuesday that the White House is “cautiously encouraged” by the the plan to return to democratically elected government. Mr Carney called for all parties to be included in the electoral process.

美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的发言人杰伊•卡尼(Jay Carney)周二表示,美国白宫对埃及回归民选政府的计划感到“审慎的鼓舞”。卡尼呼吁埃及允许所有党派参与选举进程。

The commitments from the two oil-rich Gulf states dramatically underscore the impact of events in Cairo on the wider Middle East political order, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia delighted at the toppling of the Islamist president Mohamed Morsi favoured by their neighbour Qatar.

两个石油资源丰富的海湾国家承诺提供援助,彰显出埃及局势对整个中东政治秩序的影响。阿联酋和沙特对伊斯兰主义总统穆罕默德•穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)被推翻欢欣鼓舞,它们的邻国卡塔尔则支持穆尔西。

Although the UAE and Saudi Arabia initially offered billions in aid to Egypt after the fall of the 30-year dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, Qatar played the role of chief Gulf financier as the political dominance of Mr Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood movement grew in Cairo.

尽管阿联酋和沙特在胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)30年独裁统治结束后起初提出向埃及提供巨额援助,但随着穆尔西领导的穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)在埃及发展壮大,成为主导性政治力量,卡塔尔成了向埃及提供援助最多的海湾国家。


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