






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-2 13:10| 查看数: 879| 评论数: 0|

Jumping down a steep evacuation slide from a burning airplane with people all around panicking isn't easy, and you need your arms and hands to help. Yet time after time, passengers evacuate toting suitcases, laptop computers and other valuables they apparently can't leave behind.


Images from the crash landing of Asiana Airlines 020560.SE +1.45% Flight 214 in San Francisco showed some dazed passengers fleeing the Boeing BA +0.16% 777 wreckage with carry-on bags and iPads. One even had two boxes of duty-free alcohol. Some ran in shoes with heels─another bad idea when survival is at stake.

韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)214次航班在旧金山落地时坠毁。相关图片显示,一些从这架波音777航班生还的乘客拿着他们的随身行李和iPad,茫然不知所措。甚至有一个人还带了两瓶盒装免税酒。还有些人穿着高跟鞋逃生,生命危在旦夕的时候,这样做也非常不妥。

'You have 90 seconds or less to evacuate. If people are worried about their luggage instead of the people behind them, it's a problem,'' said Leslie Mayo, communications coordinator for the Association of Professional Flight Attendants and a veteran American Airlines flight attendant.

美国职业空乘协会(Association of Professional Flight Attendants)公关协调员、美国航空公司(American Airlines)资深空乘人员梅奥(Leslie Mayo)说,逃生时间只有90秒,甚至更少,如果人们担心的是自己的行李而不是他人,这就是个大问题。

Flight attendants are trained to bark commands that get dazed and panicky passengers moving. At American, attendants train to yell 'Open seat belts! Leave everything! Come this way!'


There are multiple reasons to leave belongings behind. Grabbing bags out of overhead bins or from under seats can clog aisles and slow an evacuation. Jumping down a slide designed for rapid movement is jarring and often people clutching bags lose them. Items go flying into other evacuees, flight attendants say. And then there is the need for your arms and hands when you get to the bottom to brace against impact with the ground.


'You go down that slide faster than a ride at Six Flags,'' said Sara Nelson, international vice president at the Association of Flight Attendants.

美国职业空乘协会国际副总裁纳尔逊(Sara Nelson)说,坐逃生滑梯下滑的速度比六旗游乐园(Six Flags)过山车的速度还快。

Flight attendants are trained to make passengers drop bags at the door before they jump onto slides. But that means doorways get cluttered, potentially slowing evacuation. In a recent evacuation with a possible onboard fire at a U.S. airline, attendants took bags from exiting passengers and stacked them in a galley like cordwood, said Ms. Nelson, a United Airlines flight attendant.

训练有素的空乘人员会让乘客在机舱门口放下行李,然后再跳下滑梯。但这意味着门口会拥挤不堪,可能会减慢逃生速度。美国联合航空(United Airlines)的空乘人员纳尔逊说,前不久美国一架航班的机舱内可能出现火情,在进行人员疏散的过程中,空乘人员拿走乘客手里的行李,像堆积木一样堆在飞机上的厨房里。

Pointed heels on shoes can puncture inflated rubber slides, creating severe problems for people still on board. Some airlines train attendants to yell 'shoes off.' But many have given that up, concluding there is more benefit in passengers having shoes on and little threat to slides from the few in big heels, said AFA's Ms. Nelson.


Safety experts say that because cabins are filled with panic and chaos, people should practice simple evacuation steps on every flight so they can be ready. Reacting a half-second quicker could be a matter of life or death.


Unbuckling a seat belt, for example, isn't always intuitive in an emergency since automobile seat belts, more commonly used, have a push-button release and airplane seat belts have a latch to lift up. (That is why flight attendants are required to demonstrate the seemingly simple task of seat-belt use on planes.) A 2008 study by the U.K. Civil Aviation Authority found that 6% of passengers involved in 238 accidents world-wide got delayed in evacuation by seat-belt struggles.

例如,遇到紧急情况时,人们的本能并不总是解开安全带,因为更为常用的汽车座椅安全带配备的是下压按钮,按下此按钮可松开安全带,而飞机座椅安全带则是锁扣形式。(这也是为什么空乘人员须在飞机上演示貌似简单的安全带使用方法。)英国民航局(U.K. Civil Aviation Authority)2008年的一份研究报告发现,全球238起空难中,有6%的乘客因为无法顺利解开安全带而拖延了撤离时间。

On the US Airways LCC +0.59% Hudson River landing in 2009, only 10 of 150 passengers grabbed a life jacket before evacuating, and only about half took a seat cushion for flotation, according to the National Transportation Safety Board's report. All survived.

美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)的报告显示,全美航空(US Airways LCC)某航班2009年迫降哈德孙河时,在撤离前所有150名乘客中只有10名乘客拿了救生衣,只有约一半乘客拿了座椅垫作为漂浮物。机上所有人员均得以生还。

Emergency-evacuation training courses teach travelers to stay low when there is smoke and crawl if necessary. Counting the rows to the nearest exit before takeoff can be important so you know which way to go and how far it is. Instructors at a British Airways IAG.MC +1.18% evacuation course tell fliers that people who think about what to do in a crisis are the ones who get out first.

紧急逃生培训课会告诉旅行者,烟雾冒出时应低头弯腰,如有必要应匍匐而行。离开机舱前,应数一数座位排数,看离哪个出口最近,有些情况下这是非常重要的,因为这样你就知道应该选哪条路并且这条路有多远。英国航空公司(British Airways)逃生课教官告诉学生们,那些在首先逃出机舱的人都是事先思考一旦危机发生该怎么做的人。


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