






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-12 19:20| 查看数: 732| 评论数: 0|

Some people can move markets with a word. Vladislav Baumgertner, chief executive of potash producer Uralkali, caused upheaval in the world of fertilisers yesterday with his announcement that his company would quit the marketing cartel in which it participates. The move sent the share prices of potash producers tumbling. PotashCorp, K+S and Mosaic all fell about 20 per cent.

有些人只用说一句话,就能改变市场走势。钾肥生产商Uralkali首席执行官弗拉季斯拉夫·鲍姆加特纳(Vladislav Baumgertner)昨日宣布,Uralkali将退出原本所属的那个销售联盟(cartel)。此举引起化肥板块动荡,令多家钾肥生产商股价狂跌。加拿大钾肥(Potashcorp)、K+S和Mosaic股价均下跌20%左右。

Uralkali intends to market potash on its own and focus on expanding volumes. That is dreadful news for an industry that has traditionally managed prices by tightly controlling supply. Uralkali left the BPC export association having complained that it was in “deadlock”, blaming Belaruskali, another participant, for making deliveries outside their joint venture. By marketing potash directly, Mr Baumgertner said prices could fall from $400/tonne to below $300/tonne. A few years ago prices neared $900/tonne.


This is despite the fact that long-term demand remains intact. While some potash markets have softened this year, the global market is expected to expand about 5 per cent to 56m tonnes. And it should grow further as demand for meat in Asia drives the need for grain and fertiliser. Canada and eastern Europe, including Russia, are the biggest producers of potash, but Asia is the biggest consumer, accounting for about half of global demand.


If the industry shifts its focus to volumes, the highest-cost producers will suffer most. K+S, which produces potash in Germany at a cash cost of about $265/tonne, saw a 25 per cent drop in shares yesterday. Uralkali’s shares suffered too but it has more room to manoeuvre with cash costs below $100/tonne.


Cartels are anti-market. They work until a member defects. The end of the BPC cartel, if that is indeed what Mr Baumgertner’s move means, will signal the end of easy potash profits.



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