






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-16 10:00| 查看数: 910| 评论数: 0|

A Chinese teenager who died as a result of injuries in last weekend's crash-landing of an Asian airlines jet in San Francisco was identified over the weekend as Liu Yipeng, one of a group of students from a prestigious school in eastern China who were headed for an English-language summer camp in California.

在7月6日旧金山韩亚航空(Asiana Airline)飞机失事中因重伤身亡的中国学生身份周末得到确认,这名学生名为刘易芃,是华东一所颇有名望的中学前往美国加州参加英语夏令营的学生之一。

San Francisco General Hospital, which announced the death Saturday morning, declined to release the girl's name at her family's request, but local authorities and state-run Chinese News Service identified her in a report later in the day.

周六上午宣布这名学生死亡消息的旧金山综合医院(San Francisco General Hospital)应这名女生的家长要求,拒绝透露她的姓名。但中国有关部门和国有媒体中国新闻社在当天晚些时候的报道中确认了她的身份。

Ms. Liu, a student at Jiangshan Middle School in eastern China's Zhejiang province who had suffered a severe head injury, died Friday morning despite undergoing multiple surgeries.


The other two people who died in the Asiana 020560.SE +0.10% crash, Ye Mengyuan and Wang Linjia, were also students at Jiangshan.


'This is so shocking and tragic,' said Zhao Mengying, a Jiangshan student who had studied piano with Ms. Ye. 'I was already so heartbroken to lose two schoolmates. I thought the rest of them would be coming home.'


Ms. Liu's parents were among a group of family members and officials from Zhejiang who flew to San Francisco after the crash. They couldn't immediately be reached to comment on Sunday.


Of the 307 passengers and crew on board Asiana Flight 214 when it smashed into a sea wall in front of the runway at San Francisco International Airport July 6, more than 180 were taken to the hospital with injuries. Ms. Liu had been in intensive care since arriving at the hospital. China News Service said another student injured in the crash, Li Hongjing, had been transferred out of intensive care following abdominal surgery.


A total of 34 students and teachers from Jiangshan were on board the Boeing BA -4.69% 777, en route to a 15-day summer camp in the San Francisco area meant to expose the students to English. Most of the surviving members of the group were on their way home and were expected to arrive in Jiangshan on Sunday, according to state media.


As they had done previously for Ms. Ye and Ms. Wang, users of popular Twitter-like microblogging site Sina Weibo posted virtual candles in honor of Ms. Liu over the weekend.


'I've been following Liu Yipeng's situation the whole time. I thought she could push through and wake up, but in the end news comes that she's succumbed to her injuries,' wrote one Weibo user. 'My heart has fallen to the bottom of the valley.'


On Saturday, the official Xinhua news agency confirmed earlier reports that Ms. Ye and Ms. Wang had both been flung from the plane after its hard landing. Authorities in California also confirmed reports that Ms. Ye had been hit by a firetruck at the scene, though it remained unclear whether she was alive at the time.


Police investigators determined that Ms. Ye had been found in the tire track of a truck that was on the scene dousing the burning airplane with fire-retardant foam, said San Francisco Police Department spokesman Albie Esparza. The teen was 'apparently covered in foam' when the driver repositioned the truck and ran over her, he said.

旧金山警察局发言人埃斯帕萨(Albie Esparza)说,警方调查人员确定,叶梦圆被发现的地点是在消防卡车留下的车辙中,那辆车在现场向起火的飞机喷射灭火泡沫。他说,消防车司机移动车辆、碾到叶梦圆时,据说她全身都被泡沫遮盖。


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