






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-21 09:34| 查看数: 1069| 评论数: 0|

Companies seeking influence need to be careful they don't network themselves into bribery investigations.


An inquiry by U.S. securities regulators into whether J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. hired the children of some Chinese officials to win business is a fresh reminder of the risks around the practice of giving jobs to the well connected.

美国证券监管部门正在调查摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)是否通过雇用一些中国官员的子女来赢得业务,此事再次提醒人们需谨防聘用人脉广泛之人可能带来的风险。

The Justice Department has warned companies since at least the 1980s about hiring practices that appear to be attempts to curry favor with officials. In recent years, the U.S. has pursued several companies, including Tyson Foods Inc. and Daimler AG, for hiring relatives of foreign officials in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA.

自至少上世纪80年代起,美国司法部就因公司似乎为巴结官员而采取的招聘做法提出警告。近年来,美国因数家公司违反《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)雇用外国官员的亲属而追究其责任,其中包括泰森食品有限公司(Tyson Foods Inc.)和戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)。

The 1977 law bars companies from giving foreign officials money or a 'thing of value' in return for business. Daimler and Tyson settled their cases in 2010 and 2011, respectively.


So far, many of the government cases have included allegations of hiring relatives for no-show jobs -- as a way of concealing the transfer of cash to foreign officials.


But the probe by the Securities and Exchange Commission into J.P. Morgan's activities in China has to do with the bank's hiring of children of state officials, according to a person close to the bank. And it suggests the U.S. government is reaching further -- to cases in which the job itself is the prize offered to influence an official's decision.

不过,据一位与摩根大通关系密切的人士说,美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission,简称SEC)对摩根大通在华活动的调查重点是该行雇用中国政府官员子女的行为。情况表明,美国政府将进行更深入的调查,涉及到官员亲属的工作本身即是为影响官员的决策而向其提供的好处。

One U.S. official said on Monday that the government wouldn't even have to show a benefit was actually derived from a hire. 'Corrupt intent is the beginning and the end of the analysis,' the official said. 'It's what your intent was, not if you were successful.'


That view isn't universally held. Leo Cunningham, a law partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati who has represented companies in FCPA investigations, said that scenario presents 'epic proof problems for the government.'

并非所有人都持这种观点。美国律师事务所Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati的法律合伙人坎宁安(Leo Cunningham)说,这种设想会给政府带来大量的证据问题。他曾在涉及到《反海外腐败法》的调查中代表被调查公司。

'Even if the hiring may be motivated by a desire to curry favor with the foreign official, that doesn't mean the hiring is corrupt if everything else about the hiring is appropriate,' said Mr. Cunningham.


J.P. Morgan, which disclosed in a securities filing that it is responding to questions from an antibribery unit of the SEC about its hiring practices in Hong Kong, has said it is 'fully cooperating with regulators.' An SEC spokeswoman declined to comment.


Hiring relatives of prominent officials is a well-established practice -- not just in developing countries but in the U.S. as well -- and for lots of reasons, including broad experience and good educations, that don't have to involve a specific quid pro quo.


Gamal Mubarak, son of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, worked for a predecessor company to the current Bank of America Corp. early in his career. Jeb Bush and George Walker, the brother and cousin of President George W. Bush, worked at Lehman Brothers. Chelsea Clinton is a director at IAC/InterActive Corp., Barry Diller's Internet media holding company, and worked at hedge fund Avenue Capital. Li Wangzhi, the eldest son of former highflying Chinese politician Bo Xilai, who is about to go on trial on corruption charges, once worked at Citigroup Inc., a personal familiar with the matter said.

埃及前总统侯赛尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)之子贾迈勒•穆巴拉克(Gamal Mubarak)在职业生涯之初曾供职于现在的美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)的前身。美国前总统小布什(George W. Bush)的弟弟杰布•布什(Jeb Bush)和表亲乔治•沃克尔(George Walker)曾供职于雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)。切尔西•克林顿(Chelsea Clinton)在巴里•迪勒(Barry Diller)旗下互联网媒体控股公司IAC/InterActive Corp.任主管,还曾经就职于对冲基金Avenue Capital。知情人士说,前中国高官薄熙来的长子李望知曾经就职于花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)。薄熙来即将因腐败指控出庭受审。

A Citigroup spokeswoman said the bank 'has well established global procedures on hiring and these are no different in China, where we ensure that any candidate for any position is assessed on their relative merits in relation to the position they are being considered for.'


Bank of America declined to comment. Representatives for IAC and Avenue Capital had no comment.

美国银行拒绝置评。IAC和Avenue Capital的代表不予置评。

Factors that would help a company fend off bribery inquiries would include proof that there was a vacant position to start with (as opposed to the company having created a new position for the official's relative); that the relative was qualified to fill it; and that the relative performed the duties of the position satisfactorily, legal experts said.


