






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-19 17:15| 查看数: 774| 评论数: 0|

Top management roles at multinational corporations in Asia are typically held by Westerners. But not just any type of Westerner-regional directors and CEOs are also predominantly men.


While overall participation in the workplace and post-secondary degree attainment has become nearly equal for men and women in places like Hong Kong, the picture isn't the same for many multinational corporations in Asia.


There are 'some big challenges' in Asia when it comes to women's efforts to break through the glass ceiling, said Nick Marsh of executive-search firm Harvey NashHVN.LN 0.00%. 'Whereas in the States and Europe there are board development programs, they were not prevalent in Asia.'

高管猎头公司Harvey Nash的马什(Nick Marsh)说,在女性试图打破玻璃天花板方面,亚洲存在一些较大挑战,欧美则有董事会发展项目,这些项目在亚洲并不普遍。

Mr. Marsh believes multinational corporations in the region have a long way to go, but are still far more diverse than locally based companies. 'When I talk to more local companies in Hong Kong and China and ask if diversity is on their agenda, they'll typically say no. Many say they'll just choose the best person.'


In Hong Kong, just 2% of CEOs are women, according to McKinsey & Company's Women Matter report.

据麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Company)《女性至关重要》(Women Matter)报告显示,在香港仅有2%的首席执行长是女性。

The leadership trend mirrors the reality across the region more broadly, where women in Asia occupy just 1.1.% of CEO, CFO, country head and related positions, according to a 2012 Catalyst study.

这种领导者构成趋势反映出了亚洲更广泛地区的一个现实。非营利组织Catalyst 2012年进行的研究结果显示,在亚洲的首席执行长、首席财务长和国家领导者等相关职位中,女性占比仅为1.1%。

Asia's talent pool is affected by uneven local markets, which vary greatly in gender representation. In Japan, for instance, the McKinsey report finds women make up just 2% of board members, a situation that may be in part caused by a lack of available childcare.


'Women in the workforce have challenges that are different from men,' said Sylvia Lee, who heads Oracle Hong Kong. 'This has often resulted in women leaving the workforce midway through their career. We need to recognize that, and provide a good support network for them to encourage and motivate each other.'

甲骨文(Oracle)香港公司负责人Sylvia Lee说,女性在职场中遇到的挑战与男性不同,于是经常导致女性半途离职,我们需要认识到这个问题,为她们提供一个良好的支持网,使其相互鼓励,相互激励。

Women lacking confidence in their leadership ability may also be a driving factor in the gender disparity.


'Women do not put themselves forward at the same rate, and may exclude themselves from opportunities if they don't think they have 100% of the skills required,' said Mr. Marsh, 'whereas men may be more likely to put themselves forward if they think they've got at least 50% of the skills.'


While Hong Kong's top business leaders may be ahead of other parts of Asia, they are, on average, behind Europe and the U.S., and significantly farther behind parity, consultants say. According to the 30% Club, a group dedicated to increasing women's representation on boards, 40% of Hong Kong-listed issuers don't have female directors on their board, while another 37% list just one female director.

咨询人士说,香港商界领导者中女性比例可能高过亚洲其它地方,但一般落后于欧美,且远落后于平均水平。据致力于增加董事会女性比例的组织30% Club统计,40%的香港上市公司董事会中没有女性成员,37%的公司董事会中只有一名女性董事。

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange looks determined to break that trend. Effective September, it will ask companies to report on board diversity and have an explicit diversity policy. Louisa Wong, founder of Asia executive search firm Bó Lè Associates, believes the move might be helpful, but thinks real change will be driven by employees themselves and women leaders within organizations.

香港交易所(Hong Kong Stock Exchange)似乎决心要打破这一趋势,将从9月起要求上市公司汇报董事会多元化状况,并制定明确的多元化政策。亚洲高管猎头公司伯乐管理有限公司(Bo Le Associates)创始人黄慧仪(Louisa Wong)认为,此举或许会有所帮助,但真正的改变将来自员工自己和公司女性高管的推动。

Even at multinational corporations, the progress of women in senior leadership roles can be likened to an hourglass, said Mr. Marsh. 'You see a better pool of people at the top but it really thins out a level or two down from the CEO or board of directors.' Women make up a large number of entry-level positions, but often see waning representation at management levels.


Top executives will have to recognize that a more balanced management team could help drive success in business, said Mr. Marsh.


Brad Adams, human resources research director at advisory firm CEB, said many top companies are looking beyond the notion of diversity to the concept of 'inclusion management,' which emphasizes broad thinking, openness to new ideas, deeper understanding of customers or supply chains, and the diversity of markets.

咨询公司CEB人力资源研究主管亚当斯(Brad Adams)说,很多大公司已不满足于多元化概念,而是着眼于“包容管理”的概念。后者强调开阔思维、接受新观点、深入理解客户或供应链以及市场多样性。

But ending the gender disparity will require conscious effort. 'Diversity needs to be done proactively,' said Scott Price, president and CEO of Walmart Asia. 'It does not happen by default.'

但终结性别差异需要各方有意识的努力。沃尔玛(Walmart)亚洲总裁兼首席执行长贝思哲(Scott Price)说,多元化需要人们积极主动的努力,它不会自动形成。


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