






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-7-21 19:48| 查看数: 711| 评论数: 0|

Imagine if airlines ran restaurants. We'd live in a world where a half sandwich, the equivalent of a one-way ticket, might cost two times as much as a whole sandwich.


The airline way of doing business is unique岸few other businesses have as many rules and restrictions, taxes and fees, frustrations and disruptions. Not many other businesses have such varied and ever-changing pricing for their products. And rare is the business that hits its customers with penalties of hundreds of dollars.


Why so different? Airlines face a unique set of challenges, including easy world-wide comparison shopping, high equipment costs, complicated contract work rules, vulnerability to oil price swings and heavy government regulation. And most everything happens outdoors, whatever the weather.


The business has gotten far more complex in recent years as the joys of flying have diminished. Simplified pricing schemes have been tried and have failed. Fees and penalties that have generated revenue have been pushed higher and higher. The result: a $200 fee to change a domestic reservation.


'It's a really hard business,' said R. John Hansman, director of the International Center for Air Transportation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 'So much depends on many things beyond your control.'

麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)航空运输国际研究中心(International Center for Air Transportation)主任R.·约翰·汉斯曼(R. John Hansman)说:“它确实是一个艰难的行业,那么多事情都要取决于许多你无法控制的因素。”

The operation is so interconnected that one late flight can make three or four others late, and those delays reverberate all day. 'Someone messes up a sandwich, but there are not 40 other sandwiches messed up,' Dr. Hansman said.


Airline pricing is something consumers find maddening, but it makes other businesses envious. Many businesses would like to segment customers into different groups, with different prices based on ability to pay, says Jan Brueckner, an economist at the University of California, Irvine, who studies the airline industry.

航空公司的定价也是一件让消费者颇为恼火的事情,但这却让其他企业羡慕不已。加州大学尔湾分校(University of California, Irvine)研究航空业的经济学家简·布鲁克纳(Jan Brueckner)称,许多行业都乐于将顾客划分为不同群体,根据他们的支付能力制定不同的价格。

Grocery stores try with coupons, but airlines have taken this model to an extreme. 'It's as if the prices of cornflakes were being changed hour by hour on store shelves,' said Dr. Brueckner.


What if they were? We decided to conjure an alternate universe where airlines run everything:


Subwings Sandwich Shop


Prices at Subwings go up closer to lunchtime, when demand for sandwiches peaks. It may cost more to produce a sandwich with roast beef than tuna, but if the bankers across the street prefer tuna, it's going to be the most expensive sandwich on the menu.


Subwings pays close attention to competitors. If Joe's Subs dropped bologna from its menu, Subwings would quickly double the price on bologna sandwiches.

Subwings还会密切关注竞争对手。假如Joe's Subs将博洛尼亚香肠三明治从菜单中撤下,它就会把这种三明治的价格提高一倍。

At Subwings, customers must return their trays to an upright and locked position before departing.




Online shopping giant Airmazon.com employs a flotilla of computers to set the price of a pair of jeans. Those bought and worn on Tuesday and Wednesday in February are usually cheapest. Jeans intended as gifts in December cost more. If you want to wear the jeans right away, the price can be 10 times as much as jeans bought 30 days in advance. Any item purchased at any sort of discounted price will be nonreturnable, unless you pay a $200 exchange fee.


Airmazon has a customer loyalty program where points can be redeemed for merchandise, but your odds are better redeeming in slow sales months. Good luck trying to get popular jeans in July.


If Airmazon is late with delivery, the company won't be responsible if weather or traffic is to blame. If your jeans don't arrive because of a problem within Airmazon's control, the company lends you sweatpants.


Hotel L'Aire


You book a hotel room and what do you get? Four walls for the night.

你在酒店订了一间房间,你会获得什么?供你过夜的四面 。

Hotel L'Aire has made all amenities a la carte so customers only pay for what they use. They call it GuestMegaChoice. Want a bed with your room? That's an extra $50 per night. Plan to take a shower? There's a hot-water surcharge of $15 per 10-minute shower. A TV is included, but if you want to use it, you can either bring your own remote control or rent one for $3 a night.


At L'Aire, reserving a room of your choice in advance will cost you a $10 fee. You can pay $10 extra for early check-in. Want to ride priority elevators? $10, please. Checking out online is free, but talking to a desk clerk carries a $25 real-person fee.


The Newark Pilots

纽瓦克“飞行员”棒球队(The Newark Pilots)

At Pilots baseball games, the buyer must attach a name to the ticket, and the name can't change. This practice is to prevent one person or company from buying a whole season of tickets岸season-ticket packages aren't offered by the Pilots岸and then letting a lot of different people use them.


A policy of no name changes keeps groups that watch a lot of baseball, or resourceful entrepreneurs who might want to control ticket inventory, from buying up a lot of discount seats in advance and handing them out to others. (It's not a security rule: The Pilots, like some airlines, will change names on tickets, for a fee.)


Reselling Pilots tickets on StubHub is strictly prohibited. So is giving them to your buddy if you can't use them. The Pilots ticket office doesn't allow exchanges, either, unless you want to pay a change fee of $200 per ticket.


Occasionally, Pilots players arrive late for games or rain forces delays. No worry: The Pilots promise to keep you informed, though you can probably get better information on your smartphone.


Whole Fare Market

Whole Fare百货店

To cram more customers into the store, Whole Fare, a high-end grocery store, recently squeezed its aisles closer together. That created more aisles and more revenue per store. Shoppers have to turn sideways to get down the aisles, however, and only shoppers who enter the store first have enough room for carts.

为了把更多顾客塞进店内,高端百货店Whole Fare最近将通道排列得更加紧凑。这可使每家门店的通道数增加,还可带来更多收入。沿着通道走路时,消费者不得不转到侧旁,而且只有首先进店的那批顾客才有足够的空间推着购物车。

Shoppers complain they are cramped throughout their visit. Whole Fare recently set up wider rows for customers willing to pay higher prices. They call it 'Economy Extra,' even though the rows are the same width the store used to have when it opened.

顾客们抱怨在整个购物过程都感觉拥挤。于是,Whole Fare最近为愿意付更多钱的顾客安排了更宽的走道。他们把它称为“超级经济购物区”(Economy Extra),尽管那些通道只是和门店当初开张时的通道一样宽。

The company also launched a line of Regional Whole Fare Markets岸smaller stores run by contractors. Whole Fare says RWF stores allow the company to offer groceries to smaller communities not big enough to support a whole Whole Fare store. But its shoppers complain of higher prices, even smaller aisles and lost shopping bags.

该公司还开设了一批Whole Fare社区店,这些规模较小的门店由承包商经营。Whole Fare说,通过这些社区店,他们可以向规模不够大、不足以支撑一家完整的Whole Fare门店的小社区提供杂货。然而,到这些社区店购物的消费者抱怨它的商品售价更贵,走道还要更窄,而且他们的购物袋常常丢失。

Many customers say they are unnerved when a store employee calls out for people to 'prepare for final checkout.'


Wright Brothers Elementary

莱特兄弟小学(Wright Brothers Elementary)

All backpacks must fit into the school-issued cubby hole and must weigh less than 25 pounds. If a backpack weighs more, an excess-weight backpack fee will be charged. If there is no room in the cubby for the backpack, it will be checked until your last class of the day. Gym bags can be stored in gym lockers for a $25-per-bag fee, which is waived for starting varsity players and any student holding a platinum-level bus pass.


Beginning in the fall, a fee will also be collected for cubby-stored backpacks.



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