






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-1 19:27| 查看数: 689| 评论数: 0|

Hong Kong has long been known as a haven for Asians fleeing war and famine, but recently, the former British colony has been criticized for its stringent treatment of asylum seekers.


The city's asylum policy came under the spotlight with the arrival of the fugitive Edward Snowden, who left Hong Kong last month for Russia after he was sought and charged by the U.S. for releasing classified information from the National Security Agency.

香港的难民政策由于斯诺登(Edward Snowden)逃亡抵港而受到关注。他因公布美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)机密信息受到美国的追捕和指控,已于上月离开香港去往俄罗斯。

Now, under pressure from the city's top court, Hong Kong, which reverted back to Chinese rule in 1997, is changing the way it handles its asylum seekers.


The city government in the past had refused to handle many asylum requests, effectively outsourcing them to the local office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which helps relocate the refugees it recognizes outside Hong Kong.

港府以前一直拒绝受理很多庇护请求,而是将这项工作外包给联合国难民署(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)香港办事处。申请者如得到难民身份确认,该办事处会帮忙将其安置在香港以外的地方。

The city's reluctance to process asylum seekers on its own has been unique among developed jurisdictions, says Philip Karani, who heads Hong Kong's UNHCR office.

联合国难民署香港办事处负责人卡拉尼(Philip Karani)说,香港不愿自己处理申请避难者事宜,这是发达司法管辖地中非常独特的现象。

This month, though, Hong Kong said it would begin handling all asylum requests on its own by the end of the year, following the March court ruling.


The government how has set aside 450 million Hong Kong dollars (US$58 million) for the 2013-14 budget year to help create the unified system of processing. That money will also go to support funding for legal assistance and welfare assistance for refugees. Full details about the programs aren't yet available. There are no current plans for quotas.


The shift is unrelated to Mr. Snowden's appearance.


Mr. Snowden chose to leave Hong Kong because he feared he would be imprisoned while his extradition and potential asylum cases dragged out. He has been stuck in the transit zone of Moscow's airport evidently without travel documents, although he has been offered asylum by Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela.


Hong Kong's switch on refugees is drawing praise because it should shorten the yearslong waiting process for refugees and allow them to appeal rejections in court. But it has also drawn attention to the city's tough stance on refugees.


Forced by a prior court order, Hong Kong in 2004 agreed to start processing cases in one category of asylum requests: those where the asylum seekers claimed torture. Critics, though, say its track record on such cases has been poor. Indeed, since 2009, the city has approved only nine out of 3,504 processed cases, according to official data, an approval rate of just 0.3%.


The UNHCR in Hong Kong, which screens people fleeing from persecution and war, has an approval rate in Hong Kong of closer to 10%.


The two numbers aren't directly comparable because it is harder to prove a torture claim, which requires evidence the person might be tortured upon return.


Hong Kong's government says its screening mechanism is fair. 'The only reason that a torture claim is rejected is that there is no substantial ground to justify that the claimant will be in a danger of being subjected to torture,' a spokesman said. Even taking that difference into account, human-rights experts say Hong Kong's approval rate is extremely low.


Critics say Hong Kong's low approval rate is ironic, given the city's long history of embracing refugees, which after World War II made up as much as a third of its population.


After the Vietnam War, Hong Kong sheltered hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese refugees, allowing many to work and some to settle, despite protests claiming the Vietnamese were a burden on the city. 'I think the population is a bit scarred from the Vietnamese experience, because it created a lot of social chaos,' says Patricia Ho, a lawyer at the firm of Daly & Associates.

越南战争结束后,香港接纳了数十万越南难民,允许很多难民工作,一些难民定居下来,尽管有人抗议说越南难民对香港来说是个负担。帝理律师行(Daly & Associates.)的律师何?芝(Patricia Ho)说,我认为民众对越南难民涌入香港的那段经历仍心有余悸,因为当时制造了很多社会混乱。

Even if it does improve its record and approves more asylum requests, Hong Kong may still face criticism for how it treats both asylum seekers and recognized refugees.


Many developed countries allow refugees to hold jobs. Hong Kong technically allows refugees to work. But in practice, it has approved just one application in recent years, lawyers say, forcing thousands of people to live in poverty. Refugees without permission to work risk prison if caught taking a job.


Advocates for refugees note that Hong Kong is more welcoming to refugees than some other places in Asia. Singapore has said it can't take in any asylum seekers, given its small size and limited resources.


Still, lawyers say other developed Asian nations have better-developed systems to support refugees, including South Korea, which lets refugees work. 'Hong Kong can and should do more,' said Cosmo Beatson, co-founder of Vision First, a nonprofit working with refugees.

不过,律师们说,亚洲其他发达国家和地区拥有更先进的难民支持体系,包括韩国,韩国允许难民工作。难民非营利组织Vision First联合创始人彼特森(Cosmo Beatson)说,香港能够也应该做的更多。

Gada Djabo, 57, arrived in Hong Kong in 2011, on a business trip. Days later, conflict broke out in his home country, the Ivory Coast, over a disputed presidential election, and he still is in Hong Kong.

57岁的贾博(Gada Djabo) 2011年出差时来到香港。几天后,他的祖国科特迪瓦因备受争议的总统选举发生了冲突,他目前仍在香港。

When he was back home, Mr. Djabo says, he worked 17 years for the French bank Société Générale GLE.FR +1.40% . He says he lived in an eight-room house with a swimming pool, had three drivers and five cars, including his own personal blue Mercedes. Now he struggles to pay subway fares, living in a room slightly bigger than his bed. Every 10 days, he gets a government-donated chicken and consumes it sparingly, reheating it in a rice cooker to make it last.

贾博说,他在科特迪瓦的时候,曾为法资银行法国兴业银行(Societe Generale)工作了17年。他说,从前他住在一座有八个房间的房子里,家里有泳池,还有三名司机和五辆汽车,包括他自己的蓝色奔驰。而如今,他甚至买不起地铁票,住在一个比床大不了多少的房间里。每隔10天,他会得到政府捐助的鸡肉,他吃得很节省,为了多吃几顿,他把鸡肉放在电饭锅里反复加热。

More than anything, refugees like Mr. Djabo, whose asylum application was approved a year ago and is awaiting resettlement, say they want to work.


While Hong Kong provides periodic groceries to refugees and a HK$1,200 rent subsidy, the recipients say it isn't enough to survive in Hong Kong, which has some of the world's most expensive real estate. And the city's unemployment rate is a low 3.4%.


'Keeping people idle is not in the interest of any society,' says University of Hong Kong law professor Kelley Loper. 'It can create a lot of social unrest and people get desperate. I think other countries have clearly recognized that.'

香港大学(University of Hong Kong)法学教授罗恺丽(Kelley Loper)说,让人们闲着对任何社会都是不利的,这样可能产生很多社会不稳定,人们会变得绝望;我认为其他国家和地区已经清楚地认识到这一点。


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