'Employers need to be aware that the SEC and the DOJ interpret 'thing of value' very broadly,' said Daniel O'Connor, a partner at Ropes & Gray LLP who represents financial firms in FCPA probes. But Mr. O'Connor said companies shouldn't be 'put in a box' for making hires that are both legitimate and good for business.

瑞格律师事务所(Ropes & Gray LLP)的合伙人奥康纳(Daniel O'Connor)说,雇主们需要了解,SEC和司法部对于“贵重物品”的解释非常宽泛。奥康纳在反海外腐败法的调查中代表金融公司。但他说,企业在进行有利于业务的正当招聘时不应缚手缚脚。

In the Tyson case, which was settled in 2011, the Justice Department alleged that the company placed the wives of Mexican government veterinarians on its payroll even though the wives didn't perform any services for Tyson. The veterinarians were responsible for certifying Tyson products for export, according to settlement documents.


Daimler was accused of paying the wife of a Chinese official through a sham consulting contract in return for a bid to sell commercial vehicles to the Chinese government. The company, which admitted wrongdoing, settled the allegations with the Justice Department in 2010.


The federal government alleged Siemens hired the daughter of a telecommunications regulatory official in Bangladesh, as well as the nephew of an official in the country's telecommunications ministry, in return for a project contract. Siemens settled the allegations and others in 2008, agreeing to pay $800 million to the SEC and Justice Department, the largest penalty to date in an FCPA case.


A Tyson spokesman pointed to a statement from 2011 which said the company voluntarily reported that improper payments had been made in 2011 to two Mexican government veterinarians directly and through their spouses.


Representatives for Daimler and Siemens didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.


NCR Corp., best known for making ATMs, has faced similar allegations. As previously reported by the Wall Street Journal, an anonymous tipster has alleged NCR hired the sister of an official at Oman's state-run telecommunications company in 2004, around the time the country's state-controlled telecommunications company awarded NCR's Oman unit a $17.3 million contract.

以生产ATM机闻名的NCR Corp.也曾面临类似的指控。此前据《华尔街日报》报道,一名匿名爆料人称NCR在2004年雇用了阿曼国有电信公司一位官员的妹妹,雇用时间刚好在这家电信公司授予NCR旗下阿曼子公司一个规模1,730万美元合同的前后。

The official, Ali Abdulamir Abduwani, who is now a private consultant, said in an interview his sister's hiring at NCR had 'nothing to do' with it getting the contract with Omantel. NCR is currently being investigated by the Justice Department and the SEC for possible violations of the FCPA, and has said it is cooperating with the probes and conducted its own internal investigation. NCR previously declined to address the hiring of Mr. Abuduwani's sister, and an NCR spokesman didn't immediately respond to requests for comment on Monday.

这位名叫阿卜杜瓦尼(Ali Abdulamir Abduwani)的官员在一次采访中说,他的妹妹被NCR雇用一事与NCR获得Omantel的合同“毫无关系”。阿卜杜瓦尼目前是一位私人顾问。NCR目前正在接受美国司法部和SEC的调查,调查就该公司是否触犯了《反海外腐败法》展开。NCR已表示,正在配合调查,同时也在进行内部调查。NCR此前拒绝就阿卜杜瓦尼妹妹被雇用一事置评。周一NCR的发言人未立即回复记者寻求置评的请求。

Ryan McConnell, a former federal prosecutor who has handled FCPA matters, said that the SEC would be looking for documents that establish some sort of quid pro quo or improper benefit was derived from the hire, or, failing that, a witness who could testify there was a corrupt intent.

曾处理过《反海外腐败法》案件的前美国联邦检察官麦康奈尔(Ryan McConnell)说,SEC将寻找能够证实相关雇用存在利益交换或者产生不当利得的文件,如果找不到这样的文件,该委员会将寻找能够证明相关雇用存在腐败意图的证人。

'I'd be looking for any benefit they got around the time they were hired, say a contract or award that was given right after you hired these people,' said Mr. McConnell, now a partner at McConnell Sovany LLP. 'Once I found a benefit, I'd try to find a nexus between the hire and the benefit.'

麦康奈尔说,我会寻找雇用时间前后相关公司收到的任何利益,比如刚好在你雇用这些人之后获得的合同或者回报。他说,一旦发现一项利益,我就会试图找到相关雇用与这项利益之间的关系。麦康奈尔目前是McConnell Sovany LLP.的合伙人。

U.S. companies have long been on notice that the practice of hiring relatives of foreign officials requires careful consideration. About 30 years ago, the Justice Department received a request for legal advice from an American company seeking to hire a marketing firm whose principals were related to the head of state of a foreign country.


In a 1984 opinion, which omitted the name of the company and other identifying details, the Justice Department said it wouldn't prosecute the company for hiring the firm, given that it had carefully vetted the marketing firm's qualifications and made the marketing firm promise in writing that it wouldn't pass on any funds to foreign officials.



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