






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-23 17:00| 查看数: 795| 评论数: 0|

Li & Fung says the worst is behind it after first-half profits dropped 70 per cent, although its full-year outlook is clouded by poor visibility on shipments in the US and the slowdown in China, where it has been building up its distribution business, writes Paul J Davies.

利丰(Li & Fung)表示,上半年利润下跌70%之后,其已告别最糟糕时刻,尽管其全年业务前景仍有不确定性,主要是有关美国出货量和中国经济放缓的前景不明。该公司正在中国构建配送业务。

The supplier to Walmart and Target stores has been battling to turn round its US distribution business after it identified a series of problems late last year that led it to replace senior management, discontinue businesses and focus on cutting costs.


The company’s profits attributable to shareholders after tax were down to $96m in the first half, versus $312m in the same period last year. This result was far behind the $150m consensus of expectations among analysts, according to a Reuters poll.


Shares in Li & Fung, which is part of the wider Fung Group, encompassing brands including former military tie-maker Kent & Curwen, have plummeted this year since it issued a profit warning in January. The shares rose 14 cents yesterday to HK$10.54 before the results were released, but they are still down 27.5 per cent since the start of the year.

自今年1月发布利润预警以来,利丰股价大幅下跌。昨日该股在业绩发布之前上涨14分,至每股10.54港元,但今年迄今累计下跌27.5%。利丰是冯氏集团(Fung Group)成员,后者旗下品牌包括前军服领带厂商Kent & Curwen。

“Following a disappointing year in 2012, we believe the worst is behind us,” the company said. Ahead of its results, Li & Fung said first-half earnings would make up 20-25 per cent of its full-year results, but its uncertain outlook for the final quarter, particularly in the US, was likely to cast some doubt on that.


“Can they deliver three to four times the earnings of the first half in the rest of the year? They say themselves US shipments in the fourth quarter are uncertain,” one analyst said.


The US is important to Li & Fung’s business, representing 61 per cent of group turnover. It said US retailers had adopted a more cautious approach to winter sales this year, making visibility of fourth-quarter shipments in its US business uncertain.


Asia has been increasing in importance versus Europe – the region represented 14 per cent of its revenues in the first half, up from 9 per cent last year. Part of this was down to its growing business of distribution to Chinese retailers. However, the China slowdown is causing some concern.


“While we continue to build out our Asia wholesale and distribution platform?.?.?.? we are taking a more cautious approach in our expansion plan given the recent slowdown in China,” it said.



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