






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-16 11:30| 查看数: 1103| 评论数: 0|

Plans for a 'showcase' nuclear fuel processing and equipment manufacturing center in southern China were canceled a day after protesters filled the streets to oppose the project, marking a new victory for the country's growing not-in-my-backyard movement.


In a terse statement posted to its website Saturday, the government of Jiangmen city in southern China's Guangdong province said it was no longer considering the 30 billion yuan ($4.8 billion), 229-hectare industrial park that had been planned for the satellite town of Heshan.


'The government of Heshan has decided to respect the will of the people,' the statement said, adding that the project 'will not be allowed to apply for implementation.'


The statement came roughly 24 hours after a crowd of residents, estimated by authorities at between 800 and 1,000, marched near the Jiangmen municipal government compound to protest the planned industrial park. Images posted to Chinese social media sites Friday showed protesters carrying banners with antinuclear slogans and wearing face masks decorated with the Chinese character for 'nuclear' crossed out.


Plans for the park were developed by China National Nuclear Corp. and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, and were part of China's push to expand nuclear power among ever-growing demand for more and cleaner sources of energy. An earlier statement from the Jiangmen government described a one-stop, world-class nuclear fuel processing facility that would stand as an 'Asian showcase for nuclear fuel processing and related equipment manufacturing.'

有关该工业园区的规划由中国核工业集团公司(China National Nuclear Corp.,简称:中核集团)和中国广东核电集团(China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group)共同拟定,是中国实现能源多样化、满足日益增加的清洁能源需求而发展核电的努力之一。江门市政府早前的一份声明曾这样描述这个一站式、世界一流的核燃料处理设施,说它将发展成为具有标志性的亚洲核燃料加工及装备制造中心。

An official in the Jiangmen propaganda department reached by phone Saturday confirmed the government's decision to scrap the plans.


'After we began soliciting public opinion widely on July 4th, we received many responses expressing concern about this project, so we decided to cancel it,' said the official, who refused to provide a name. He added: 'We canceled the project because we respect public opinion, not because we think the project is not safe.'


Calls to China National Nuclear Corp. rang unanswered Saturday.


The cancellation of the Heshan project comes two months after similar protests forced authorities in the southwestern city of Kunming to reconsider plans for a petrochemical facility and a year after residents in Sichuan province extracted promises from local officials that they would end plans for a $1.64 billion metals processing plant. Protests against major industrial projects in Liaoning and Jiangsu provinces, as well as in Shanghai, have had similar effects in recent years.


Saturday's announcement marks the first time a not-in-my-backyard protest has shut a nuclear project, potentially opening up a new front in a battle that has so far been waged chiefly around petrochemical facilities.


Nimby─or 'not in my backyard'─activism in China has grown in tandem with the country's middle class, which increasingly finds itself willing to sacrifice economic growth in favor of environmental well-being. In a survey published in May by Shanghai's Jiao Tong University, more than three-quarters of respondents said environmental protection should come before economic development, and a similar number said they would be willing to petition against polluting industries set up in their cities.


The government's willingness to shut such a high-profile project so quickly dovetails with the demands of a new 'mass line' campaign being pushed by Communist Party leaders that aims to put the concerns of regular people at the center of policy-making. Yet in a reflection of the cynicism that campaign is meant to counter, many appeared skeptical that the project would be truly shut down.


Such doubts were especially evident on Chinese social media sites, where many users celebrated and questioned Saturday's announcement in roughly equal numbers.


'I hope this isn't just a delaying tactic. Maybe the government has realized the power of the masses,' wrote one Sina Weibo user.


'I don't dare believe this' declared another.


Analysts say Nimby protests in China are motivated by a lack of transparency as much as by actual environmental threats, which in some cases are relatively manageable. A number of protests have erupted when residents have learned of potentially hazardous projects only as construction is about to get under way, though in Jiangmen authorities said they notified the public well in advance of the project's planned start date, according to state media.


The industrial park, the first planned for nuclear fuel production in southeast China, was intended to serve nuclear power plants in Guangdong and neighboring Fujian province, according to the official Xinhua news agency. It was projected to have a uranium enrichment capacity of 1,000 metric tons by 2020.


Immediately following Friday's protests, authorities in Jiangmen said they planned to extend the public comment period by another 10 days and invite members of the public to tour other nuclear facilities so they could better understand what was involved. The propaganda official reached Saturday didn't explain why the city changed its mind.


If the decision holds, it could set a problematic precedent in a country that has committed to a massive expansion of nuclear power, even after the Fukushima disaster in Japan in 2011. China has 17 nuclear power reactors in operation, 28 being built and more nearing the start of construction, according to figures from the World Nuclear Association.

即便在2011年日本福岛核事故之后,中国仍做出了大规模扩建核能项目的承诺。如果江门市的决定得到落实,可能会开创一个对这一计划不利的先例。世界核协会(World Nuclear Association)的数据显示,中国目前运行的核反应堆有17个,在建的有28个,另外还有更多即将开建的项目。

A number of experts, including some environmentalists, say China has little choice but to develop nuclear power, which is more efficient and much cleaner than coal. China currently uses coal to generate roughly 80% of its electricity, according to the International Energy Agency, while only around 2% comes from nuclear.

包括环保人士在内的一些专家指出,由于核燃料比煤炭更加高效和清洁,发展核能是中国必须要做的事。根据国际能源署(International Energy Agency)的数据,中国燃煤发电量仍占到总发电量的80%左右,而核能发电量仅占2%左右。


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