






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-5 08:00| 查看数: 950| 评论数: 0|

A growing number of recalls for cars, medical devices and food illustrate one way China is addressing product quality concerns. Now, in a case that connects product defect problems, a distrusted medical system and official corruption, a Sichuan province university is recalling its diplomas.


Twice in recent months, according to a report by the 21st Century Business Herald, graduates in the Class of ’13 at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been asked to return their diplomas to fix defects: faulty signatures (in Chinese).


The problem is the people who signed the diplomas. First, the doctor who served as university president, Fan Xinjian, was detained on May 30 by Communist Party investigators for alleged discipline violations, according to the reports. Details of the party’s allegations against Mr. Fan aren’t known, but discipline violation is shorthand for alleged corruption.


Because Mr. Fan had signed the diplomas, the school replaced them with new certificates signed by its party secretary, a former hospital administrator named Zhang Zhongyuan. But on July 7, Mr. Zhang, too, was detained by party investigators under similar circumstances.


Neither Mr. Fan nor Mr. Zhang could be reached.


The accusations are unclear. On July 24, the school said both officials were removed from their positions (in Chinese).


The school is one of the country’s most prestigious in traditional medicine, with an enrollment of 22,000 graduate and undergraduate students. In addition to Mr. Fan and Mr. Zhang, Xinhua has reported detention of a number of top officials on the school’s huge business side (in Chinese), including Zuo Xiaojun, the general manager of an asset management company linked to the school. Mr. Zuo is also a board member of a company part owned by the school, Shenzhen-listed Chengdu Huasun Group (in Chinese).

成都中医药大学是中国最有名的中医药大学之一,在校研究生、本专科学生有2.2万人。据新华社报道,除了范昕建和张忠元,该校还有多位中层干部被纪检部门调查,其中包括左晓军,他是与该校有关的一家资产管理公司的总经理。左晓军还是该校参股的成都华神集团股份有限公司(Chengdu Huasun Group, 简称:华神集团)的董事,该公司在深圳上市。

Huasun, a maker of traditional Chinese medicine and steel, said in a statement July 12 Mr. Zuo is under investigation for “personal reasons” and his absence won’t impact the business.


The discipline inspection commission in Chengdu and the Party Committee of the Sichuan Province refused to comment. Chengdu University of Traditional Medicine is now on summer break and appropriate officials couldn’t be reached to comment in depth.


The link in the diploma case between poor product quality, confused medical credentials and official corruption has been too rich for China’s Internet users to ignore.


One commentator on Sina Corp.’s popular Weibo microblog service suggested the party’s detention of allegedly corrupt officials around China suggests the signature problem extends much further than university campuses. “How do they deal with the documents signed by Bo Xilai? That could give this medical school some reference,” the microblogger user wrote.


Mr. Bo, a disgraced former government high-flier, certainly put his name on awards and other such documents as head of China’s Commerce Ministry and Communist Party boss in the southwestern megacity of Chongqing.


Others were sympathetic with graduates. “When I imagine the kind of doctors who are educated here and are coming from such environment, I feel terrible,” wrote a user on Sina Corp.’s weibo service. “Society is a big corrupted pot. But now the schools are polluting those pure hearts.”


Some graduates from the previous four years when Mr. Fan was school president are now worried about the credibility of their diplomas that carry his signature.


“Fan’s name is on my diploma,” wrote one microblogger, who claimed to be a former student. “The year when I graduated Fan just assumed office. It is a stigma.”


The microblogger’s identity could not be verfied.


Now, the Class of ’13 apparently has fresh ink on its diplomas. But it’s not immediately clear who signed them. A person answering a telephone in the administration office on Thursday would say only, “The name on the diploma is approved from the top leaders.”



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