






发布者: Rebecca620 | 发布时间: 2013-8-8 18:32| 查看数: 838| 评论数: 0|


Asia is awash in rice, as favorable weather and government support for farmers combine to produce a bumper crop.


The glut is driving down prices for big rice importers in Africa and China. But consumers in some of the biggest rice-producing nations, including Thailand and India, are paying higher prices as surplus supplies sit in government warehouses. Asia's surplus will have little impact in the U.S., which produces different varieties of rice.


When traveling by train from New Delhi to neighboring states, a common sight in the countryside is rice piled high on wooden plinths, protected only by plastic tarps. In Thailand, the government has considered using a warehouse at the city's old airport to store rice because other storage facilities are full.


The surplus is the result of good weather and government programs that encourage rice growing. World rice stockpiles are expected to rise 2% this year, the ninth consecutive annual increase, according to the London-based International Grains Council.

造成水稻产量过剩的原因是良好的天气条件和政府鼓励水稻种植的计划。据伦敦国际谷物协会(International Grains Council)说,预计今年全球大米储量将上升2%,连续第九年出现增长。

Analysts see the glut getting worse. Thailand, a top exporter, is trying to sell some of its own 17 million-ton surplus, the result of a subsidy program in which the government bought rice from farmers at above-market prices. India, the world's biggest exporter, is expecting near-record harvests in a couple of months, as is Pakistan. Meanwhile, demand from large importers, including the Philippines and Nigeria, is dropping.


'If Thailand is successful in offloading its rice, it will certainly put downward pressure on prices,' said Darren Cooper, a senior economist with the International Grains Council.

国际谷物协会的高级经济学家库珀(Darren Cooper)说,如果泰国成功地处理掉过剩的大米,无疑将给价格带来下行压力。

The council's index of global rice prices fell to 200 on Friday, its lowest since September 2010 and down almost 5% this year. However, prices vary widely from country to country, because rice is largely sold where it is produced. Just 8% is traded internationally, compared with about 20% for wheat and 36% for soybeans.


In Vietnam's spot market, prices are down about 5% this year, with one of the most heavily traded varieties, 5% broken rice, trading at about $390 a ton. In Thailand, 5% broken rice for export trades at $475 a ton, down 16% this year.


The only widely traded rice futures contract, offered by CME Group Inc. and reflecting U.S. prices, is up 7% this year, ending Tuesday at $15.895 for 100 pounds. The two markets tend to move independently.

唯一广泛交易的大米期货合约较今年年初上涨了7%,周二收于每100磅15.895美元。该期货合约由芝加哥商业交易所控股公司(CME Group Inc.)提供,可以反映美国的价格。上述两个市场的走势通常是相互独立的。

The tightly regulated and fragmented rice market means consumers and the needy have seen little benefit from the oversupply. Some aid groups favor handouts before stocks deteriorate, while others said governments should encourage a move to other crops by cutting guaranteed prices to farmers.


While farmers have benefited in Thailand, prices in supermarkets there are up 10% since 2011 due to tight supply. Even as government stockpiles ballooned, traders in Thailand imported rice from Cambodia and Vietnam. The government, which is subsidizing farmers' income by buying rice at higher prices, is reluctant to sell it cheaply in the domestic market.


India's agricultural policies have had a similar impact on its domestic prices, economists said. 'I have three school-going children to feed, and its tough on me,' said Jaya, a housemaid, who lives in a single-room house in New Delhi's crowded Tughlakabad area and buys at least 22 pounds of rice each month.



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