






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-11 12:35| 查看数: 819| 评论数: 0|

German and French businesses will see borrowing costs tumble by tens of billions of euros over the coming years thanks to aggressive central bank action to lower the cost of funding.


Countries in the credit-starved periphery – the main target of easy monetary policy – will benefit far less from a projected €42bn reduction in debt payments over the next five years, according to an FT analysis of European Central Bank data.


German groups are set to see total interest payments decline by €14bn, assuming all loans are eventually refinanced at the current loan rate of 2 per cent. French companies would pay €9bn less. By contrast, Italian borrowing costs are set to see a fall of just €2.3bn, while Spain and Portugal are likely to see a slight increase.


Julian Callow, chief international economist at Barclays, said: “German and French companies seem to have benefited disproportionately from ECB action.”

巴克莱(Barclays)首席国际经济学家朱利安•卡洛(Julian Callow)表示:“德国和法国公司似乎过多地从欧洲央行的行动中受益。”

Companies based in the eurozone pay about €167bn gross in interest to banks every year, representing 15 per cent of their annual pre-tax profits. This is set to fall by €42bn over roughly five years as companies gradually refinance at lower rates.


The divergence of funding costs for companies in the core and periphery will stoke fears of “financial fragmentation” – the differences in financial conditions that have plagued the eurozone for the past two years.


The fall in total interest payments comes as companies roll over their €4.7tn worth of total outstanding debt from 3.29 per cent a year as of April to the new lower average interest rate of 2.68 per cent.


Some countries will refinance debt at the new rate quicker than others, however, and interest rates could move higher or lower.



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