






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-17 11:30| 查看数: 780| 评论数: 0|

US law firms in the Gulf of Mexico area have won some of the biggest compensation awards for themselves under BP’s settlement for the Deepwater Horizon disaster, reaping a “bonanza” caused by a misinterpretation of the deal, according to the oil company.

根据英国石油(BP)的说法,美国墨西哥湾一带的律师事务所利用该公司“深水地平线”(Deepwater Horizon)灾难和解协议,为自己赢得了一些金额最大的报酬,借助对和解协议的错误解释开辟滚滚财源。

Analysis of data from the court-sponsored claims programme shows that the average offer made to law firms for losses caused by the spill has been $812,000, BP says, more than three times the average for all businesses.


Payments to law firms have been rising rapidly, roughly doubling during May and June to $1.5m per claim, versus an average of $756,000 in the previous two months.


BP said the “perverse and outrageous results” were evidence that a misinterpretation of the settlement by Patrick Juneau, claims administrator, was opening the door to “absurd” awards that violated the aim of the agreement to compensate legitimate victims of the spill.

BP表示,这一“不合常理和离谱的结果”证明,理赔管理人帕特里克•朱诺(Patrick Juneau)对和解协议的解读有误,从而为“荒谬的”赔偿大开方便之门,这种赔偿尺度违背了和解协议补偿泄漏事件正当受害人的初衷。

In court last week, lawyers representing claimants argued that Mr Juneau was interpreting the agreement properly, and that BP was suffering “buyer’s remorse” after signing up to a deal that was likely to cost more than it had expected.


It is not known how many firms representing parties in the case have also filed for compensation for their own losses.


Mr Juneau has been allowing companies to make claims using records of their cash inflows and outflows, meaning that businesses with lumpy payments can cherry-pick comparisons to maximise the apparent losses they suffered.


The company said that these claims, which were allowed by Mr Juneau and upheld by the US District Court, could cost it billions of dollars and is fighting those decisions in the appeal court.


The compensation payments for business losses are separate from the fees that many firms are earning for representing either victims of the spill or BP and the other companies involved in the disaster.


Firms representing claimants are allowed to take up to 25 per cent of the compensation paid, which has already reached $2.8bn. Lawyers on the plaintiffs’ steering committee are also allowed to share fees of up to $600m.


Many other law firms have been able to file compensation claims because they can show interruptions to their revenues in 2010, the year of the disaster.



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