






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-9 08:30| 查看数: 735| 评论数: 0|

Japan’s government is preparing to take a more direct role in the clean-up effort at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, in an ack-nowledgment that Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), the stricken plant’s operator, is struggling to solve a crisis over leaking contaminated water.

日本政府准备在福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)的清理工作中扮演更直接的角色,承认该受损电站的运营方东京电力公司(Tepco,简称东电)难以解决污水泄漏危机。

Officials said yesterday that Tokyo would fund an unprecedented operation to freeze the ground around sensitive parts of the plant, in order to prevent groundwater from seeping in and mixing with dangerously irradiated coolant water.


A toxic mix of runoff and coolant is flowing back out of the battered facility and into the ocean at a rate of about 300 tonnes a day, according to the environment ministry.


“This is a critical issue of strong interest to the Japanese people,” Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, said after a meeting of the government’s accident-response team. “Instead of leaving everything to Tepco, we need to create a firm national strategy.”

日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)在政府召开核灾害对策本部会议后表示:“这是一个与日本人民休戚相关的关键问题。不能将所有事情都交给东京电力公司处理,我们需要建立坚定的国家战略。”

Tepco has been criticised for failing to stop the leaks and for its slowness in disclosing the problem, which experts had first identified months ago. The utility’s miscues have revived memories of its widely condemned response to the tsunami-induced meltdowns of three reactors at Fukushima Daiichi in 2011.


A perception that it failed to provide clear explanations, and reflexively played down the extent of the damage, led to promises of greater transparency and a revamped “safety culture” – pledges that are under fresh scrutiny as a result of the leaks.


“Tepco’s actions are reactive and slow,” Kiyoshi Takasaka, a member of a committee of nuclear experts advising Fukushima prefecture, told Japanese media yesterday.

“东电的动作既被动又迟缓,”为福岛县提供咨询的核专家委员会委员Kiyoshi Takasaka昨天向日本媒体表示。

Other members of the committee called Tepco’s handling of the water problem “haphazard” and complained that the utility lacked a convincing containment strategy.


It was unclear how much of a threat the leaks, equivalent to 1,500 oil drums a day, posed to humans or the environment. Tepco and experts have said the im-pact on areas beyond the plant’s vicinity was probably tiny, since radioactive particles would be quickly dispersed into statistically harmless concentrations.


Still, the fact that Tepco has not been able to identify the source of the leaks, and the prospect that they could persist for months or years, has worried specialists and the public. The issue could influence a national debate on whether to allow the resumption of operations at dozens of other nuclear facilities that have been lying idle because of safety concerns.



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