






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-31 10:30| 查看数: 999| 评论数: 0|

China will freeze investigations into European wine and polysilicon exports as part of a landmark settlement with Brussels to defuse a dispute over solar panels.


Beijing launched the investigations on the heels of the EU anti-dumping probe into Chinese-made solar panels, leading to speculation they were a form of retaliation.


The wine and polysilicon disputes will be left to inter-industry consultations until late next year, with Beijing freezing its own procedures in the meantime, according to a senior EU official.


The decision will offer comfort to winemakers in France, Italy and Spain, unnerved at the prospect of punitive tariffs against a key industry at a time when those economies are struggling.


It will also be a relief for Germany’s Wacker Chemie, a large supplier to China of polysilicon, the main ingredient in photovoltaic cells.

这也将让向中国提供多晶硅的德国大型生产商瓦克化学(Wacker Chemie)吃下宽心丸。多晶硅是光电池的主要组分。

It adds another meaty element to the EU-China solar panels deal announced on Saturday that was panned by European producers after months of difficult negotiations.


It was the EU’s biggest trade probe, based on the €21bn in solar products China shipped to the bloc in 2011, and the source of a tense showdown between two of the world’s chief trading partners.


Karel De Gucht, the EU trade commissioner, concluded last month that Chinese solar manufacturers were guilty of dumping, or selling products below cost, and imposed provisional duties of an average 47 per cent unless there was a settlement before August 6.

欧盟贸易专员卡洛•德古赫特(Karel de Gucht)上月认定,中国太阳能产品生产商在欧盟市场进行了倾销(即低于成本价出售产品),并决定对中国太阳能产品征收平均47%的临时性关税,除非双方在8月6日之前达成和解。

The deal centres on a commitment by about 90 Chinese solar companies, or about 60 per cent of the EU market, not to sell their products in the bloc below a price floor of 56 cents per watt to be spared duties.


The agreement is good for up to 7 gigawatts of production of an EU market that is expected to reach 10-12 gigawatts this year, and will last until the end of 2015.


Mr De Gucht welcomed the deal as “an amicable solution” that will help to stabilise a struggling solar market.


But the coalition of European solar manufacturers that filed the original complaint, EU ProSun, said they would challenge it at the general court in Luxembourg. Their chief complaint was that the minimum price was in line with current Chinese prices, and would do nothing to address dumping.

但是,最先提起诉讼的的欧盟太阳能生产商联盟——EU ProSun表示,他们将在位于卢森堡的欧盟常设法院(General Court)向该协议发起挑战。他们不满意的主要问题是,上述最低价与中国产品目前的价格相仿,将对反倾销毫无助益。

“This agreement is not a solution but a capitulation,” said Milan Nitzschke, EU ProSun’s president. It had expected a price of 80 cents per watt or more.

EU ProSun联盟主席米兰•尼兹西科(Milan Nitzschke)表示:“这项协议不是一个解决方案,而是投降。”该联盟原本期待最低价达到每瓦80欧分或更高。

EU officials conceded the minimum price was “not ideal”. But they argued that the 7-gigawatt limit would balance the deal by carving out 3-5 gigawatts for European manufacturers. “Everyone is focused on the minimum price, but for the European industry, the volume is more decisive,” an official explained.


Mr De Gucht was desperate to cut a deal after an unusual revolt raised the risk that member states might reject final duties in December leaving the commissioner empty-handed.


Chen Huiqing, head of the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, told state media most Chinese companies were satisfied with the outcome.


The official Xinhua news agency quoted industry officials as saying that competition among Chinese companies would intensify, and smaller producers lose out.



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