






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-1 11:00| 查看数: 739| 评论数: 0|

Decades in the making, Detroit’s slow-motion path towards bankruptcy is suddenly coming in a frightening rush for people like David McLeod.

对戴维•麦克劳德(David McLeod)等人来说,底特律几十年的缓慢破产之路突然加速非常可怕。

Days after the city filed for bankruptcy, the 52-year-old firefighter stood at an intersection with his wife and daughter, waving a placard and stuffing fliers through car windows protesting over public pension cuts.


“They are telling us we have to dig our own graves,” he said.


The announcement last week by Detroit’s emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, a Washington lawyer, that the city would file for bankruptcy has created predictable panic among some city workers. But the filing, the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history, has also triggered relief and hopes in some quarters for a fresh start after decades of decline, depopulation, factory closures and service cuts.

底特律紧急财政管理人、华盛顿律师凯文•奥尔(Kevyn Orr)最近宣布该市将提交破产申请,引发市政府的部分工人出现意料之中的恐慌。但也有人对这宗美国历史上规模最大的市政破产案感到如释重负,并对这座城市翻开新的一页产生期盼。几十年来底特律不断走下坡路,人口急剧减少,工厂大量倒闭,公共服务大幅削减。

“People are tired of relatives being left to die on their living room floors while waiting for emergency calls to be answered,” said Bill McGraw, of Deadline Detroit, a local news website.

底特律地方新闻网站Deadline Detroit的比尔•麦格劳(Bill McGraw)表示:“人们厌倦了亲人躺在起居室地板上奄奄一息,却打不通急救电话。”

The early days after the filing have so far been navigated deftly by Mr Orr, a bankruptcy specialist, who has calmly delivered the grim message that the city cannot pay its $18.6bn in debts.


The high profile of Mr Orr, an African-American, has helped sell a message that would have been much less palatable coming solely from the white Republican governor, Rick Snyder.

非裔美国人奥尔具有较高的知名度,由他宣布该消息比单单由密歇根州共和党人的白人州长里克•斯奈德(Rick Snyder)宣布更容易让人接受。

Detroit, a predominately black city, has long had a tense relationship with the state legislature, and also the predominately white, and wealthier, suburbs surrounding it.


“The racial hostility is intense and palpable. It is really hard to underestimate,” said Tom Sugrue, history professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的历史学教授汤姆•萨格鲁(Tom Sugrue)表示:“种族对立问题非常严重,而且显而易见。真的很难低估这种对立问题。”

Few leaders expect that Mr Orr can complete the bankruptcy in his ambitious timeframe of 15 months, as he will at the very least have to overcome multiple legal challenges from creditors.


He also faces tough negotiations with public sector unions – the city has 40 to 50 of them – whose members have the same fears as Mr McLeod: that their once generous retirement benefits will be decimated.


Mr Orr believes that the initial estimate of $3.5bn in pension fund liabilities included in the bankruptcy filing may be understated because of overly optimistic assumptions and questionable investments.


The unions dispute Mr Orr’s sums, saying they have been deliberately calculated to overestimate the shortfall and force their funds to merge with the state’s own pension system. For the likes of Mr McLeod, the implications are potentially devastating.


Mr Mcleod was looking forward to retirement in three years after a quarter-century’s employment, with a $30,000 annual pension and health benefits. Now he faces a sharply lower pension and the loss of his medical insurance.


The firefighters have been struggling for years with poor equipment and hiring freezes, with the slow drain on resources cutting their numbers in half. The average age of a Detroit firefighter is over 40.


The intersection on which Mr McLeod had posted himself this week was much like the city’s popular image, flanked on two corners by vast vacant lots overgrown with grass, and pockmarked by abandoned buildings and boarded-up bars.


But in the past decade, another Detroit has been taking shape, as entrepreneurs bring investment back into the city centre. For them, the bankruptcy means little, except a possible delay in their projects.


“It will place Detroit in the long term in a better position,” said Sue Mosey, a native of Detroit who has worked with the private sector to revitalise the midtown area. “The state would have had to have intervened anyway. The city does not have the resources to climb out of this itself.”

底特律本地人苏•莫西(Sue Mosey)表示:“从长期来看,这将让底特律处于更有利的地位。密歇根州本来也总得出手干预。底特律没有独自摆脱这种局面的资源。”莫西与私人部门合作,致力于重振底特律中城。

On Monday, one of Ms Mosey’s business partners, Richard Baron, a St Louis developer, announced a new $60m riverside apartment and retail development for Detroit.

莫西的一位合伙人、圣路易斯开发商理查德•巴伦(Richard Baron)最近宣布,在底特律新投资6000万美元建设河边公寓和零售区。

Detroit has tens of thousands of abandoned homes, but a shortage of livable ones, he says. It helped that the city gave Mr Baron the land, which had been sitting vacant for 20 years, for free for the riverside project, but he is building into a mini-boom.


But a mini-boom will not be enough to rescue the whole city, even if Mr Orr can restructure Detroit’s debts.


Most of greater Detroit, a huge sprawling area, is untouched by the downtown rejuvenation.



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